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Al-Qur'an Surah As-Saffat Verse 73

As-Saffat [37]: 73 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

فَانْظُرْ كَيْفَ كَانَ عَاقِبَةُ الْمُنْذَرِيْنَۙ (الصافات : ٣٧)

Then see
(the) end
(of) those who were warned


Fanzur kaifa kaana 'aaqibatul munzareen (QS. aṣ-Ṣāffāt:73)

English / Sahih Translation:

Then look how was the end of those who were warned – (QS. As-Saffat, ayah 73)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

So look, how was the end of those warned -

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

See then what was the end of those who had been warned.

Ruwwad Translation Center

Then see how was the end of those who were warned,

A. J. Arberry

and behold, how was the end of them that were warned,

Abdul Haleem

See how those who were warned met their end!

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

So behold what wise hath been the end of those who were warned.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

Then see what was the end of those who were admonished (but heeded not),-

Abul Ala Maududi

Observe, then, what was the end of those that had been warned,

Ahmed Ali

Look, then how was the end of those who had been warned,

Ahmed Raza Khan

Therefore see what sort of fate befell those who were warned!

Ali Quli Qarai

So observe how was the fate of those who were warned

Ali Ünal

So see how was the outcome for those who were warned (but paid no heed),

Amatul Rahman Omar

Behold! then, how (evil) was the end of those who were warned.

English Literal

So look/see/wonder about how was the warned`s/given notice`s end/turn (result).

Faridul Haque

Therefore see what sort of fate befell those who were warned!

Hamid S. Aziz

Then see what was the end of those who were warned,

Hilali & Khan

Then see what was the end of those who were warned (but heeded not).

Maulana Mohammad Ali

Then see what was the end of those warned --

Mohammad Habib Shakir

Then see how was the end of those warned,

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

Then see the nature of the consequence for those warned,

Muhammad Sarwar

See how terrible was the end of those who were warned.

Qaribullah & Darwish

See then the end of those who were warned,

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

Then see what was the end of those who were warned.

Wahiduddin Khan

See how those who were warned met their end!

Talal Itani

So observe the end of those who were warned.

Tafsir jalalayn

So behold how was the consequence for them who were warned, namely, the disbelievers; in other words the sequel for them was [that they ended up in] the chastisement;

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

إِلاَّ عِبَادَ اللَّهِ الْمُخْلَصِينَ