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Al-Qur'an Surah Saba Verse 12

Saba [34]: 12 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

وَلِسُلَيْمٰنَ الرِّيْحَ غُدُوُّهَا شَهْرٌ وَّرَوَاحُهَا شَهْرٌۚ وَاَسَلْنَا لَهٗ عَيْنَ الْقِطْرِۗ وَمِنَ الْجِنِّ مَنْ يَّعْمَلُ بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ بِاِذْنِ رَبِّهٖۗ وَمَنْ يَّزِغْ مِنْهُمْ عَنْ اَمْرِنَا نُذِقْهُ مِنْ عَذَابِ السَّعِيْرِ (سبإ : ٣٤)

And to Sulaiman
the wind
its morning course
(was) a month
and its afternoon course
(was) a month
and We caused to flow
for him
a spring
(of) molten copper
And [of]
the jinn
before him
before him
by the permission
(of) his Lord
And whoever
among them
Our Command
We will make him taste
(the) punishment
(of) the Blaze


Wa li-Sulaimaanar reeha ghuduwwuhaa shahrunw wa ra-waahuhaa shahrunw wa asalnaa lahoo 'ainal qitr; wa minal jinni mai ya'malu baina yadaihi bi izni Rabbih; wa mai yazigh minhum 'an amrinaa nuziqhu min 'azaabis sa'eer (QS. Sabaʾ:12)

English / Sahih Translation:

And to Solomon [We subjected] the wind – its morning [journey was that of] a month – and its afternoon [journey was that of] a month, and We made flow for him a spring of [liquid] copper. And among the jinn were those who worked for him by the permission of his Lord. And whoever deviated among them from Our command – We will make him taste of the punishment of the Blaze. (QS. Saba, ayah 12)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

And for Sulaimān (We subjugated) the wind; its journey in the morning was (equal to the journey of) one month, and its journey in the afternoon was (equal to the journey) of another month. And We caused a stream of copper to flow for him. And there were some Jinns who worked before him with the leave of his Lord. Whoever of them would deviate from Our command, We would make him taste the punishment of the blazing fire.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And to Solomon ˹We subjected˺ the wind: its morning stride was a month’s journey and so was its evening stride. And We caused a stream of molten copper to flow for him, and ˹We subjected˺ some of the jinn to work under him by his Lord’s Will. And whoever of them deviated from Our command, We made them taste the torment of the blaze.

Ruwwad Translation Center

And to Solomon [We subdued] the wind: its morning course was a month’s journey and its evening course was a month’s journey. And We caused a stream of molten brass to flow for him, and there were some jinn who worked for him by his Lord’s permission; whoever among them deviated from Our command, We made him taste the punishment of the Blazing Fire.

A. J. Arberry

And to Solomon the wind; its morning course was a month's journey, and its evening course was a month's journey. And We made the Fount of Molten Brass to flow for him. And of the jinn, some worked before him by the leave of his Lord; and such of them as swerved away from Our commandment, We would let them taste the chastisement of the Blaze;

Abdul Haleem

And [We subjected] the wind for Solomon. Its outward journey took a month, and its return journey likewise. We made a fountain of molten brass flow for him, and some of the jinn worked under his control with his Lord’s permission. If one of them deviated from Our command, We let him taste the suffering of the blazing flame.

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

And Unto Sulaiman We subjected the wind, whereof the morning journeying was a month and the evening journeying a month. And We made a fount of brass to flow for him. And of the Jinn were some who worked before him by the Will Of his Lord. And whosoever of them swerved from Our command, him We shall cause to taste the torment of the Blaze.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

And to Solomon (We made) the Wind (obedient); Its early morning (stride) was a month's (journey), and its evening (stride) was a month's (journey); and We made a Font of molten brass to flow for him; and there were Jinns that worked in front of him, by the leave of his Lord, and if any of them turned aside from our command, We made him taste of the Penalty of the Blazing Fire.

Abul Ala Maududi

And We subdued the wind to Solomon: its morning course was a month's journey and its evening course was a month's journey. We gave him a spring flowing with molten brass, and We subdued for him jinn who, by his Lord's permission, worked before him. Such of them as swerved from Our commandment, We let them taste the chastisement of the Blazing Fire.

