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Al-Qur'an Surah Ibrahim Verse 22

Ibrahim [14]: 22 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

وَقَالَ الشَّيْطٰنُ لَمَّا قُضِيَ الْاَمْرُ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ وَعَدَكُمْ وَعْدَ الْحَقِّ وَوَعَدْتُّكُمْ فَاَخْلَفْتُكُمْۗ وَمَا كَانَ لِيَ عَلَيْكُمْ مِّنْ سُلْطٰنٍ اِلَّآ اَنْ دَعَوْتُكُمْ فَاسْتَجَبْتُمْ لِيْ ۚفَلَا تَلُوْمُوْنِيْ وَلُوْمُوْٓا اَنْفُسَكُمْۗ مَآ اَنَا۠ بِمُصْرِخِكُمْ وَمَآ اَنْتُمْ بِمُصْرِخِيَّۗ اِنِّيْ كَفَرْتُ بِمَآ اَشْرَكْتُمُوْنِ مِنْ قَبْلُ ۗاِنَّ الظّٰلِمِيْنَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ اَلِيْمٌ (ابراهيم : ١٤)

And will say
the Shaitaan
has been decided
the matter
promised you
a promise
(of) truth
And I promised you
but I betrayed you
But not
I had
I had
over you
I invited you
and you responded
to me
So (do) not
blame me
but blame
(can) I
(be) your helper
and not
you (can)
(be) my helper
Indeed, I
[of what]
your association of me (with Allah)
the wrongdoers
for them
(is) a punishment


Wa qaalash Shaitaanu lammaa qudiyal amru innal laaha wa'adakum wa'dal haqqi wa wa'attukum faakhlaftukum wa maa kaana liya 'alaikum min sultaanin illaaa an da'awtukum fastajabtum lee falaa taloomoonee wa loomooo anfusakum maaa ana bimusrikhikum wa maaa antum bimusrikhiyya innee kafartu bimaaa ashraktumooni min qabl; innaz zaalimeena lahum azaabun aleem (QS. ʾIbrāhīm:22)

English / Sahih Translation:

And Satan will say when the matter has been concluded, "Indeed, Allah had promised you the promise of truth. And I promised you, but I betrayed you. But I had no authority over you except that I invited you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; but blame yourselves. I cannot be called to your aid, nor can you be called to my aid. Indeed, I deny your association of me [with Allah] before. Indeed, for the wrongdoers is a painful punishment." (QS. Ibrahim, ayah 22)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

The Satan will say when the matter will have been decided, “Allah promised you a truthful promise while I gave you a promise and did not fulfill it. I had no authority over you, except that I invited you and you accepted my call. So, do not blame me, but blame yourselves. Neither I can come to your help, nor can you come to my help. I disown your associating me with Allah in the past. Surely, there is a painful punishment for the unjust.”

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.”

Ruwwad Translation Center

Satan will say when the matter is finally decided, “Allah gave you a true promise; I also gave you promise, but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you, except that I called you and you responded to me. So do not blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannot rescue you, nor can you rescue me. I deny your previous association of me with Allah. Indeed, for the wrongdoers there will be a painful punishment.”

A. J. Arberry

And Satan says, when the issue is decided, 'God surely promised you a true promise; and I promised you, then I failed you, for I had no authority over you, but that I called you, and you answered me. So do not blame me, but blame yourselves; I cannot aid you, neither can you aid me. I disbelieved in your associating me with God aforetime.' As for the evildoers, for them awaits a painful chastisement;

Abdul Haleem

When everything has been decided, Satan will say, ‘God gave you a true promise. I too made promises but they were false ones: I had no power over you except to call you, and you responded to my call, so do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I reject the way you associated me with God before.’ A bitter torment awaits such wrongdoers,

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

And the Satan will say, When the affair hath been decreed: verily Allah promised you a promise of truth; and I promised you, then I failed; and I had over you no authoyourity, save that I called you and ye answered me; wherefore reproach not but reproach yourself. I am not me going to succour you nor are ye going to succour me: verily I disbelieve in your having associated me afore. Verily the wrong-doers! for them is a torment zfflictive.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

And Satan will say when the matter is decided; "It was Allah Who gave you a promise of Truth; I too promised, but I failed in my promise to you. I had no authority over you except to call you but ye listened to me; then reproach not me, but reproach your own souls. I cannot listen to your cries, nor can ye listen to mine. I reject your former act in associating me with Allah. For wrong-doers there must be a grievous penalty."

