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Al-Qur'an Surah Al-An'am Verse 91

Al-An'am [6]: 91 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

وَمَا قَدَرُوا اللّٰهَ حَقَّ قَدْرِهٖٓ اِذْ قَالُوْا مَآ اَنْزَلَ اللّٰهُ عَلٰى بَشَرٍ مِّنْ شَيْءٍۗ قُلْ مَنْ اَنْزَلَ الْكِتٰبَ الَّذِيْ جَاۤءَ بِهٖ مُوْسٰى نُوْرًا وَّهُدًى لِّلنَّاسِ تَجْعَلُوْنَهٗ قَرَاطِيْسَ تُبْدُوْنَهَا وَتُخْفُوْنَ كَثِيْرًاۚ وَعُلِّمْتُمْ مَّا لَمْ تَعْلَمُوْٓا اَنْتُمْ وَلَآ اٰبَاۤؤُكُمْ ۗقُلِ اللّٰهُ ۙثُمَّ ذَرْهُمْ فِيْ خَوْضِهِمْ يَلْعَبُوْنَ (الأنعام : ٦)

And (did) not
they appraise
(with) true
[of his] appraisal
they said
"(by) Allah
a human being
the Book
(as) a light
and guidance
for the people?
You make it
(into) parchments
you disclose (some of) it
and you conceal
much (of it)
And you were taught
and not
your forefathers"
"Allah (revealed it)"
leave them
their discourse


Wa maa qadarul laaha haqqa qadriheee iz qaaloo maaa anzalal laahu 'alaa basharim min shai'; qul man anzalal Kitaabal lazee jaaa'a bihee Moosaa nooranw wa hudal linnaasi taj'aloonahoo qaraateesa tubdoonahaa wa tukhfoona kaseeranw wa 'ullimtum maa lam ta'lamooo antum wa laaa aabaaa'ukum qulil laahu summa zarhum fee khawdihim yal'aboon (QS. al-ʾAnʿām:91)

English / Sahih Translation:

And they did not appraise Allah with true appraisal when they said, "Allah did not reveal to a human being anything." Say, "Who revealed the Scripture that Moses brought as light and guidance to the people? You [Jews] make it into pages, disclosing [some of] it and concealing much. And you were taught that which you knew not – neither you nor your fathers." Say, "Allah [revealed it]." Then leave them in their [empty] discourse, amusing themselves. (QS. Al-An'am, ayah 91)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

They did not hold Allah in due esteem when they said, “Allah has not sent down anything to a human being.” Say, “Who has sent down the Book brought by Mūsā as a light and a guidance for people, which you keep in various sheets (some of which) you disclose, and a lot of which you conceal, and (by which) you were taught what you did not know, neither you nor your fathers?” Say, “Allah.” Then leave them to play with whatever they indulge in.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And they[[ Some Jews.]] have not shown Allah His proper reverence when they said, “Allah has revealed nothing to any human being.” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Who then revealed the Book brought forth by Moses as a light and guidance for people, which you split into separate sheets—revealing some and hiding much? You have been taught ˹through this Quran˺ what neither you nor your forefathers knew.” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Allah ˹revealed it˺!” Then leave them to amuse themselves with falsehood.

Ruwwad Translation Center

They have not revered Allah His true reverence when they said, “Allah has sent down nothing to human beings.” Say [O Prophet], “Who then sent down the Scripture that Moses brought as a light and guidance for people, but you make it into separate sheets – revealing some and concealing much, although you have been taught [this Qur’an] which neither you nor your forefathers knew?” Say, “Allah [sent it down].” Then leave them to amuse themselves in their falsehood.

A. J. Arberry

They measured not God with His true measure when they said, 'God has not sent down aught on any mortal.' Say: 'Who sent down the Book that Moses brought as a light and a guidance to men? You put it into parchments, revealing them, and hiding much; and you were taught that you knew not, you and your fathers.' Say: 'God.' Then leave them alone, playing their game of plunging.

Abdul Haleem

They have no grasp of God’s true measure when they say, ‘God has sent nothing down to a mere mortal.’ Say, ‘Who was it who sent down the Scripture, which Moses brought as a light and a guide to people, which you made into separate sheets, showing some but hiding many? You were taught things that neither you nor your forefathers had known.’ Say, ‘God [sent it down],’ then leave them engrossed in their vain talk.