Ahmed Ali

We (subjugated) the wind to Solomon. Its morning's journey took one month, and the evening's one month. We made a spring of molten brass to flow for him; and many jinns laboured for him by the will of his Lord. Anyone of them who turned from Our command was made to taste the torment of blazing fire.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And We gave the wind in Sulaiman’s control – its morning journey equal to a month’s course and the evening journey equal to a month’s course; and We sprung a stream of molten copper for him; and from the jinns, who worked before him by the command of his Lord; and those among them who turned away from Our command – We shall make them taste the punishment of the blazing fire.

Ali Quli Qarai

And for Solomon [We subjected] the wind: its morning course was a month’s journey and its evening course was a month’s journey. We made a fount of [molten] copper flow for him, and [We placed at his service] some of the jinn who would work for him by the permission of his Lord, and if any of them swerved from Our command, We would make him taste the punishment of the Blaze.

Ali Ünal

And to Solomon We (subjugated) the wind: its morning course covered the distance of a month’s journey (at normal pace), and its evening course, a month’s journey. And We caused molten cupper to flow for him (like a fountain). Among the jinn were some who, by the leave of his Lord, worked under him. Whoever of them swerved away from Our command (by disobeying him), We would make him taste the punishment of a fiery blaze.

Amatul Rahman Omar

And We made such winds serve Solomon the blowing of which in the forenoon (and thus help sailing of his ships) was equal to (a voyage of) a month (by the other ships); similarly its blowing in the afternoon was (also) equal to (a voyage of) a month (by them). And We made a spring of molten copper to flow for him. Also (given into his service were) some of the jinns (- wild and rebellious mountain tribes known as Amalaqites), who worked under him as trained craftsmen) by the command of his Lord. And (We also told them) whoever of them deviated from and disobeyed Our command (- that they should obey Solomon) We shall make him suffer the agony of burning.

English Literal

And to Soliman the wind/breeze its going early (for a) month and its departure (passing) (for a month), and We made the molten copper/brass/iron well flow/dissolve/melt for him, and from the Jinns who works between his hands with his Lord`s permission/pardon, and who deviates/turns away from them from Our order/command, We make him taste/experience from the blazing`s/inflamed`s (inferno`s) torture.

Faridul Haque

And We gave the wind in Sulaiman’s control – its morning journey equal to a month’s course and the evening journey equal to a month’s course; and We sprung a stream of molten copper for him; and from the jinns, who worked before him by the command of his Lord; and those among them who turned away from Our command - We shall make them taste the punishment of the blazing fire.

Hamid S. Aziz

Saying, "Make ample (coats of mail), and measure (balance well) the links, and do right; surely I am Seer of what you do.

Hilali & Khan

And to Solomon (We subjected) the wind, its morning (stride from sunrise till midnoon) was a month's (journey), and its afternoon (stride from the midday decline of the sun to sunset) was a month's (journey i.e. in one day he could travel two months' journey). And We caused a fount of (molten) brass to flow for him, and there were jinns that worked in front of him, by the Leave of his Lord, and whosoever of them turned aside from Our Command, We shall cause him to taste of the torment of the blazing Fire.

Maulana Mohammad Ali

Saying: Make ample (coats of mail), and assign a time to the making of coats of mail and do ye good. Surely I am Seer of what you do.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And (We made) the wind (subservient) to Sulaiman, which made a month's journey in the morning and a month's journey in the evening, and We made a fountain of molten copper to flow out for him, and of the jinn there were those who worked before him by the command of his Lord; and whoever turned aside from Our command from among them, We made him taste of the punishment of burning.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

And unto Solomon (We gave) the wind, whereof the morning course was a month's journey and the evening course a month's journey, and We caused the fount of copper to gush forth for him, and (We gave him) certain of the jinn who worked before him by permission of his Lord. And such of them as deviated from Our command, them We caused to taste the punishment of flaming Fire.

Muhammad Sarwar

(We made subservient to) Solomon the wind that travelled a month's journey in the morning and a month's journey in the evening. We made a stream of brass flow for him and some of the jinn worked for him by his Lord's command. We would make whichever of them (jinn) who turned away from Our command to suffer a burning torment.

