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Al-Qur'an Surah At-Tawbah Verse 65

At-Tawbah [9]: 65 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

وَلَىِٕنْ سَاَلْتَهُمْ لَيَقُوْلُنَّ اِنَّمَا كُنَّا نَخُوْضُ وَنَلْعَبُۗ قُلْ اَبِاللّٰهِ وَاٰيٰتِهٖ وَرَسُوْلِهٖ كُنْتُمْ تَسْتَهْزِءُوْنَ (التوبة : ٩)

And if
you ask them
surely they will say
we were
and playing"
"Is it Allah
and His Verses
and His Messenger
(that) you were


Wala'in sa altahum layaqoolunna innamaa kunnaa nakhoodu wa nal'ab; qul abillaahi wa 'Aayaatihee wa Rasoolihee kuntum tastahzi'oon (QS. at-Tawbah:65)

English / Sahih Translation:

And if you ask them, they will surely say, "We were only conversing and playing." Say, "Is it Allah and His verses and His Messenger that you were mocking?" (QS. At-Tawbah, ayah 65)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

And if you ask them, they will say, “We were just chatting and having fun.” Say, “Is it of Allah and His verses and His Messenger that you were making fun?”

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

If you question them, they will certainly say, “We were only talking idly and joking around.” Say, “Was it Allah, His revelations, and His Messenger that you ridiculed?”

Ruwwad Translation Center

If you question them, they will surely say, “We were only indulging in idle talk and playing.” Say, “Was it Allah, His verses and His Messenger that you were mocking?”

A. J. Arberry

And if thou questionest them, then assuredly they will say, 'We were only plunging and playing.' Say: 'What, then were you mocking God, and His signs, and His Messenger?

Abdul Haleem

yet if you were to question them, they would be sure to say, ‘We were just chatting, just amusing ourselves.’ Say, ‘Were you making jokes about God, His Revelations, and His Mes-senger?

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

Shouldst thou question them, they will surely say:: we were only plunging about and playing. Say thou: was it Allah and His signs and His apostle that ye have been mocking?

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

If thou dost question them, they declare (with emphasis); "We were only talking idly and in play." Say; "Was it at Allah, and His Signs, and His Messenger, that ye were mocking?"

Abul Ala Maududi

Should you question them what they were talking about, they would certainly say: "We were merely jesting and being playful." Tell them: "Was it Allah and His revelation and His Messenger that you were mocking?"

Ahmed Ali

But if you ask them, they will say: "We were only gossiping and jesting." You ask them: "Were you jesting with God, His revelations and His messengers?"

Ahmed Raza Khan

And if you ask them, they will say, “We were just having fun and pastime”; say, “What! You mock at Allah and His verses and His Noble Messenger?”

Ali Quli Qarai

If you question them [regarding their conduct], they will surely say, ‘We were just gossiping and amusing ourselves.’ Say, ‘Were you deriding Allah, His signs, and His apostles?

Ali Ünal

If you ask them (about what they were saying), they will say: "We were merely jesting and being playful." Say: "Was it God and His Revelations and His Messenger that you were mocking?"

Amatul Rahman Omar

And if you (thereupon) ask them (to explain their conduct) they will certainly say, `We were talking idly and just making a jest.´ Say, `Is it of (the Almighty Being like) Allâh and His revelations and His Messenger that you (dare to) talk so lightly (could you find none else for the purpose!).

English Literal

And if (E) you asked/questioned them, they will say (E): "But we were plunging into/engaging in conversation and we were playing/amusing ." Say: "Is with/by God and His evidences/verses , and His messenger you were mocking ?"

Faridul Haque

And if you ask them, they will say, "We were just having fun and pastime"; say, "What! You mock at Allah and His verses and His Noble Messenger?"

Hamid S. Aziz

But if you should ask them, they will say, "We did but talk and jest." Say, "Was it at Allah and His revelations, and His Messenger, that you mocked?"

Hilali & Khan

If you ask them (about this), they declare: "We were only talking idly and joking." Say: "Was it at Allah, and His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and His Messenger (SAW) that you were mocking?"

Maulana Mohammad Ali

The hypocrites fear lest a chapter should be sent down concerning them, telling them plainly of what is in their hearts. Say: Go on mocking, surely Allah will bring to light what you fear.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And if you should question them, they would certainly say: We were only idly discoursing and sporting. Say: Was it at Allah and His communications and His Apostle that you mocked?

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

And if thou ask them (O Muhammad) they will say: We did but talk and jest. Say: Was it at Allah and His revelations and His messenger that ye did scoff?

Muhammad Sarwar

If you question them about their manners, they say, "We were only arguing for the sake of amusement." Ask them, "Were you mocking God, His revelations, and His Messenger?"

Qaribullah & Darwish

If you question them, they will say: 'We were only plunging and playing' Say: 'Were you mocking Allah, His verses, and His Messenger?

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

If you ask them (about this), they declare: "We were only talking idly and joking." Say: "Was it at Allah, and His Ayat and His Messenger that you were mocking"

Wahiduddin Khan

If you ask them, they will say, "We were only joking and playing with words." Say, "Would you make a mockery of God and of His Revelations and of His Messenger?

Talal Itani

If you ask them, they will say, “We were just joking and playing.” Say, “Were you making jokes about God, His revelations, and His Messenger?”

Tafsir jalalayn

And if (la-in; the lm is for oaths) you question them, about their mockery of you and of the Qur'n while they were journeying with you towards Tabk, assuredly they will say, making excuses; `We were only engaging [in idle talk] and jesting', in conversation, in order to pass [the time of] the road, and we did not mean it. Say, to them; `Were you then mocking God, and His signs, and His Messenger?

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

The Hypocrites rely on False, Misguided Excuses

Allah said,

وَلَيِن سَأَلْتَهُمْ لَيَقُولُنَّ إِنَّمَا كُنَّا نَخُوضُ وَنَلْعَبُ قُلْ أَبِاللّهِ وَايَاتِهِ وَرَسُولِهِ كُنتُمْ تَسْتَهْزِوُونَ

If you ask them (about this), they declare;"We were only talking idly and joking."

Say;"Was it at Allah, and His Ayat and His Messenger that you were mocking!"

Abdullah bin Umar said,

"During the battle of Tabuk, a man was sitting in a gathering and said, `I have never seen like these reciters of ours! They have the hungriest stomachs, the most lying tongues and are the most cowardice in battle.'

A man in the Masjid said, `You lie. You are a hypocrite, and I will surely inform the Messenger of Allah.'

This statement was conveyed to the Messenger of Allah and also a part of the Qur'an was revealed about it."'

Abdullah bin Umar said,

"I have seen that man afterwards holding onto the shoulders of the Messenger's camel while stones were falling on him, declaring, `O Allah's Messenger! We were only engaged in idle talk and jesting,' while the Messenger of Allah was reciting,

أَبِاللّهِ وَايَاتِهِ وَرَسُولِهِ كُنتُمْ تَسْتَهْزِوُونَ

'Was it at Allah, and His Ayat and His Messenger that you were mocking."'

Allah said