Abul Ala Maududi

After the matter has been finally decided Satan will say: "Surely whatever Allah promised you was true; as for me, I went back on the promise I made to you. I had no power over you except that I called you to my way and you responded to me. So, do not blame me but blame yourselves. Here, neither I can come to your rescue, nor can you come to mine. I disavow your former act of associating me in the past with Allah. A grievous chastisement inevitably lies ahead for such wrong-doers."

Ahmed Ali

When the reckoning is over Satan will say: "The promise that was made to you by God was indeed a true promise; but I went back on the promise I had made, for I had no power over you except to call you; and you responded to my call. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. Neither can I help you nor can you give me help. I disavow your having associated me earlier (with God). The punishment for those who are wicked is painful indeed."

Ahmed Raza Khan

And Satan will say when the matter has been decided, “Indeed Allah had given you a true promise – and the promise I gave you, I made it untrue to you; and I had no control over you except that I called you and you obeyed me; so do not accuse me, blame only yourselves; neither can I help you, nor can you help me; I have no concern with your ascribing me as a partner (to Allah); indeed for the unjust is a painful punishment.”

Ali Quli Qarai

When the matter is all over, Satan will say, ‘Indeed Allah made you a promise that was true and I [too] made you a promise, but I failed you. I had no authority over you, except that I called you and you responded to me. So do not blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannot respond to your distress calls, neither can you respond to my distress calls. Indeed I disavow your taking me for [Allah’s] partner aforetime. There is indeed a painful punishment for the wrongdoers.’

Ali Ünal

And Satan will say, when the matter is decided: "Surely God promised you something that was bound to come true; I too promised but I failed you. And I had no power over you, except that I appealed to you, and you answered me. So do not blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannot respond to your cry for help, nor can you respond to my cry for help. I reject your associating me as a partner with God (in belief or worship) in the past." Surely, for the wrongdoers (who have wronged and ruined themselves by denying God or associating partners with Him) there is a painful punishment.

Amatul Rahman Omar

When the judgment (of God) has been passed (and matter decided), satan will say (to these people), `Verily, Allâh made you a true promise, and I (also) made you a promise but I failed you. I had no authority over you, however, I called you and you obeyed me. Therefore blame me not (now) but you should blame your ownselves. I can render you no help, nor can you render me any help. In as much as your associating me as partner (with God), I have already declared that I have nothing to do with it. As for the wrong doers, there awaits them a grievous punishment.´

English Literal

And the devil said when the matter/affair/order/command was passed/judged : "That God promised you, the truth`s promise, and I promised you, so I broke the promise to you, and (there) was not from a power/control to me on you except that I called you, so you answered/replied to me, so do not blame/reprimand me and blame/reprimand yourselves, I am not with aiding you (a savior), and you are not with aiding me, that I disbelieved with what you made me a partner (with God) from before. That the unjust/oppressive, for them (is) a painful torture."

Faridul Haque

And Satan will say when the matter has been decided, "Indeed Allah had given you a true promise - and the promise I gave you, I made it untrue to you; and I had no control over you except that I called you and you obeyed me; so do not accuse me, blame only yourselves; neither can I help you, nor can you help me; I have no concern with your ascribing me as a partner (to Allah); indeed for the unjust is a painful punishment."

Hamid S. Aziz

And Satan says, when the affair is decided, "Verily, Allah promised you a promise of truth; I, too, promised and failed you. I had no authority over you, except to call you, and you did hearken unto me; then blame me not, but blame yourselves; I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I disbelieved before in your associating me as partner with Allah (or rebelled against Allah with whom you associated me as partner); verily, for wrong-doers there must be grievous woe!"

Hilali & Khan

And Shaitan (Satan) will say when the matter has been decided: "Verily, Allah promised you a promise of truth. And I too promised you, but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I called you, so you responded to me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I deny your former act in associating me (Satan) as a partner with Allah (by obeying me in the life of the world). Verily, there is a painful torment for the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.)."

