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Al-Qur'an Surah Ash-Shu'ara Verse 154

Ash-Shu'ara [26]: 154 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

مَآ اَنْتَ اِلَّا بَشَرٌ مِّثْلُنَاۙ فَأْتِ بِاٰيَةٍ اِنْ كُنْتَ مِنَ الصّٰدِقِيْنَ (الشعراء : ٢٦)

(are) except
a man
like us
so bring
a sign
(are) of
the truthful"


Maaa anta illaa basharum mislunaa faati bi Aayatin in kunta minas saadiqeen (QS. aš-Šuʿarāʾ:154)

English / Sahih Translation:

You are but a man like ourselves, so bring a sign, if you should be of the truthful." (QS. Ash-Shu'ara, ayah 154)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

You are nothing but a human like us. So, bring a sign if you are one of the truthful.”

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

You are only a human being like us, so bring forth a sign if what you say is true.”

Ruwwad Translation Center

You are but a human like us, so bring a sign if you are one of the truthful.”

A. J. Arberry

thou art naught but a mortal, like us; then produce a sign, if thou art one of the truthful.'

Abdul Haleem

You are nothing but a man like us. Show us a sign, if you are telling the truth.’

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

Thou art but a human being like unto us. So bring thou a sign if thou art of the truth-tellers.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

"Thou art no more than a mortal like us; then bring us a Sign, if thou tellest the truth!"

Abul Ala Maududi

you are no different from a mortal like us. So produce a sign if you are truthful."

Ahmed Ali

You are nothing but a man like us. Bring us a token if you speak the truth."

Ahmed Raza Khan

“You are just a human like us; therefore bring some sign if you are truthful.”

Ali Quli Qarai

You are just a human being like us. So bring us a sign, should you be truthful.’

Ali Ünal

"You are but a mortal like us, so produce a sign if you are truthful (in your claim of Messengership)."

Amatul Rahman Omar

`You are nothing but a human being like ourselves. So bring (us) a sign if you are of the truthful.´

English Literal

You are not except (a) human equal/alike to us , so come/bring with an evidence/sign/verse if you were from the truthful.

Faridul Haque

“You are just a human like us; therefore bring some sign if you are truthful.”

Hamid S. Aziz

They said, "You art only of the bewitched;

Hilali & Khan

"You are but a human being like us. Then bring us a sign if you are of the truthful."

Maulana Mohammad Ali

Who make mischief in the land and act not aright.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

You are naught but a mortal like ourselves; so bring a sign if you are one of the truthful.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

Thou art but a mortal like us. So bring some token if thou art of the truthful.

Muhammad Sarwar

You are a mere mortal like us. Show us a miracle if you are telling the Truth".

Qaribullah & Darwish

You are but a human like ourselves. Produce for us a sign, if you are of the truthful'

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

"You are but a human being like us. Then bring us a sign if you are of the truthful."

Wahiduddin Khan

You are only a human being like ourselves. Show us a sign, if you are telling the truth."

Talal Itani

You are nothing but a man like us. So bring us a sign, if you are truthful.

Tafsir jalalayn

And, moreover, you are just a human being like us. So bring [us] a sign, if you are sincere', in your Mission.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

مَا أَنتَ إِلاَّ بَشَرٌ مِّثْلُنَا

You are but a human being like us.

meaning, `how can you receive Revelation when we do not!'

This is like the Ayah where they are described as saying;

أَءُلْقِىَ الذِّكْرُ عَلَيْهِ مِن بَيْنِنَا بَلْ هُوَ كَذَّابٌ أَشِرٌ

سَيَعْلَمُونَ غَداً مَّنِ الْكَذَّابُ الاٌّشِرُ

"Is it that the Reminder is sent to him alone from among us! Nay, he is an insolent liar!"

Tomorrow they will come to know who is the liar, the insolent one! (54;26-27)

فَأْتِ بِأيَةٍ إِن كُنتَ مِنَ الصَّادِقِينَ

Then bring us a sign if you are of the truthful.

Then they asked him for a sign to prove that what he brought to them from their Lord was the truth. A crowd of them gathered and demanded that he immediately bring forth from the rock a she-camel that was ten months pregnant, and they pointed to a certain rock in their midst.

Allah's Prophet Salih made them promise that if he responded to their request, they would believe in him and follow him. So they agreed to that.

The Prophet of Allah Salih, peace be upon him, stood and prayed, then he prayed to Allah to grant them their request. Then the rock to which they had pointed split open, revealing a she-camel that was ten months pregnant, exactly as they had requested.

So some of them believed, but most of them disbelieved.

قَالَ هَذِهِ نَاقَةٌ لَّهَا شِرْبٌ وَلَكُمْ شِرْبُ يَوْمٍ مَّعْلُومٍ