Qaribullah & Darwish

To Solomon the morning course of the wind was a month's journey, and its evening course was also a month's journey. We caused copper to be (as a) molten spring for him. And the jinn, some served him by the permission of his Lord. But as for those amongst them that swerved away from Our Command, We shall let them taste the punishment of the Blaze (the Fire).

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

And to Sulayman (We subjected) the wind, its morning was a month's (journey), and its afternoon was a month's (journey). And We caused a fount of Qitr to flow for him, and there were Jinn that worked in front of him, by the leave of his Lord. And whosoever of them turned aside from Our command, We shall cause him to taste of the torment of the blazing Fire.

Wahiduddin Khan

We subjected the wind to Solomon; its morning course was a month and its evening course a month; and We caused a fount of molten copper to flow for him. And of the jinn there were some who worked under him, by the command of his Lord. If any one of them turned away from Our command, We would make him taste the punishment of the burning fire.

Talal Itani

And for Solomon the wind—its outward journey was one month, and its return journey was one month. And We made a spring of tar flow for him. And there were sprites that worked under him, by the leave of his Lord. But whoever of them swerved from Our command, We make him taste of the punishment of the Inferno.

Tafsir jalalayn

And, We disposed, for Solomon the wind (the nominative reading of al-rhu would be based on an implicit [missing verb] sakhkharn, `We disposed') its morning course, meaning its journey from the morning to the noon, was a month's journey and its evening course, that is, its journey from the noon to sunset, was a month's journey. And We caused a fount of [molten] copper to flow for him, in other words, We caused the copper to melt for him, and so the fount flowed for three days and nights like water, and to this day people have been using of that [copper] which was given to Solomon [at that time]. And of the jinn [there] were those who worked before him by the leave, by the command, of his Lord. And such of them as deviated from Our command, to him to obey him [Solomon], We would make them taste the chastisement of the Blaze, the Fire in the Hereafter -- but it is also said, [that their chastisement was] in this world, in which case an angel would smite one of them with a lash thereof that would scorch him.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

The Favors which Allah bestowed upon Suleiman

Allah says;

وَلِسُلَيْمَانَ الرِّيحَ غُدُوُّهَا شَهْرٌ وَرَوَاحُهَا شَهْرٌ

And to Suleiman (We subjected) the wind, its morning was a month's (journey), and its afternoon was a month's (journey).

Having mentioned the blessings with which He favored Dawud, Allah follows this by mentioning what He gave to Dawud's son Suleiman (Solomon), may peace be upon them both. He subjugated the wind to him, so that it would carry his carpet one way for a month, then back again the next month.

Al-Hasan Al-Basri said,

"He set out from Damascus in the morning, landed in Istakhar where he ate a meal, then flew on from Istakhar and spent the night in Kabil."

Between Damascus and Istakhar is an entire month's travel for a swift rider, and between Istakhar and Kabul is an entire month's travel for a swift rider.

وَأَسَلْنَا لَهُ عَيْنَ الْقِطْرِ

And We caused a fount Qitr to flow for him,

Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, Mujahid, Ikrimah, Ata' Al-Khurasani, Qatadah, As-Suddi, Malik from Zayd bin Aslam, Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam and others said,

"Qitr means copper."

Qatadah said, "It was in Yemen."

Allah brought forth all the things that people make for Suleiman, peace be upon him.

وَمِنَ الْجِنِّ مَن يَعْمَلُ بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِ

and there were Jinn that worked in front of him, by the leave of his Lord.

means, `We subjugated the Jinn to work in front of him,' by the permission of his Lord, i.e., by Allah's decree and subjugation, they built whatever constructions he wanted, and did other work as well.

وَمَن يَزِغْ مِنْهُمْ عَنْ أَمْرِنَا

And whosoever of them turned aside from Our command,

means, whoever among them tried to rebel and disobey,

نُذِقْهُ مِنْ عَذَابِ السَّعِيرِ

We shall cause him to taste of the torment of the blazing Fire.

which means, burning