Maulana Mohammad Ali

And they will all come forth to Allah, then the weak will say to those who were proud: We were your followers can you then avert from us aught of the chastisement of Allah? They will say: If Allah had guided us, we would have guided you. It is the same to us whether we cry or bear patiently; there is no escape for us.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And the Shaitan shall say after the affair is decided: Surely Allah promised you the promise of truth, and I gave you promises, then failed to keep them to you, and I had no authority over you, except that I called you and you obeyed me, therefore do not blame me but blame yourselves: I cannot be your aider (now) nor can you be my aiders; surely I disbelieved in your associating me with Allah before; surely it is the unjust that shall have the painful punishment.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

And Satan saith, when the matter hath been decided: Lo! Allah promised you a promise of truth; and I promised you, then failed you. And I had no power over you save that I called unto you and ye obeyed me. So blame not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can ye help me, Lo! I disbelieved in that which ye before ascribed to me. Lo! for wrong-doers is a painful doom.

Muhammad Sarwar

When the decree of God is issued, satan will say, "God's promise to you was true, but I, too, made a promise to you and disregarded it. I had no authority over you. I just called you and you answered. Do not blame me but blame yourselves. I cannot help you and you cannot help me. I did not agree with your belief that I was equal to God." The unjust will face a painful punishment.

Qaribullah & Darwish

And when the issue has been decided, satan will say (to them): 'The promise which Allah made you was true. I promised you, but failed to keep it. I had no authority over you except that I called you, and you answered me. Do not bame me, rather, blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I disbelieved in your associating me (with Allah) before' Indeed, for the evildoers there is a painful punishment.

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

And Shaytan will say when the matter has been decided: "Verily, Allah promised you a promise of truth. And I too promised you, but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I called you, and you responded to me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I deny your former act in associating me (Shaytan) as a partner with Allah (by obeying me in the life of the world). Verily, there is a painful torment for the wrongdoers."

Wahiduddin Khan

When the Judgement has been passed, Satan will say to them, "God made you a true promise; I too made you promises, but I failed you. I had no authority over you, except that I called you and you responded to me. Do not now blame me, but blame yourselves! I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I reject your former act in associating me with God." The wrongdoers will have a painful punishment.

Talal Itani

And Satan will say, when the issue is settled, “God has promised you the promise of truth, and I promised you, but I failed you. I had no authority over you, except that I called you, and you answered me. So do not blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannot come to your aid, nor can you come to my aid. I reject your associating with me in the past. The wrongdoers will have a torment most painful.”

Tafsir jalalayn

And Satan, Ibls, says, when the issue has been decided, and the people of Paradise are in Paradise and those of the Fire are in the Fire, and they [the people of the Fire] have gathered round him; `Truly God promised you a promise of truth, regarding resurrection and requital, fulfilling [it] to you; whereas I promised you, that this would not be, then failed you, for over you I had no warrant (min sultn; min is extra), [no] power or capacity, to compel you to follow me, except that I called you and you responded to me. So do not blame me, but blame yourselves, for having responded to me. I cannot heed your [distress] call, [I cannot] bring aid to you, nor can you heed mine (read bi-musrikhiyya or bi-musrikh). Lo! I disbelieved in your making me an associate of God formerly', during life on earth. God, exalted be He, says; Truly for the evildoers, the disbelievers, there shall be a painful chastisement.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

Shaytan disowns His Followers on the Day of Resurrection

Allah tells;

وَقَالَ الشَّيْطَانُ لَمَّا قُضِيَ الَامْرُ

And Shaytan will say when the matter has been decided;

Allah narrates to us what Iblis will say to his followers after Allah finishes with the judgement between His servants, sending the believers to the gardens of Paradise and the disbelievers to the lows (of the Fire).

Iblis, may Allah curse him, will stand and address the latter, in order to add depression to their depression, sorrow to their sorrow and grief to their grief.

He will declare,

إِنَّ اللّهَ وَعَدَكُمْ وَعْدَ الْحَقِّ

`Verily, Allah promised you a promise of truth.

by the words of His Messengers that if you follow them, you will gain safety and deliverance. Truly, Allah's promise was true and correct news, while I promised you then betrayed you.'

وَوَعَدتُّكُمْ فَأَخْلَفْتُكُمْ

And I too promised you, but I betrayed you.

