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Al-Qur'an Surah Al-An'am Verse 106

Al-An'am [6]: 106 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

اِتَّبِعْ مَآ اُوْحِيَ اِلَيْكَ مِنْ رَّبِّكَۚ لَآ اِلٰهَ اِلَّا هُوَۚ وَاَعْرِضْ عَنِ الْمُشْرِكِيْنَ (الأنعام : ٦)

has been inspired
to you
your Lord
(there is) no
and turn away
the polytheists


ittabi' maaa oohiya ilaika mir Rabbika laaa ilaaha illaa Huwa wa a'rid 'anil mushrikeen (QS. al-ʾAnʿām:106)

English / Sahih Translation:

Follow, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you from your Lord – there is no deity except Him – and turn away from those who associate others with Allah. (QS. Al-An'am, ayah 106)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord. There is no god but He; and turn away from those who associate partners with Allah.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

˹O Prophet!˺ Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord—there is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him—and turn away from the polytheists.

Ruwwad Translation Center

Follow [O Prophet] what is revealed to you from your Lord – none has the right to be worshiped except Him – and turn away from those who associate partners with Allah.

A. J. Arberry

Follow thou what has been revealed to thee from thy Lord; there is no god but He; and turn thou away from the idolaters.

Abdul Haleem

Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord, there is no God but Him. Turn away from those who join other gods with Him.

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

Follow thou that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord: no god is there but He; and turn thou away from the associaters.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

Follow what thou art taught by inspiration from thy Lord; there is no god but He; and turn aside from those who join gods with Allah.

Abul Ala Maududi

(O Muhammad!) Follow the revelation which has come to you from your Lord, other than Whom there is no god, and turn away from those who associate others with Allah in His divinity.

Ahmed Ali

So follow what is sent down to you by your Lord, for homage is due to no one but God, and turn away from idolaters.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Follow what is divinely revealed to you from your Lord; there is none worthy of worship except Him; and turn away from the polytheists.

Ali Quli Qarai

Follow that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, there is no god except Him, and turn away from the polytheists.

Ali Ünal

Follow (O Messenger) what has been revealed to you from your Lord; there is no deity but He; and withdraw from those who associate partners with God (do not care what they say and do).

Amatul Rahman Omar

Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord, there is no other, cannot be and will never be One worthy of worship but He; and turn away from the polytheists.

English Literal

Follow what was inspired/transmitted to you, from your Lord, no God except Him, and object/turn away from the sharers/takers of partners (with God).

Faridul Haque

Follow what is divinely revealed to you from your Lord; there is none worthy of worship except Him; and turn away from the polytheists.

Hamid S. Aziz

Follow what is inspired in you from your Lord; there is no god but He, and shun the idolaters.

Hilali & Khan

Follow what has been inspired to you (O Muhammad SAW) from your Lord, La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He) and turn aside from Al-Mushrikun.

Maulana Mohammad Ali

And thus do We repeat the messages and that they may say, Thou hast studied; and that We may make it clear to a people who know.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord; there is no god but He; and withdraw from the polytheists.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

Follow that which is inspired in thee from thy Lord; there is no Allah save Him; and turn away from the idolaters.

Muhammad Sarwar

(Muhammad), follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord; there is no God but He, and stay away from pagans.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Therefore, follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord there is no god except Him, and avoid the idolaters.

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

Follow what has been inspired (revealed) to you from your Lord, none has the right to be worshipped but He, and turn aside from the idolators.

Wahiduddin Khan

Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord: there is no deity but Him; and ignore the polytheists.

Talal Itani

Follow what was revealed to you from your Lord. There is no god but He. And turn away from the polytheists.

Tafsir jalalayn

Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord, namely, the Qur'n. There is no god but Him; and turn away from the idolaters.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

The Command to Follow the Revelation

Allah commands His Messenger and those who followed his path,

اتَّبِعْ مَا أُوحِيَ إِلَيْكَ مِن رَّبِّكَ

Follow what has been inspired to you from your Lord,

meaning, follow it, obey it and act according to it. What has been revealed to you from your Lord is the Truth, no doubt, and there is no deity worthy of worship except Him,

لاا إِلَـهَ إِلااَّ هُوَ

none has the right to be worshipped but He,

وَأَعْرِضْ عَنِ الْمُشْرِكِينَ

and turn aside from the idolators.

meaning, forgive them, be forbearing and endure their harm until Allah brings relief to you, supports you and makes you triumphant over them. Know -- O Muhammad -- that there is a wisdom behind misleading the idolators, and that had Allah willed, He would have directed all people to guidance