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

And they estimated not Allah with an estimation due unto Him when they said: on no human being hath God sent down aught. Say thou: who sent down the Books wherewith Musa came, a light and a guidance unto mankind, which ye have made into separate parchments. Some of it ye disclose and much thereof ye conceal. And ye were taught that which ye knew not: neither ye nor your fathers. Say thou: Allah, and let them alone, sporting in their vain discourse.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

No just estimate of Allah do they make when they say; "Nothing doth Allah send down to man (by way of revelation)" Say; "Who then sent down the Book which Moses brought?- a light and guidance to man; But ye make it into (separate) sheets for show, while ye conceal much (of its contents); therein were ye taught that which ye knew not- neither ye nor your fathers." Say; "Allah (sent it down)"; Then leave them to plunge in vain discourse and trifling.

Abul Ala Maududi

They did not form any proper estimate of Allah when they said: 'Allah has not revealed anything to any man.' Ask them: 'The Book which Moses brought as a light and guidance for men and which you keep in bits and scraps, some of which you disclose while the rest you conceal, even though through it you were taught that which neither you nor your forefathers knew -who was it who revealed it?' Say: 'Allah!'- and then leave them to sport with their argumentation.

Ahmed Ali

But they failed to make a just estimation of God when they said: "He did not reveal to any man any thing." Ask them: "Who then revealed the Book that Moses brought, -- a guidance and light for men, -- which you treat as sheafs of paper, which you display, yet conceal a great deal, though through it you were taught things you did not know before, nor even your fathers knew?" Say: "God," and leave them to the sport of engaging in vain discourse.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And they (the Jews) did not realise (or appreciate) the importance of Allah as was required when they said, “Allah has not sent down anything upon any human being”; say, “Who has sent down the Book which Moosa brought, a light and guidance for mankind, which you have divided into different papers, some which you show and hide most of them? And (by which) you are taught what you did not know nor did your forefathers?” Say, “Allah” – then leave them playing in their indecency.

Ali Quli Qarai

They did not regard Allah with the regard due to Him when they said, ‘Allah has not sent down anything to any human.’ Say, ‘Who had sent down the Book that was brought by Moses as a light and guidance for the people, which you make into parchments that you display, while you conceal much of it, and [by means of which] you were taught what you did not know, [neither] you nor your fathers?’ Say, ‘Allah!’ Then leave them to play around in their impious gossip.

Ali Ünal

And they (some of the Jews) had no true judgment of God as His right (in being God requires), when they say: "God has not sent anything down on any human being." Say: "Then, who sent down the Book which Moses brought as a light, and guidance for the people (you know), and which you put into, and treat as, mere leaves of paper to make show of, while you conceal much of it, and you have been taught (by it) what neither you knew nor your forefathers?" Say: "God (sent it down)," and then leave them to their game of plunging into vanities.

Amatul Rahman Omar

They (-the deniers) have not appreciated Allâh with the true honour due to Him when they said, `Allâh has not revealed anything to any human being.´ Say, `Who had revealed the Scripture which Moses brought; a light and guidance for the people, (though) you render it as scraps of paper, (some of) which you show while the major portion you hide, whereas you have been taught (through) that which you did not know, neither you, nor your forefathers?´ Say, `Allâh (revealed it).´ Then leave them amusing themselves in their vain discourse.

English Literal

And they did not evaluate God His correct/just value/estimation, when they said: "God did not descend on (a) human from a thing." Say: "Who descended The Book which Moses came with it, (as) a light and guidance to the people? You make it papers/parchments, you show it and you hide much, and you were taught/instructed what you did not know, you and nor your fathers/forefathers." Say: "God." Then leave them in their plunging, they play/amuse/enjoy/joke/mock.

Faridul Haque

And they (the Jews) did not realise (or appreciate) the importance of Allah as was required when they said, “Allah has not sent down anything upon any human being”; say, “Who has sent down the Book which Moosa brought, a light and guidance for mankind, which you have divided into different papers, some which you show and hide most of them? And (by which) you are taught what you did not know nor did your forefathers?” Say, “Allah” - then leave them playing in their indecency.

Hamid S. Aziz

They estimate not the power of Allah by its true measure (or worth) when they say, "Allah has never revealed anything to a mortal." Say, "Who revealed the Book wherewith Moses came, a light and a guidance unto men? You put it on papers which you show, though you hide much; and you are taught by it that which you knew not, neither you nor your fathers." Say, "Allah," then leave them in their play (vain disputation).

