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Al-Qur'an Surah Saba Verse 33

Saba [34]: 33 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

وَقَالَ الَّذِيْنَ اسْتُضْعِفُوْا لِلَّذِيْنَ اسْتَكْبَرُوْا بَلْ مَكْرُ الَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ اِذْ تَأْمُرُوْنَنَآ اَنْ نَّكْفُرَ بِاللّٰهِ وَنَجْعَلَ لَهٗٓ اَنْدَادًا ۗوَاَسَرُّوا النَّدَامَةَ لَمَّا رَاَوُا الْعَذَابَۗ وَجَعَلْنَا الْاَغْلٰلَ فِيْٓ اَعْنَاقِ الَّذِيْنَ كَفَرُوْاۗ هَلْ يُجْزَوْنَ اِلَّا مَا كَانُوْا يَعْمَلُوْنَ (سبإ : ٣٤)

And will say
those who
were oppressed
to those who
were arrogant
(it was) a plot
(by) night
and (by) day
you were ordering us
we disbelieve
in Allah
and we set up
for Him
But they will conceal
the regret
they see
the punishment
And We will put
(the) necks
(of) those who
they be recompensed
(for) what
they used to


Wa qaalal lazeenastud'ifoo lillazeenas takbaroo bal makrul laili wannahaari iz taamuroonanaaa an nakfura billaahi wa naj'ala lahooo andaadaa; wa asarrun nadaamata lammaa ra awul 'azaab; wa ja'alnal aghlaala feee a'naaqil lazeena kafaroo; hal yujzawna illaa maa kanoo ya'maloon (QS. Sabaʾ:33)

English / Sahih Translation:

Those who were oppressed will say to those who were arrogant, "Rather, [it was your] conspiracy of night and day when you were ordering us to disbelieve in Allah and attribute to Him equals." But they will [all] confide regret when they see the punishment; and We will put shackles on the necks of those who disbelieved. Will they be recompensed except for what they used to do? (QS. Saba, ayah 33)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

And those weak will say to those overbearing, “But (it was your) intriguing day and night (that stopped us from accepting guidance), when you were directing us to disbelieve in Allah and to set up rivals to Him.” And all of them will conceal (their) regrets when they will see the punishment. And We will place iron-collars around the necks of those who disbelieved. They will not be recompensed except for what they used to do.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

The lowly will say to the arrogant, “No! It was your plotting by day and night—when you ordered us to disbelieve in Allah and to set up equals with Him.” They will ˹all˺ hide ˹their˺ remorse when they see the torment. And We will put shackles around the necks of the disbelievers. Will they be rewarded except for what they used to do?

Ruwwad Translation Center

Those who were oppressed will say to those who were arrogant, “Rather, [it was your] conspiracy of night and day when you were ordering us to disbelieve in Allah and to set up rivals to Him.” They will hide their remorse when they see the punishment, and We will put shackles around the necks of those who disbelieved. Will they be recompensed except for what they used to do?

A. J. Arberry

And those that were abased will say to those that waxed proud, 'Nay, but devising night and day, when you were ordering us to disbelieve in God, and to set up compeers to Him.' They will be secretly remorseful when they see the chastisement and We put fetters on the necks of the unbelievers; shall they be recompensed except for what they were doing?

Abdul Haleem

The oppressed will say to them, ‘No, it was your scheming, night and day, ordering us to disbelieve in God and set up rivals to Him.’ When they see the punishment, they will fall silent with regret, and We shall put iron collars on the disbelievers’ necks. Why should they be rewarded for anything other than what they have done?

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

And those who were deemed weak will say Unto those who were stiff necked: aye, it was your plotting by night and by day, When ye were commanding us that we should disbelieve in Allah and set up peers Unto Him. And they Will keep secret their shame when they behold the torment. And We shall place shackles on the necks of those who disbelieved. They shall be requited not save according to that which they had been working.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

Those who had been despised will say to the arrogant ones; "Nay! it was a plot (of yours) by day and by night; Behold! Ye (constantly) ordered us to be ungrateful to Allah and to attribute equals to Him!" They will declare (their) repentance when they see the Penalty; We shall put yokes on the necks of the Unbelievers; It would only be a requital for their (ill) Deeds.

