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Al-Qur'an Surah Saba Verse 17

Saba [34]: 17 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

ذٰلِكَ جَزَيْنٰهُمْ بِمَا كَفَرُوْاۗ وَهَلْ نُجٰزِيْٓ اِلَّا الْكَفُوْرَ (سبإ : ٣٤)

We recompensed them
they disbelieved
And not
We recompense
the ungrateful


Zaalika jazainaahum bimaa kafaroo wa hal nujaazeee illal kafoor (QS. Sabaʾ:17)

English / Sahih Translation:

[By] that We repaid them because they disbelieved. And do We [thus] repay except the ungrateful? (QS. Saba, ayah 17)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

Thus We punished them because of their ungratefulness. We do not give (such a) punishment but to the ungrateful.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

This is how We rewarded them for their ingratitude. Would We ever punish ˹anyone in such a way˺ except the ungrateful?

Ruwwad Translation Center

This is how We punished them for their ingratitude; would We punish anyone except those who are utterly ungrateful?

A. J. Arberry

Thus We recompensed them for their unbelief; and do 'We ever recompense any hut the unbeliever?

Abdul Haleem

In this way We punished them for their ingratitude- would We punish anyone but the ungrateful?

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

In this wise We requited them for they were ungrateful. And We requite not thus any save the ungrateful infidels.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

That was the Requital We gave them because they ungratefully rejected Faith; and never do We give (such) requital except to such as are ungrateful rejecters.

Abul Ala Maududi

Thus did We retribute them for their ingratitude. And none do We retribute in this manner except the utterly ungrateful.

Ahmed Ali

That is how We requited them for their ingratitude. We only punish those who are ungrateful.

Ahmed Raza Khan

We gave them this reward – the recompense of their ingratitude; and whom do We punish, except the ungrateful?

Ali Quli Qarai

We requited them with that for their ingratitude. Do We not requite ingrates?

Ali Ünal

Thus We recompensed them for their (sins originating in persistent) ingratitude. Do We ever punish any but the ingrate?

Amatul Rahman Omar

That is how We recompensed them because of their ingratitude. It is only the ungrateful whom We recompense (in the like manner).

English Literal

That We reimbursed them because (of) what they disbelieved, and do We reimburse except the (insisting) disbeliever?

Faridul Haque

We gave them this reward – the recompense of their ingratitude; and whom do We punish, except the ungrateful?

Hamid S. Aziz

But they turned away, so We sent upon them a flood from Dams, and We converted their two gardens into two gardens yielding bitter fruit and tamarisk and a few lote-trees.

Hilali & Khan

Like this We requited them because they were ungrateful disbelievers. And never do We requit in such a way except those who are ungrateful, (disbelievers).

Maulana Mohammad Ali

But they turned aside, so We sent upon them a violent torrent, and in place of their two gardens We gave them two gardens yielding bitter fruit and (growing) tamarisk and a few lote-trees.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

This We requited them with because they disbelieved; and We do not punish any but the ungrateful.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

This We awarded them because of their ingratitude. Punish We ever any save the ingrates?

Muhammad Sarwar

This was how We recompensed them for their ungratefulness and thus do We recompense the ungrateful ones.

Qaribullah & Darwish

As such We recompensed them for their disbelief; do We recompense any except the unbelievers?

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

Like this We requited them because they were ungrateful disbelievers. And never do We requite in such a way except those who are ungrateful (disbelievers).

Wahiduddin Khan

We requited them in that way because of their ingratitude. We requite no one in that way but the ungrateful.

Talal Itani

We thus penalized them for their ingratitude. Would We penalize any but the ungrateful?

Tafsir jalalayn

That, replacement [of what they had], is what We requited them with for their ingratitude; and is anyone but the ingrate ever [so] requited? (read hal yujz ill'l-kafru; or read as hal nujz ill'l-kafra, `Would We requite anyone but the ingrate?'), in other words, it is only the like of such who is called to account.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

Like this We requited them because they were ungrateful disbelievers. And never do We requite in such a way except those who are ungrateful.

meaning, `We punished them for their disbelief.'

Mujahid said,

"He does not punish anyone except the disbelievers."

Al-Hasan Al-Basri said,

"Allah the Almighty has spoken the truth;no one will be punished in a manner that befits the sin except the ungrateful disbelievers.