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Al-Qur'an Surah At-Tawbah Verse 61

At-Tawbah [9]: 61 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

وَمِنْهُمُ الَّذِيْنَ يُؤْذُوْنَ النَّبِيَّ وَيَقُوْلُوْنَ هُوَ اُذُنٌ ۗقُلْ اُذُنُ خَيْرٍ لَّكُمْ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللّٰهِ وَيُؤْمِنُ لِلْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوْا مِنْكُمْۗ وَالَّذِيْنَ يُؤْذُوْنَ رَسُوْلَ اللّٰهِ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ اَلِيْمٌ (التوبة : ٩)

And among them
(are) those who
the Prophet
and they say
"He is
(all) ear"
"An ear
(of) goodness
for you
he believes
in Allah
and believes
the believers
and (is) a mercy
to those who
among you"
And those who
(the) Messenger
(of) Allah
for them
(is) a punishment


Wa minhumul lazeena yu'zoonan nabiyya wa yaqooloona huwa uzun; qul uzunu khairil lakum yu'minu billaahi wa yu'minu lilmu mi neena wa rahmatul lillazeena aamanoo minkum; wallazeena yu'zoona Rasoolal laahi lahum 'azaabun aleem (QS. at-Tawbah:61)

English / Sahih Translation:

And among them are those who abuse the Prophet and say, "He is an ear." Say, "[It is] an ear of goodness for you that believes in Allah and believes the believers and [is] a mercy to those who believe among you." And those who abuse the Messenger of Allah – for them is a painful punishment. (QS. At-Tawbah, ayah 61)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

And among them (the hypocrites) there are those who hurt the Prophet and say, “He is just an ear” (that is, he hears and believes everything). Say, “He gives ear to that which is good for you; he believes in Allah and trusts the believers and is a mercy for those of you who (pretend to) believe.” And those who hurt the Messenger of Allah, for them there is a painful punishment.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And there are others who hurt the Prophet by saying, “He listens to anyone.” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “He listens to what is best for you. He believes in Allah, has faith in the believers, and is a mercy for those who believe among you.” Those who hurt Allah’s Messenger will suffer a painful punishment.

Ruwwad Translation Center

Among those [hypocrites] are some who offend the Prophet and say, “He listens to everyone.” Say [O Prophet], “He listens to what is best for you; he believes in Allah, trusts the believers, and is a mercy for those of you who believe.” But for those who offend the Messenger of Allah there will be a painful punishment

A. J. Arberry

And some of them hurt the Prophet, saying, 'He is an ear!' Say: 'An ear of good for you; he believes in God, and believes the believers, and he is a mercy to the believers among you. Those who hurt God's Messenger -- for them awaits a painful chastisement.'

Abdul Haleem

There are others who insult the Prophet by saying, ‘He will listen to anything.’ Say, ‘He listens for your own good: he believes in God, trusts the believers, and is a mercy for those of you who believe.’ An agonizing torment awaits those who insult God’s Messenger.

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

And of them are some who vex the prophet and say: he is all ears Say thou: he is all ears unto good for you, believing in Allah and giving credence to the believers and a mercy unto those of you who believe. And those who vex the apostle of Allah, unto them shall be a torment afflictive.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

Among them are men who molest the Prophet and say, "He is (all) ear." Say, "He listens to what is best for you; he believes in Allah, has faith in the Believers, and is a Mercy to those of you who believe." But those who molest the Messenger will have a grievous penalty.

Abul Ala Maududi

And of them there are some who distress the Prophet, saying: "He is all ears." Tell them: "He listens for your good. He believes in Allah and trusts the believers, and is a mercy for those of you who believe. A painful punishment lies in store for those who cause distress to the Messenger of Allah."

Ahmed Ali

There are some among them who talk ill of the Prophet by saying: "He listens to everyone." Tell them: "He listens for your good, and trusts in God and trusts the faithful, and he is a blessing for those who believe. For those who offend the Apostle of God there is painful punishment."

Ahmed Raza Khan

And among them (the hypocrites) are those who trouble* the Herald of the Hidden (the Prophet) and say, “He is only ears**”; say “He is a listener for your good, he believes in Allah and believes in what the Muslims say, and is a mercy for the Muslims among you”; and for those who trouble the Noble Messenger of Allah, is a painful punishment. (*To disrespect / trouble the Holy Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him – is blasphemy. **He believes whatever he is told.)

Ali Quli Qarai

Among them are those who torment the Prophet, and say, ‘He is an ear.’ Say, ‘An ear that is good for you. He has faith in Allah and trusts the faithful, and is a mercy for those of you who have faith.’ As for those who torment the Apostle of Allah, there is a painful punishment for them.

Ali Ünal

Among them (the hypocrites) are those who hurt the Prophet and say (of him): "He is all ear (listening to everyone and disposed to believe them)." Say: "Yes, he is all ear, listening to what is best for you; he believes in God, and trusts the believers, and a great mercy for those among you who believe." Those who hurt God’s Messenger – for them is a painful punishment.

Amatul Rahman Omar

And among these (hypocrites) are those who talk ill of the Prophet and say, `He gives ear to all.´ Say, `His giving ear to all is to your own good. He believes in Allâh and trusts the faithful, and he is a great mercy for those of you who believe.´ And there awaits a grievous punishment for those who talk ill of the Messenger of Allâh.