Abul Ala Maududi

Those who were suppressed will say to those who waxed arrogant: “By no means; it was your scheming, night and day, when you would enjoin us to disbelieve in Allah and set up others as equals to Him.” When they are confronted with the chastisement, they will be remorseful in their hearts. We shall put fetters around the necks of the unbelievers. Can people be requited except for their deeds?

Ahmed Ali

But the weak will say to the arrogant: "Not in the least. It was your plotting night and day when you ordered us to disbelieve in God and associate compeers with Him." When they see the punishment they will express repentance. But We shall put iron collars round the necks of infidels. Will they be requited for anything but what they did?

Ahmed Raza Khan

Those who were subdued will say to those who were conceited, “Rather it was your deceit during night and day, for you commanded us to deny Allah and to set up equals to Him”; and inwardly they began regretting when they saw the punishment; and We placed shackles around the necks of the disbelievers; what recompense will they get except what they used to do?

Ali Quli Qarai

Those who were abased will say to those who were arrogant, ‘No, [it was your] night and day plotting, when you prompted us to forswear Allah and to set up equals to Him.’ They will hide their remorse when they sight the punishment, and We will put iron collars around the necks of the faithless. Shall they not be requited for what they used to do?

Ali Ünal

Those who were oppressed and humiliated say to the arrogant (who oppressed them): "No! Rather, (it was your) scheming night and day (that kept us away from the guidance); you were constantly commanding us to blaspheme against God and set up rivals to Him." When they all face the punishment, they will be unable to express their remorse. We will put fetters around the necks of those who disbelieved (and keep them in the Fire). Will they have been recompensed for anything other than what they used to do?

Amatul Rahman Omar

And those who were suppressed and made weak (in the world) will say to those who considered themselves superior, `Nay, (We did not become guilty in our own right) rather it was due to your schemes (which you hatched) by day and night (that kept us away from guidance); for then you urged us to disbelieve in Allâh and set up equals with Him (to be worshipped).´ And they will not be able to conceal their remorse when they see the punishment; We shall put shackles round the necks of these disbelievers. They will be recompensed only according to their (actual) deeds.

English Literal

And those who were weakened said to those who were arrogant: "But the night`s and daytime`s cheatery/deceit when you order/command us that (E) we disbelieve with (in) God, and we make/put/create for Him equals (idols)." And they kept the regret/remorse secret, when they saw the torture, and We made/put the leather or iron collars or hand cuffs in those who disbelieved`s necks, are they reimbursed except (for) what they were making/doing ?

Faridul Haque

Those who were subdued will say to those who were conceited, “Rather it was your deceit during night and day, for you commanded us to deny Allah and to set up equals to Him”; and inwardly they began regretting when they saw the punishment; and We placed shackles around the necks of the disbelievers; what recompense will they get except what they used to do?

Hamid S. Aziz

Those who were proud shall say to those who were deemed weak (or despised), "Did we turn you away from the guidance after it had come to you? Nay, you (yourselves) were guilty."

Hilali & Khan

Those who were deemed weak will say to those who were arrogant: "Nay, but it was your plotting by night and day, when you ordered us to disbelieve in Allah and set up rivals to Him!" And each of them (parties) will conceal their own regrets (for disobeying Allah during this worldly life), when they behold the torment. And We shall put iron collars round the necks of those who disbelieved. Are they requited aught except what they used to do?

Maulana Mohammad Ali

Those who were proud say to those who were deemed weak: Did we turn you away from the guidance after it had come to you? Nay, you (yourselves) were guilty.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And those who were deemed weak shall say to those who were proud. Nay, (it was) planning by night and day when you told us to disbelieve in Allah and to set up likes with Him. And they shall conceal regret when they shall see the punishment; and We will put shackles on the necks of those who disbelieved; they shall not be requited but what they did.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

Those who were despised say unto those who were proud: Nay but (it was your) scheming night and day, when ye commanded us to disbelieve in Allah and set up rivals unto Him. And they are filled with remorse when they behold the doom; and We place carcans on the necks of those who disbelieved. Are they requited aught save what they used to do?

Muhammad Sarwar

The oppressed ones will say to them, "It was you who planned night and day, ordering us to disbelieve God, and consider other things equal to Him." They will hide their regret on seeing their torment. We shall chain the necks of the disbelievers. Can they be recompensed with other than what they deserved for their deeds?

