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Al-Qur'an Surah Al-An'am Verse 118

Al-An'am [6]: 118 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

فَكُلُوْا مِمَّا ذُكِرَ اسْمُ اللّٰهِ عَلَيْهِ اِنْ كُنْتُمْ بِاٰيٰتِهٖ مُؤْمِنِيْنَ (الأنعام : ٦)

So eat
of what
(is) mentioned
(the) name
(of) Allah
on it
you are
in His Verses -


Fakuloo mimmmaa zukirasmul laahi 'alaihi in kuntum bi Aayaatihee mu'mineen (QS. al-ʾAnʿām:118)

English / Sahih Translation:

So eat of that [meat] upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned, if you are believers in His verses [i.e., revealed law]. (QS. Al-An'am, ayah 118)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

So, eat (the flesh) of that (animal) upon which the name of Allah has been invoked (when slaughtering), if you do believe in His verses.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

So eat only of what is slaughtered in Allah’s Name if you truly believe in His revelations.

Ruwwad Translation Center

So eat of that [meat] over which the name of Allah is mentioned, if you [truly] believe in his verses.

A. J. Arberry

Eat of that over which God's Name has been mentioned, if you believe in His signs.

Abdul Haleem

So [believers] eat any [animal] over which God’s name has been pronounced, if you believe in His revelations.

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

Wherefore eat of that whereon the name of Allah hath been pronounced, if ye are believers in His revelations.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

So eat of (meats) on which Allah's name hath been pronounced, if ye have faith in His signs.

Abul Ala Maududi

If you believe in the signs of Allah, eat (the flesh) of that over which Allah's name has been pronounced.

Ahmed Ali

Eat only that over which the name of God has been pronounced, if you truly believe in His commands.

Ahmed Raza Khan

So eat from that over which Allah’s name has been mentioned, if you believe in His signs.

Ali Quli Qarai

Eat from that over which Allah’s Name has been mentioned, if you are believers in His signs.

Ali Ünal

Eat, then, of (the flesh of) that over which God’s Name has been pronounced, if you are sincere believers in His Revelations.

Amatul Rahman Omar

So (do not follow those who go astray, and) eat of that over which the name of Allâh has been pronounced, if you are indeed believers in His Messages.

English Literal

So eat from what God`s name was mentioned on it, if you where with His verses/evidences believing.

Faridul Haque

So eat from that over which Allah’s name has been mentioned, if you believe in His signs.

Hamid S. Aziz

Consume then of that over which Allah´s name has been pronounced, if you believe in His signs (or revelations).

Hilali & Khan

So eat of that (meat) on which Allah's Name has been pronounced (while slaughtering the animal), if you are believers in His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.).

Maulana Mohammad Ali

Surely thy Lord -- He knows best who goes astray from His way, and He knows best the guided ones.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

Therefore eat of that on which Allah's name has been mentioned if you are believers in His communications.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

Eat of that over which the name of Allah hath been mentioned, if ye are believers in His revelations.

Muhammad Sarwar

If you have faith in God's revelations, eat the flesh of the animal which has been slaughtered with a mention of His Name.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Eat then of that over which the Name of Allah has been mentioned (when slaughtered), if you truly believe in His verses.

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

So eat of that on which Allah's Name has been mentioned, if you are believers in His Ayat.

Wahiduddin Khan

Eat then, only that over which God's name has been pronounced, if you truly believe in His revelations.

Talal Itani

So eat of that over which the Name of God was pronounced, if you indeed believe in His revelations.

Tafsir jalalayn

So eat from that over which God's Name has been invoked, that is, [that which] has been sacrificed to His Name, if you believe in His signs.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

Allowing What was Slaughtered in the Name of Allah

Allah says;

فَكُلُواْ مِمَّا ذُكِرَ اسْمُ اللّهِ عَلَيْهِ إِن كُنتُمْ بِأيَاتِهِ مُوْمِنِينَ

So eat of that on which Allah's Name has been mentioned, if you are believers in His Ayat.

This is a statement of permission from Allah, for His servants, allowing them to eat the slaughtered animals wherein His Name was mentioned when slaughtering them. It is understood from it that He has not allowed that over which Allah's Name was not mentioned when slaughtering. This was the practice of the pagans of Quraysh who used to eat dead animals and eat what was slaughtered for the idols.

Allah next encourages eating from the meat of sacrificed animals on which His Name was mentioned upon slaughtering