Hilali & Khan

They (the Jews, Quraish pagans, idolaters, etc.) did not estimate Allah with an estimation due to Him when they said: "Nothing did Allah send down to any human being (by inspiration)." Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Who then sent down the Book which Musa (Moses) brought, a light and a guidance to mankind which you (the Jews) have made into (separate) papersheets, disclosing (some of it) and concealing (much). And you (believers in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad SAW), were taught (through the Quran) that which neither you nor your fathers knew." Say: "Allah (sent it down)." Then leave them to play in their vain discussions. (Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Vol. 7, Page 37).

Maulana Mohammad Ali

These are they whom Allah guided, so follow their guidance. Say: I ask you not for any reward for it. It is naught but a Reminder for the nations.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And they do not assign to Allah the attributes due to Him when they say: Allah has not revealed anything to a mortal. Say: Who revealed the Book which Musa brought, a light and a guidance to men, which you make into scattered writings which you show while you conceal much? And you were taught what you did not know, (neither) you nor your fathers. Say: Allah then leave them sporting in their vain discourses.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

And they measure not the power of Allah its true measure when they say: Allah hath naught revealed unto a human being. Say (unto the Jews who speak thus): Who revealed the Book which Moses brought, a light and guidance for mankind, which ye have put on parchments which ye show, but ye hide much (thereof), and (by which) ye were taught that which ye knew not yourselves nor (did) your fathers (know it)? Say: Allah. Then leave them to their play of cavilling.

Muhammad Sarwar

They have no true respect of God when they say, "God has not sent anything to a mortal being." (Muhammad), tell them, "Who revealed the Book containing a light and guidance for the people which Moses brought? You wrote down only some parts of the original on paper and hid much, even after having learnt from it, that which neither you nor your fathers knew." Tell them, "God has (revealed the Quran)," and then leave them alone to pursue their useless investigations.

Qaribullah & Darwish

They have not valued Allah with His true value, when they said 'Allah has never sent down anything to a mortal' Say: 'Who, then sent down the Book which Moses brought, a light and guidance for people? You put it on to parchments, revealing them and hiding much, you have now been taught what neither you nor your fathers knew before' Say: 'Allah' Then leave them, playing in their plunging.

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

They did not estimate Allah with an estimation due to Him when they said: "Nothing did Allah send down to any human being (by inspiration)." Say: "Who then sent down the Book which Musa brought, a light and a guidance to mankind which you (the Jews) have made into (separate) papersheets, disclosing (some of it) and concealing much. And you were taught that which neither you nor your fathers knew." Say: "Allah (sent it down)." Then leave them to play in their vain discussions.

Wahiduddin Khan

They do not make a just estimate of God, when they say, "God has not revealed anything to any human being." Say, "Who revealed the Book which Moses brought, a light and guidance for the people, which you made into separate sheets, showing some but hiding many? You have been taught things that neither you nor your forefathers had known before." Say, "God has sent it;" then leave them toying away with their speculation.

Talal Itani

They do not value God as He should be valued, when they say, “God did not reveal anything to any human being.” Say, “Who revealed the Scripture which Moses brought—a light and guidance for humanity?” You put it on scrolls, displaying them, yet concealing much. And you were taught what you did not know—neither you, nor your ancestors. Say, “God;” then leave them toying away in their speculation.

Tafsir jalalayn

They, that is, the Jews, measured not God with His true measure, that is, they have not extended Him the grandeur that truly befits Him, or [it means] they have not attained the true knowledge of Him, when they said, to the Prophet (s), disputing with him about the Qur'n; `God has not revealed anything to any mortal.' Say, to them; `Who revealed the Book which Moses brought, a light and guidance for mankind? You put it (in all three instances [the verbs may be] read either in the third person plural [yaj`alnahu, `they put it'; yubdnah, `they reveal it'; wa-yukhfna, `and they hide'] or in the second person plural [taj`alnahu, `you put it'; tubdnah, `you reveal it'; wa-tukhfna, `and you hide']) on parchments, that is, you write it down on fragments of notes, which you disclose, that is, what you choose to disclose thereof, but you hide much, of what is in them, as in [the case of] the descriptions of Muhammad (s); and you have been taught, O Jews, in the Qur'n, what you did not know, neither you nor your fathers', in the Torah, through the elucidation therein of what you were confused about and in disagreement over. Say; `God', revealed it -- and if they do not say it, there is no other response -- then leave them to play in their discourse, their falsehood.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

The Messenger is but a Human to Whom the Book was Revealed by Inspiration

Allah says;

وَمَا قَدَرُواْ اللّهَ حَقَّ قَدْرِهِ إِذْ قَالُواْ

They did not estimate Allah with an estimation due to Him when they said;

Allah says that those who rejected His Messengers did not give Allah due consideration.