Qaribullah & Darwish

Those that were abased will say to those who were proud: 'Rather, it was scheming night and day, when you ordered us to disbelieve in Allah and set up equals to Him' And they will regret in secret when they see the punishment and We put (iron) fetters on the necks of the unbelievers. Shall they be recompensed except for what they were doing?

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

Those who were deemed weak will say to those who were arrogant: "Nay, but it was your plotting by night and day, when you ordered us to disbelieve in Allah and set up rivals to Him!" And each of them (parties) will conceal their own regrets, when they behold the torment. And We shall put iron collars round the necks of those who disbelieved. Are they requited aught except what they used to do

Wahiduddin Khan

Those deemed weak will say to those deemed great, "No, it was your scheming night and day when you commanded us to reject God and assign equals to Him." But they will show their remorse when they see the punishment. We will put iron collars round the necks of those who had been bent on denying the truth. They will be requited only in proportion to their misdeeds.

Talal Itani

And those who were oppressed will say to those who were arrogant, “It was your scheming by night and day; as you instructed us to reject God, and to set up rivals to Him.” They will hide their remorse when they see the retribution. We will put yokes around the necks of those who disbelieved. Will they be repaid for anything other than what they used to do?

Tafsir jalalayn

And those who were oppressed will say to those who were arrogant, `Nay, but [it was your] scheming night and day, in other words, [such were] your schemes against us during both [of these times], when you used to command us to disbelieve in God and set up partners with Him'. And they, that is, the two parties, will conceal their remorse, for not having believed in Him, when they see the chastisement, in other words, each person will hide it [his remorse] from the next for fear of being reviled; and We will place fetters around the necks of the disbelievers, [while they are] in the Fire. Shall they be requited except, the requital, for what they used to do?, in the world.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ اسْتُضْعِفُوا لِلَّذِينَ اسْتَكْبَرُوا بَلْ مَكْرُ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ

"...Nay, but you were criminals."

Those who were deemed weak will say to those who were arrogant;

"Nay, but it was your plotting by night and day..."

meaning, `you used to plot against us night and day, tempting us with promises and false hopes, and telling us that we were truly guided and that we were following something, but all of that was falsehood and manifest lies.'

Qatadah and Ibn Zayd said;
بَلْ مَكْرُ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ
(Nay, but it was your plotting by night and day), means,

"You plotted by night and day."

Malik narrated something similar from Zayd bin Aslam.

إِذْ تَأْمُرُونَنَا أَن نَّكْفُرَ بِاللَّهِ وَنَجْعَلَ لَهُ أَندَادًا

when you ordered us to disbelieve in Allah and set up rivals to Him!

means, `to set up gods as equal to Him, and you created doubts and confusion in our minds, and you fabricated far-fetched ideas with which to lead us astray.'

وَأَسَرُّوا النَّدَامَةَ لَمَّا رَأَوُا الْعَذَابَ

And each of them (parties) will conceal their own regrets, when they behold the torment.

means, both the leaders and the followers will feel regret for what they did previously.

وَجَعَلْنَا الاَْغْلَلَ فِي أَعْنَاقِ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا

And We shall put iron collars round the necks of those who disbelieved.

This is a chain which will tie their hands to their necks.

هَلْ يُجْزَوْنَ إِلاَّ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ

Are they requited aught except what they used to do.

means, they will be punished according to their deeds;the leaders will be punished according to what they did, and the followers will be punished according to what they did.

قَالَ لِكُلٍّ ضِعْفٌ وَلَـكِن لاَّ تَعْلَمُونَ

He will say;"For each one there is double (torment), but you know not." (7;38)

Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said,

"The Messenger of Allah said;

إِنَّ جَهَنَّمَ لَمَّا سِيقَ إِلَيْهَا أَهْلُهَا تَلَقَّاهُمْ لَهَبُهَا ثُمَّ لَفَحَتْهُمْ لَفْحَةً فَلَمْ يَبْقَ لَحْمٌ إِلاَّ سَقَطَ عَلَى الْعُرْقُوب

When the people of Hell are driven towards it, it will meet them with its flames, then the Fire will burn their faces and the flesh will all fall to their hamstrings.