Allah said in another Ayah,

يَعِدُهُمْ وَيُمَنِّيهِمْ وَمَا يَعِدُهُمْ الشَّيْطَـنُ إِلاَّ غُرُوراً

He (Shaytan) makes promises to them, and arouses in them false desires; and Shaytan's promises are nothing but deceptions. (4;120)

وَمَا كَانَ لِيَ عَلَيْكُم مِّن سُلْطَانٍ

I had no authority over you,
Shaytan will say, `I had no proof for what I called you to, nor evidence for what I promised you,

إِلاَّ أَن دَعَوْتُكُمْ فَاسْتَجَبْتُمْ لِي

except that I called you, and you responded to me.

even though the Messengers establish the proof and unequivocal evidences against you and affirmed the truth of what they were sent to you with. But you disobeyed the Messengers and ended up earning this fate,

فَلَ تَلُومُونِي

So blame me not, (today),

وَلُومُواْ أَنفُسَكُم

but blame yourselves,

because it is your fault for defying the proofs and following me in the falsehood that I called you to.'
Shaytan will say next,

مَّا أَنَاْ بِمُصْرِخِكُمْ

I cannot help you,

I cannot benefit, save, or deliver you from what you are suffering,

وَمَا أَنتُمْ بِمُصْرِخِيَّ

nor can you help me.

nor can you save me and deliver me from the torment and punishment I am suffering,

إِنِّي كَفَرْتُ بِمَأ أَشْرَكْتُمُونِ مِن قَبْلُ

I deny your former act of associating me (Shaytan) as a partner with Allah.

or because you associated me with Allah before,' according to Qatadah.

Ibn Jarir commented;

"I deny being a partner with Allah, the Exalted and Most Honored."

This opinion is the most plausible, for Allah said in other Ayat,

وَمَنْ أَضَلُّ مِمَّن يَدْعُو مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ مَن لاَّ يَسْتَجِيبُ لَهُ إِلَى يَوْمِ الْقِيَـمَةِ وَهُمْ عَن دُعَأيِهِمْ غَـفِلُونَ

وَإِذَا حُشِرَ النَّاسُ كَانُواْ لَهُمْ أَعْدَاءً وَكَانُواْ بِعِبَادَتِهِمْ كَـفِرِينَ

And who is more astray than one who calls on others besides Allah, such as will not answer him till the Day of Resurrection, and who are (even) unaware of their calls to them!

And when mankind are gathered, they will become their enemies and will deny their worshipping. (46;5-6)


كَلَّ سَيَكْفُرُونَ بِعِبَـدَتِهِمْ وَيَكُونُونَ عَلَيْهِمْ ضِدّاً

Nay, but they (the so-called gods) will deny their worship of them, and become opponents to them. (19;82)

Allah said next,

إِنَّ الظَّالِمِينَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ

Verily, there is a painful torment for the wrongdoers."

إِنَّ الظَّالِمِينَ
(Verily, the wrongdoers),

who deviate from truth and follow falsehood, will earn a painful torment.

It appears that this part of the Ayah narrates the speech that Shaytan will deliver to the people of the Fire after they enter it, as we stated.

Amir Ash-Sha`bi said,

"On the Day of Resurrection, two speakers will address the people. Allah the Exalted will say to `Isa, son of Maryam,

أَءَنتَ قُلتَ لِلنَّاسِ اتَّخِذُونِى وَأُمِّىَ إِلَـهَيْنِ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ

Did you say unto men;"Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allah!" (5;116)


قَالَ اللَّهُ هَـذَا يَوْمُ يَنفَعُ الصَّـدِقِينَ صِدْقُهُمْ

Allah will say;"This is a Day on which the truthful will profit from their truth." (5;119)
Shaytan, may Allah curse him, will stand and address the people,

وَمَا كَانَ لِيَ عَلَيْكُم مِّن سُلْطَانٍ إِلاَّ أَن دَعَوْتُكُمْ فَاسْتَجَبْتُمْ لِي

I had no authority over you except that I called you, and you responded to me.

Allah after mentioning the final destination of the miserable ones, who earned the disgrace and torment and having to listen to Shaytan address them, then He mentioned the final destination of the happy ones.

Allah says