English Literal

And from them those who harm mildly the prophet and say: "He is hearing." Say: "(He is a) good ear/hearing for you, he believes by God and he believes to the believers, and mercy to those who believed from you, and those who harm mildly God`s messenger, for them (is) a painful torture."

Faridul Haque

And among them (the hypocrites) are those who trouble* the Herald of the Hidden (the Prophet) and say, "He is only ears**"; say "He is a listener for your good, he believes in Allah and believes in what the Muslims say, and is a mercy for the Muslims among you"; and for those who trouble the Noble Messenger of Allah, is a painful punishment. (*To disrespect / trouble the Holy Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him – is blasphemy. **He believes whatever he is told.)

Hamid S. Aziz

And of them are some who are at the ears of the prophet (they molest him), and say, "He is all ears (he listens to every one´s plea)." Say, "He is an ear (or Hearer) of what is good for you, who believes in Allah, has faith in (or is true) to believers, and is a mercy unto such of you as truly believe." But those who molest the Messenger of Allah, for them is grievous woe!

Hilali & Khan

And among them are men who hurt the Prophet (Muhammad SAW) and say: "He is (lending his) ear (to every news)." Say: "He listens to what is best for you; he believes in Allah; has faith in the believers; and is a mercy to those of you who believe." But those who hurt Allah's Messenger (Muhammad SAW) will have a painful torment.

Maulana Mohammad Ali

(Zakat) charity is only for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer it, and those whose hearts are made to incline (to truth), and (to free) the captives, and those in debt, and in the way of Allah and for the wayfarer -- an ordinance from Allah. And Allah is Knowing, Wise.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And there are some of them who molest the Prophet and say: He is one who believes every thing that he hears; say: A hearer of good for you (who) believes in Allah and believes the faithful and a mercy for those of you who believe; and (as for) those who molest the Apostle of Allah, they shall have a painful punishment.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

And of them are those who vex the Prophet and say: He is only a hearer. Say: A hearer of good for you, who believeth in Allah and is true to the believers, and a mercy for such of you as believe. Those who vex the messenger of Allah, for them there is a painful doom.

Muhammad Sarwar

Some of them speak ill of the Prophet, saying, "He listens to everything and believes what he hears." (Muhammad), tell them, "He only listens to what is good for you, believes in God, and has trust in the believers. He is a mercy for the believers among you. Those who speak ill of the Messenger of God will face a painful punishment."

Qaribullah & Darwish

And there are others among them who hurt the Prophet saying: 'He lends an ear (to everything)' Say: 'He lends an ear of good for you; he believes in Allah and trusts the believers, and he is a mercy to the believers among you. Those who hurt the Messenger of Allah for them there is a painful punishment'

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

And among them are men who annoy the Prophet and say: "He is (lending his) ear (to every news)." Say: "He listens to what is best for you; he believes in Allah; has faith in the believers; and is a mercy to those of you who believe." But those who annoy Allah's Messenger, will have a painful torment.

Wahiduddin Khan

Among them are those who vex the Prophet by saying, "He listens to everyone." Say, "His listening to everyone is good for you; he believes in God and puts his trust in the faithful, and is a mercy to those of you who believe. Those who annoy God's Messenger shall have a painful punishment."

Talal Itani

And among them are those who insult the Prophet, and say, “He is all ears.” Say, “He listens for your own good. He believes in God, and trusts the believers, and is mercy for those of you who believe.” Those who insult the Messenger of God will have a painful penalty.

Tafsir jalalayn

And of them, the hypocrites, are those who injure the Prophet, by casting aspersions on him and communicating [to others] what he says [in confidence], saying, when they are forbidden from [doing] this, lest it should reach him; `He is only a listener!', that is, he listens to anything that is said, and accepts it, so that when we swear to him that we have not communicated [to others] a particular thing, he believes us. Say, he is, `A listener, who listens, to good for you, and not one who listens to evil, one who believes in God and has faith, he trusts, in the believers, in what they inform him, and not in others (the lm [of li'l- mu'minna, `in the believers'] has been added to distinguish between belief in the sense of `submitting [to God]' (islm), and in other senses [such as `trusting']) and who is a mercy (read rahmatun, in the nominative, as a supplement to udhunun, `a listener', or rahmatin, in the genitive, as a supplement to khayrin, `to good') to those of you who believe. Those who injure God's Messenger, for them there is a painful chastisement'.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

Hypocrites annoy the Prophet

Allah says,

وَمِنْهُمُ الَّذِينَ يُوْذُونَ النَّبِيَّ وَيِقُولُونَ

And among them are men who annoy the Prophet and say;

Allah says, some hypocrites bother the Messenger of Allah by questioning his character, saying,

هُوَ أُذُنٌ

he is (lending his) ear,

to those who say anything about us; he believes whoever talks to him. Therefore, if we went to him and swore, he would believe us.

Similar was reported from Ibn Abbas, Mujahid and Qatadah.

Allah said,

قُلْ أُذُنُ خَيْرٍ لَّكُمْ

Say;"He listens to what is best for you,"

he knows who's saying the truth and who is lying,

يُوْمِنُ بِاللّهِ وَيُوْمِنُ لِلْمُوْمِنِينَ

he believes in Allah; has faith in the believers,

he believes the believers,

وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلَّذِينَ امَنُواْ مِنكُمْ

and is a mercy to those of you who believe,"

and a proof against the disbelievers,

وَالَّذِينَ يُوْذُونَ رَسُولَ اللّهِ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ

But those who annoy Allah's Messenger, will have a painful torment