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Al-Qur'an Surah Al-A'raf Verse 145

Al-A'raf [7]: 145 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

وَكَتَبْنَا لَهٗ فِى الْاَلْوَاحِ مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ مَّوْعِظَةً وَّتَفْصِيْلًا لِّكُلِّ شَيْءٍۚ فَخُذْهَا بِقُوَّةٍ وَّأْمُرْ قَوْمَكَ يَأْخُذُوْا بِاَحْسَنِهَا ۗسَاُورِيْكُمْ دَارَ الْفٰسِقِيْنَ (الأعراف : ٧)

And We ordained (laws)
for him
the tablets -
an instruction
and explanation
for every
"So take them
with firmness
and order
your people
[to] take
(the) best of it
I will show you
(the) home
(of) the defiantly disobedient"


Wa katabnaa lahoo fil alwaahi minkulli shai'immaw 'izaanw wa tafseelal likulli shai'in fakhuzhaa biquwwatinw waamur qawmaka yaakhuzoo bi ahsanihaa; wa ooreekum daaral faasiqeen (QS. al-ʾAʿrāf:145)

English / Sahih Translation:

And We wrote for him on the tablets [something] of all things – instruction and explanation for all things, [saying], "Take them with determination and order your people to take the best of it. I will show you the home of the defiantly disobedient." (QS. Al-A'raf, ayah 145)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

We wrote for him on the Tablets advice of every kind, and explanations of all (needful) things. “So hold it firm, and ask your people to hold on to the best things in it. I shall show you the house of the sinners.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

We wrote for him on the Tablets ˹the fundamentals˺ of everything; commandments and explanations of all things. ˹We commanded,˺ “Hold to this firmly and ask your people to take the best of it.[[ To follow the commandments that generate more rewards than others, to put grace before justice, etc. ]] I will soon show ˹all of˺ you the home of the rebellious.[[ This could either mean the ruins of destroyed nations or the Hellfire which is the home of the wicked. ]]

Ruwwad Translation Center

We inscribed for him in the Tablets admonition of all things and explanation of everything. “Hold fast to them and ask your people to follow the best of it. I will show you the home of the rebellious.

A. J. Arberry

And We wrote for him on the Tablets of everything an admonition, and a distinguishing of everything: 'So take it forcefully, and command thy people to take the fairest of it. I shall show you the habitation of the ungodly.

Abdul Haleem

We inscribed everything for him in the Tablets which taught and explained everything, saying, ‘Hold on to them firmly and urge your people to hold fast to their excellent teachings. I will show you the end of those who rebel.

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

And We wrote for him in the tablets of everything an exhortation, and and a detail of everything. So hold thou fast with firmness, and bid thy people follow the best thereof anonl will shew you the dwelling of the ungodly people.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

And We ordained laws for him in the tablets in all matters, both commanding and explaining all things, (and said); "Take and hold these with firmness, and enjoin thy people to hold fast by the best in the precepts; soon shall I show you the homes of the wicked,- (How they lie desolate)."

Abul Ala Maududi

And We ordained for Moses in the Tablets all manner of admonition, and instruction concerning all things, and said to him: Hold to these, with all your strength. and bid your people to follow them in accord with their best understanding. I shall soon show you the habitation of the wicked.

Ahmed Ali

And We wrote down on tablets admonitions and clear explanations of all things for Moses, and ordered him: "Hold fast to them, and command your people to observe the best in them. I will show you the abode of the wicked.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And We wrote for him on the tablets, the advice for all things and the details of all things; and commanded “Accept it firmly and command your people to choose its good advices; soon I shall show you people the destination of the disobedient.”

Ali Quli Qarai

We wrote for him in the tablets advice concerning all things and an elaboration of all things, [and We said], ‘Hold on to them with power, and bid your people to hold on to the best of [what is in] them. Soon I shall show you the abode of the transgressors.

Ali Ünal

(Moses completed the term appointed by his Lord for him to be favored with the Book to order his people’s affairs.) And We recorded for him on the Tablets whatever is necessary as instruction and guidance (to follow the way to God), and as explanation for all matters. And (We said): "Hold fast to them with strength, and command your people to hold fast to the best thereof (fulfill the commandments in the best way possible). I will soon show you the (ultimate) abode of the transgressors.

Amatul Rahman Omar

And We preserved (in writing) for him on the Tablets all kinds of precepts and clear details of everything (which the Children of Israel needed). Then (We bade him), `Hold them fast and bid your people to carry out its best (teachings in its true significance). I will soon show you people the resort of the transgressors.´ (- This nation will become corrupt and will meet an evil end.)

English Literal

And We wrote/decreed for him in the tablets/sheets from every thing a sermon/advice/warning and detailing/explaining to every thing, so take/receive it with power/strength and order/command your nation (to) take/receive with its best, I will show you/make you understand the debauchers` home/house .