Ibn Abbas, Mujahid and Abdullah bin Kathir said that;

this Ayah was revealed about the Quraysh.

It was also said that it was revealed about some Jews.

مَا أَنزَلَ اللّهُ عَلَى بَشَرٍ مِّن شَيْءٍ

(They said);"Nothing did Allah send down to any human being (by inspiration)."

Allah also, said,

أَكَانَ لِلنَّاسِ عَجَبًا أَنْ أَوْحَيْنَأ إِلَى رَجُلٍ مِّنْهُمْ أَنْ أَنذِرِ النَّاسَ

Is it a wonder for mankind that We have inspired to a man from among themselves (saying);"Warn mankind." (10;2)


وَمَا مَنَعَ النَّاسَ أَن يُوْمِنُواْ إِذْ جَأءَهُمُ الْهُدَى إِلاَّ أَن قَالُواْ أَبَعَثَ اللَّهُ بَشَرًا رَّسُولاً

قُل لَوْ كَانَ فِى الاٌّرْضِ مَلَـيِكَةٌ يَمْشُونَ مُطْمَيِنِّينَ لَنَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْهِم مِّنَ السَّمَأءِ مَلَكًا رَّسُولاً

And nothing prevented men from believing when the guidance came to them, except that they said;"Has Allah sent a man as Messenger!"

Say;"If there were on the earth, angels walking about in peace and security, We should certainly have sent down for them from the heaven an angel as a Messenger." (17;94-95)

Allah said here,

وَمَا قَدَرُواْ اللّهَ حَقَّ قَدْرِهِ إِذْ قَالُواْ مَا أَنزَلَ اللّهُ عَلَى بَشَرٍ مِّن شَيْءٍ

They did not estimate Allah with an estimation due to Him when they said;"Nothing did Allah send down to any human being (by inspiration)."

Allah answered them,

قُلْ مَنْ أَنزَلَ الْكِتَابَ الَّذِي جَاء بِهِ مُوسَى نُورًا وَهُدًى لِّلنَّاسِ

Say ;"Who then sent down the Book which Musa brought, a light and a guidance to mankind!"

meaning, say, O Muhammad, to those who deny the concept that Allah sent down Books by revelation, answering them specifically,
مَنْ أَنزَلَ الْكِتَابَ الَّذِي جَاء بِهِ مُوسَى
(Who then sent down the Book which Musa brought) in reference to the Tawrah that you and all others know that Allah sent down to Musa, son of Imran.

Allah sent the Tawrah as a light and a guidance for people, so that it could shed light on the answers to various disputes, and to guide away from the darkness of doubts.

Allah's statement,

تَجْعَلُونَهُ قَرَاطِيسَ تُبْدُونَهَا وَتُخْفُونَ كَثِيرًا

which you have made into (separate) paper sheets, disclosing (some of it) and concealing (much).

means, you made the Tawrah into separate sheets which you copied from the original and altered, changed and distorted as you wished. You then said, "this is from Allah," meaning it is in the revealed Book of Allah, when in fact, it is not from Allah. This is why Allah said here,
تَجْعَلُونَهُ قَرَاطِيسَ تُبْدُونَهَا وَتُخْفُونَ كَثِيرًا
(which you have made into (separate) paper sheets, disclosing (some of it) and concealing (much)).

Allah said;

وَعُلِّمْتُم مَّا لَمْ تَعْلَمُواْ أَنتُمْ وَلَا ابَاوُكُمْ

And you were taught that which neither you nor your fathers knew.

meaning, Who sent down the Qur'an in which Allah taught you the news of those who were before you and the news of what will come after, that neither you nor your fathers had knowledge of.

Allah's statement,

قُلِ اللّهُ


Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn Abbas said,

"Meaning, `Say, Allah sent it down."'

Allah said,

ثُمَّ ذَرْهُمْ فِي خَوْضِهِمْ يَلْعَبُونَ

Then leave them to play in their vain discussions.

leave them to play in ignorance and misguidance until the true news comes to them from Allah. Then, they will know whether the good end is theirs or for the fearful servants of Allah.

Allah said