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Al-Qur'an Surah Al-'Ankabut Verse 32

Al-'Ankabut [29]: 32 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

قَالَ اِنَّ فِيْهَا لُوْطًا ۗقَالُوْا نَحْنُ اَعْلَمُ بِمَنْ فِيْهَا ۖ لَنُنَجِّيَنَّهٗ وَاَهْلَهٗٓ اِلَّا امْرَاَتَهٗ كَانَتْ مِنَ الْغٰبِرِيْنَ (العنكبوت : ٢٩)

He said
in it
(is) Lut"
They said
know better
(is) in it
We will surely save him
and his family
his wife
(is) of
those who remain behind


Qaala inna feeha Lootaa; qaaloo nahnu a'lamu biman feehaa lanunajjjiyannahoo wa ahlahooo illam ra atahoo kaanat minal ghaabireen (QS. al-ʿAnkabūt:32)

English / Sahih Translation:

[Abraham] said, "Indeed, within it is Lot." They said, "We are more knowing of who is within it. We will surely save him and his family, except his wife. She is to be of those who remain behind." (QS. Al-'Ankabut, ayah 32)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

He said, “There is LūT in it.” They said, “We know well who is in it. We will certainly save him and his family except his wife who will be among those remaining behind.”

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

He said, “But Lot is there!” They responded, “We know best who is there. We will certainly save him and his family—except his wife, who is one of the doomed.”

Ruwwad Translation Center

He said, “But Lot is there!” They said, “We know well who is there. We will surely save him and his family, except his wife; she is one of those who will remain behind.”

A. J. Arberry

He said, 'Lot is in it.' They said, 'We know very well who is in it; assuredly We shall deliver him and his family, except his wife; she has become of those that tarry.'

Abdul Haleem

Abraham said, ‘But Lot lives there.’ They answered, ‘We know who lives there better than you do. We shall save him and his household, except for his wife: she will be one of those who stay behind.’

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

He said: verily Lut is therein. They said: we know better who is therein: we are to deliver him and his household, save his wife; she is to be of the lingerers.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

He said; "But there is Lut there." They said; "Well do we know who is there; we will certainly save him and his following,- except his wife; she is of those who lag behind!"

Abul Ala Maududi

Abraham said: “But Lot is there.” They replied: “We are well aware of those who are there. We shall save him and all his household except his wife.” His wife is among those who will stay behind.

Ahmed Ali

He said: "Surely Lot is there." They answered: "We know who is there. We are to save him and his family except his wife, for she is one of those who will stay behind."

Ahmed Raza Khan

He said, "Lut is in it!”; they said, “We know very well who all are there; we shall rescue him and his family, except his wife; she is of those who will stay behind.”

Ali Quli Qarai

He said, ‘Lot is in it.’ They said, ‘We know better those who are in it. We will surely deliver him and his family, except his wife: she shall be one of those who remain behind.’

Ali Ünal

He said: "But Lot is there." They said: "We know very well who is there. We will certainly save him and his family (by allowing them to leave the place), except his wife, who (as has been decreed) is among those who will stay behind (and be destroyed)."

Amatul Rahman Omar

(Abraham) said, `But Lot is (living) there (in that township).´ They said, `We know very well who are (living) in it. We will surely save him and his family except his wife, who is among those who stay behind.´

English Literal

He said: "That (E) in it (is) Lot." They said: "We are more knowledgeable with who (is) in it, we will save/rescue him (E) and his family/people except his woman (wife) was from the remaining behind."

Faridul Haque

He said, "Lut is in it!”; they said, “We know very well who all are there; we shall rescue him and his family, except his wife; she is of those who will stay behind.”

Hamid S. Aziz

And when Our messengers came to Abraham with the glad tidings, they said, "We are about to destroy the people of these cities. Verily, the people thereof are evil-doers."

Hilali & Khan

Ibrahim (Abraham) said: "But there is Lout (Lot) in it." They said:"We know better who is there, we will verily save him [Lout (Lot)] and his family, except his wife, she will be of those who remain behind (i.e. she will be destroyed along with those who will be destroyed from her folk)."

Maulana Mohammad Ali

He said: My Lord, help me against the mischievous people.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

He said: Surely in it is Lut. They said: We know well who is in it; we shall certainly deliver him and his followers, except his wife; she shall be of those who remain behind.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

He said: Lo! Lot is there. They said: We are best aware of who is there. We are to deliver him and his household, all save his wife, who is of those who stay behind.

Muhammad Sarwar

Abraham said, "Lot is there in that town!" They said, "We know everyone there. We shall certainly save him and his family except his wife who will remain behind."

Qaribullah & Darwish

He said: 'Lot is in it' They replied: 'We know who are in it, we shall save him and his family, except his wife, she has become of those that shall remain behind'

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

Ibrahim said: "But there is Lut in it." They said: "We know better who is there. We will verily, save him and his family - except his wife, she will be of those who remain behind."

Wahiduddin Khan

Abraham said, "But, Lot lives here." They answered, "We well know who lives here. We shall surely save him and his whole family, except his wife, who will be among those who stay behind."

Talal Itani

He said, “Yet Lot is in it.” They said, “We are well aware of who is in it. We will save him, and his family, except for his wife, who will remain behind.”

Tafsir jalalayn

He, Abraham, said, `Lo! Lot is in it.' They, namely, the messengers, said, `We know very well who is in it. Assuredly We shall deliver him (read la-nunjiyannahu or la-nunajjiyannahu) and his family, except his wife; she is of those who will stay behind', [of those] who will remain behind in the chastisement.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

(Ibrahim) said;"But there is Lut in it."

They said;"We know better who is there. We will verily, save him and his family except his wife, she will be of those who remain behind."

meaning, one of those who will be destroyed, because she used to support them in their disbelief and wrongdoing.