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Al-Qur'an Surah Al-A'raf Verse 144

Al-A'raf [7]: 144 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

قَالَ يٰمُوْسٰٓى اِنِّى اصْطَفَيْتُكَ عَلَى النَّاسِ بِرِسٰلٰتِيْ وَبِكَلَامِيْ ۖفَخُذْ مَآ اٰتَيْتُكَ وَكُنْ مِّنَ الشّٰكِرِيْنَ (الأعراف : ٧)

He said
"O Musa!
Indeed I
have chosen you
the people
with My Messages
and with My words
So take
I have given you
and be
the grateful"


Qaala yaa Moosaaa innis tafaituka 'alan naasi bi Risaalaatee wa bi kalaamee fakhuz maaa aataituka wa kum minash shaakireen (QS. al-ʾAʿrāf:144)

English / Sahih Translation:

[Allah] said, "O Moses, I have chosen you over the people with My messages and My words [to you]. So take what I have given you and be among the grateful." (QS. Al-A'raf, ayah 144)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

He said, “Mūsā, I have chosen you above all men for my messages and for My speaking (to you). So, take what I have given to you, and be among the grateful.”

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Allah said, “O Moses! I have ˹already˺ elevated you above all others by My messages and speech.[[ Allah reminds Moses that even though his request to see Allah was denied, he has already been favoured by Allah over the people of his time through prophethood and direct communication with the Almighty. ]] So hold firmly to what I have given you and be grateful.”

Ruwwad Translation Center

He said, “O Moses, I have chosen you above other people, by giving you My messages and speaking to you. So hold fast to what I have given you, and be of those who are grateful.”

A. J. Arberry

Said He, 'Moses, I have chosen thee above all men for My Messages and My Utterance; take what I have given thee, and be of the thankful.'

Abdul Haleem

He said, ‘Moses, I have raised you above other people by [giving you] My messages and speaking to you: hold on to what I have given you; be one of those who give thanks.’

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

He said: O Musa! verily I have chosen thee above mankind by My messages and by My speaking; so hold fast thou that which I have given thee, and be of the thankful.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

(Allah) said; "O Moses! I have chosen thee above (other) men, by the mission I (have given thee) and the words I (have spoken to thee); take then the (revelation) which I give thee, and be of those who give thanks."

Abul Ala Maududi

He said: 'O Moses! I have indeed preferred you to all others by virtue of the Message I have entrusted to you and by virtue of My speaking to you. Hold fast therefore, to whatever I have granted you, and give thanks.'

Ahmed Ali

Said (the Lord): "O Moses, I raised you above all men by sending My messages and speaking to you; so receive what I give you, and be grateful."

Ahmed Raza Khan

Said Allah, “O Moosa! I have chosen you from mankind by (bestowing) My messages and by My speech; so accept what I have bestowed upon you and be among the thankful.”

Ali Quli Qarai

He said, ‘O Moses, I have chosen you over the people with My messages and My speech. So take what I give you, and be among the grateful.’

Ali Ünal

He (God) said: "O Moses! Indeed I have chosen you above people by virtue of My Messages (that I have entrusted to you) and My speaking (to you). So (without aspiring to what is not for you), hold fast to what I have granted you, and (in return, with your every word and action) be of the thankful!"

Amatul Rahman Omar

He said, `O Moses! Verily, I have preferred you to all the people (of your time) by (entrusting you with) My Messages and by My discourse (with you), so take (firm hold of that) what I have given you and be of the grateful.´

English Literal

He said: "You Moses, that I, I chose/purified you, over the people with My messages, and with My speech/conversation/languages, so take/receive what I gave/brought you, and be from the thankful/grateful."

Faridul Haque

Said Allah, "O Moosa! I have chosen you from mankind by (bestowing) My messages and by My speech; so accept what I have bestowed upon you and be among the thankful."

Hamid S. Aziz

He said, "O Moses! Verily, I have chosen you over the people with My messages and My words. Take then what I have brought you, and be of the thankful."

Hilali & Khan

(Allah) said: "O Musa (Moses) I have chosen you above men by My Messages, and by My speaking (to you). So hold that which I have given you and be of the grateful."

Maulana Mohammad Ali

And when Moses came at Our appointed time and his Lord spoke to him, he said: My Lord, show me (Thyself) so that I may look at Thee. He said: Thou canst not see Me; but look at the mountain; if it remains firm in its place, then wilt thou see Me. So when his Lord manifested His glory to the mountain, He made it crumble and Moses fell down in a swoon. Then when he recovered, he said: Glory be to Thee! I turn to Thee, and I am the first of the believers.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

He said: O Musa! surely I have chosen you above the people with My messages and with My words, therefore take hold of what I give to you and be of the grateful ones.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

He said: O Moses! I have preferred thee above mankind by My messages and by My speaking (unto thee). So hold that which I have given thee, and be among the thankful.

Muhammad Sarwar

The Lord said to Moses, "I have given you distinction above the people by speaking to you and giving you My Message. Receive what I have given to you and give Us thanks."

Qaribullah & Darwish

He said: 'Moses, I have chosen you from all mankind with My Messages and My Words. Therefore, take what I have given you, and be among the thankful.'

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

(Allah) said: "O Musa I have chosen you above men by My Messages, and by My speaking (to you). So hold that which I have given you and be of the grateful."

Wahiduddin Khan

He replied, "Moses, I have chosen you of all mankind for My messages and My Words. Hold fast to what I have given you, and be among the grateful!"

Talal Itani

He said, “O Moses, I have chosen you over all people for My messages and for My Words. So take what I have given you, and be one of the thankful.”

Tafsir jalalayn

He, God, said, to him; `O Moses, I have elected you, chosen you, from among mankind, the people of your time, for My Messages (read plural, bi-rislt, or singular, bi-rislat, `for My Message') and My Speech, that is, [for] My having spoken to you. So take what I have given you, of bounty, and be of the thankful', of My favours.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

Allah chooses Musa and gives Him the Tablets

Allah says;

قَالَ يَا مُوسَى إِنِّي اصْطَفَيْتُكَ عَلَى النَّاسِ بِرِسَالَاتِي وَبِكَلَمِي

(Allah) said;"O Musa I have chosen you above men by My Messages, and by My speaking (to you).

Allah states that He spoke to Musa directly and informed him that He has chosen him above the people of his time, by His Message and by speaking to him.

Here we should mention that there is no doubt that Muhammad is the chief of all the Children of Adam, the earlier and later ones among them. This is why Allah has chosen him to be the Final and Last Prophet and Messenger, whose Law shall remain dominant and valid until the commencement of the Last Hour. Muhammad's followers are more numerous than the followers of all Prophets and Messengers. After Muhammad, the next in rank of honor and virtue is Ibrahim upon him be peace,, then Musa, son of Imran, who spoke to the Most Beneficent directly.

Allah commanded Musa, saying,

فَخُذْ مَا اتَيْتُكَ

So hold to that which I have given you,

of My Speech and conversation with you,

وَكُن مِّنَ الشَّاكِرِينَ

and be of the grateful,

for it and do not ask for what is beyond your capacity to bear