Faridul Haque

And We wrote for him on the tablets, the advice for all things and the details of all things; and commanded "Accept it firmly and command your people to choose its good advices; soon I shall show you people the destination of the disobedient."

Hamid S. Aziz

And We wrote for him upon Tablets, admonitions, commanding and explaining everything, and said, "Hold fast to them, and bid your people take the best course, made clear therein. I will show you the abode of those who work abominations.

Hilali & Khan

And We wrote for him on the Tablets the lesson to be drawn from all things and the explanation of all things (and said): Hold unto these with firmness, and enjoin your people to take the better therein. I shall show you the home of Al-Fasiqun (the rebellious, disobedient to Allah).

Maulana Mohammad Ali

He said: O Moses, surely I have chosen thee above the people by My messages and My words. So take hold of what I give thee and be of the grateful.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And We ordained for him in the tablets admonition of every kind and clear explanation of all things; so take hold of them with firmness and enjoin your people to take hold of what is best thereof; I will show you the abode of the transgressors.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

And We wrote for him, upon the tablets, the lesson to be drawn from all things and the explanation of all things, then (bade him): Hold it fast; and command thy people (saying): Take the better (course made clear) therein. I shall show thee the abode of evil-livers.

Muhammad Sarwar

We wrote advice and laws for him on Tablets about all kinds of things, saying, "Follow them and command your people to follow the good advice therein, and I will show you the dwellings of the evil-doers."

Qaribullah & Darwish

We inscribed for him upon the Tablets all kinds of exhortation and clear explanations of all things. So take it forcefully, and order your nation to take what is best of it. I shall show you the home of the wicked.

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

And We wrote for him on the Tablets the exhortation all things and the explanation for all things (and said): Hold unto these with firmness, and enjoin your people to take the better therein. I shall show you the home of the rebellious.

Wahiduddin Khan

And We wrote for him upon the Tablets an admonition and details of all things, then [bade him], "Hold fast to them; and command your people to follow them in their best sense. Soon I shall show you the home of the wicked.

Talal Itani

And We inscribed for him in the Tablets all kinds of enlightenments, and decisive explanation of all things. “Hold fast to them, and exhort your people to adopt the best of them. I will show you the fate of the sinners.”

Tafsir jalalayn

And We inscribed for him in the Tablets, that is, the Tablets of the Torah -- these were made from the Lote- tree of Paradise, or of chrysolite or emerald, and they were either seven or ten -- about all things, one needs in religion, as an admonition and a detailing, an explanation, of all things (li-kulli shay'in substitutes for the previous genitive construction [min kulli shay', `about all things']). `Take it then (there is an implicit quln, `We said', before this [fa-kudhh, `take it then']) firmly, seriously and earnestly, and enjoin your people to adhere to the fairest [precepts] in it. I shall show you the abode of the wicked, [of] Pharaoh and his followers, and that is Egypt, that you may take an example from them.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

وَكَتَبْنَا لَهُ فِي الَالْوَاحِ مِن كُلِّ شَيْءٍ مَّوْعِظَةً وَتَفْصِيلً لِّكُلِّ شَيْءٍ

And We wrote for him on the Tablets the exhortation all things and the explanation for all things;

Allah stated that He has written lessons and exhortation for all things and explanations for all things on the Tablets.

It was said that in the Tablets, Allah wrote advice and the details of the commandments for lawful and prohibited matters. The Tablets contained the Tawrah, that Allah described;

وَلَقَدْ ءَاتَيْنَا مُوسَى الْكِتَـبَ مِن بَعْدِ مَأ أَهْلَكْنَا الْقُرُونَ الاٍّولَى بَصَأيِرَ لِلنَّاسِ

And indeed We gave Musa -- after We had destroyed the generations of old -- the Scripture as an enlightenment for mankind. (28;43)

It was also said that Allah gave Musa the Tablets before the Tawrah, and Allah knows best.

Allah said next,

فَخُذْهَا بِقُوَّةٍ

Hold unto these with firmness,

be firm on the obedience,

وَأْمُرْ قَوْمَكَ يَأْخُذُواْ بِأَحْسَنِهَا

and enjoin your people to take the better therein.

Sufyan bin Uyaynah said, "Abu Sa`d narrated to us from Ikrimah from Ibn Abbas that;

"Musa, peace be upon him, was commanded to adhere to the toughest of what was ordained on his people."

Allah's statement,

سَأُرِيكُمْ دَارَ الْفَاسِقِينَ

I shall show you the home of the rebellious,

means, you will witness the recompense of those who defy My order and deviate from My obedience, the destruction, demise and utter loss they will suffer