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Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Qasas Verse 35

Al-Qasas [28]: 35 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

قَالَ سَنَشُدُّ عَضُدَكَ بِاَخِيْكَ وَنَجْعَلُ لَكُمَا سُلْطٰنًا فَلَا يَصِلُوْنَ اِلَيْكُمَا ۛبِاٰيٰتِنَا ۛ اَنْتُمَا وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَكُمَا الْغٰلِبُوْنَ (القصص : ٢٨)

He said
"We will strengthen
your arm
through your brother
and We will make
for both of you
an authority
so not
they will reach
to both of you
Through Our Signs
you two
and (those) who
follow you
(will) be the dominant"


Qaala sanashuddu 'adudaka bi akheeka wa naj'alu lakumaa sultaanan falaa yasiloona ilaikumaa; bi Aayaatinaa antumaa wa manit taba'akumal ghaaliboon (QS. al-Q̈aṣaṣ:35)

English / Sahih Translation:

[Allah] said, "We will strengthen your arm through your brother and grant you both supremacy so they will not reach you. [It will be] through Our signs; you and those who follow you will be the predominant." (QS. Al-Qasas, ayah 35)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

He (Allah) said, “We will strengthen your arm with your brother, and will give both of you such a power that they will have no access to you (to cause any harm) because of Our signs.10 You and your followers will be the victors.”

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Allah responded, “We will assist you with your brother and grant you both authority, so they cannot harm you. With Our signs, you and those who follow you will ˹certainly˺ prevail.”

Ruwwad Translation Center

Allah said, “We will strengthen you through your brother and give you both power, so they cannot harm you. With Our signs, you and your followers will prevail.”

A. J. Arberry

Said He, 'We will strengthen thy arm by means of thy brother, and We shall appoint. to you an authority, so that they shall not reach you because of Our signs; you, and whoso follows you, shall be the victors.'

Abdul Haleem

God said, ‘We shall strengthen you through your brother; We shall give you both power so that they cannot touch you. With Our signs you, and those who follow you, will triumph.’

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

He said: We shall indeed strengthen thine arm with thy brother, and We shall vouchsafe unto you authority, so that they shall not be able to come up to you. Go forth with Our signs! Ye twain and those who follow you, shall be the victors.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

He said; "We will certainly strengthen thy arm through thy brother, and invest you both with authority, so they shall not be able to touch you; with Our Sign shall ye triumph,- you two as well as those who follow you."

Abul Ala Maududi

He said: "We will certainly strengthen you through your brother and will invest both of you with such power that they shall not be able to hurt you. With the help of Our Signs the two of you and your followers will prevail."

Ahmed Ali

(And) God said: "We shall strengthen your arm with your brother, and give you power with Our signs and give you authority, so that they will not be able to harm you. Both of you and your followers will be victorious."

Ahmed Raza Khan

He said, “We will soon strengthen your arm with your brother, and give you both dominance, so they will not be able to harm you; due to Our signs; you both, and those who will follow you, will be victorious.”

Ali Quli Qarai

He said, ‘We will strengthen your arm by means of your brother, and invest both of you with such authority that they will not touch you. With the help of Our signs, you two, and those who follow the two of you, shall be the victors.’

Ali Ünal

He said: "We will strengthen you through your brother and will invest both of you with power and authority; and they will not be able to reach you (with any harm they intend) from awe of Our signs (miracles). You two, and all who follow you, will be the victors."

Amatul Rahman Omar

(God) said, `We will surely strengthen your arm with your brother and We will give both of you so much power that they shall not reach you (to do you harm). So (go armed) with Our signs; you two and your followers will come out victorious.´

English Literal

(He said): "We will strengthen/support your upper arm/assistance (give you confidence) with your brother, and We will make/put for you (B) power/control , so they do not reach to you (B), with Our verses/evidences/signs, you (B) and who followed you (B) (are) the defeators/conquerors."

Faridul Haque

He said, “We will soon strengthen your arm with your brother, and give you both dominance, so they will not be able to harm you; due to Our signs; you both, and those who will follow you, will be victorious.”

Hamid S. Aziz

"My brother Aaron, he is more eloquent of tongue than I; send him then with me to verify (confirm, support) me. Verily, I fear that they will deny me."

Hilali & Khan

Allah said: "We will strengthen your arm through your brother, and give you both power, so they shall not be able to harm you, with Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), you two as well as those who follow you will be the victors."

Maulana Mohammad Ali

He said: My Lord, I killed one of them, so I fear lest they slay me.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

He said: We will strengthen your arm with your brother, and We will give you both an authority, so that they shall not reach you; (go) with Our signs; you two and those who follow you shall be uppermost.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

He said: We will strengthen thine arm with thy brother, and We will give unto you both power so that they cannot reach you for Our portents. Ye twain, and those who follow you, will be the winners.

Muhammad Sarwar

The Lord said, "We will support you by your brother and will grant you such prestige that no one will dare to approach anyone of you. By the help of Our miracles both you and your follower will certainly triumph."

Qaribullah & Darwish

He said: 'We will strengthen your arm with your brother, and appoint for you both an authority so that they shall not reach you. With our signs you and those who follow you shall be the victors.

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

Allah said: "We will strengthen your arm through your brother, and give you both power, so they shall not be able to harm you, with Our Ayat; you two as well as those who follow you, will be the victors."

Wahiduddin Khan

God said: "We shall strengthen your arm through your brother, We shall give you both power, so that they shall not be able to harm you. Set forth with Our signs. You, and those who follow you, will surely prevail."

Talal Itani

He said, “We will strengthen your arm with your brother, and We will give you authority, so they will not touch you. By virtue of Our signs, you and those who follow you will be the triumphant.”

Tafsir jalalayn

He said, `We will strengthen your arm, We will make you strong, by means of your brother, and We will give authority, victory, so that they will not be able to touch [either of] you, with any evil; go both of you, with Our signs the two of you, and those who follow you [two], will be the victors', over them.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

قَالَ سَنَشُدُّ عَضُدَكَ بِأَخِيكَ

Allah said;We will strengthen your arm through your brother,

meaning, `We will add strength to your cause and give you help through your brother, who you have asked to be made a Prophet alongside you.'

This is like the Ayat;

قَدْ أُوتِيتَ سُوْلَكَ يمُوسَى

You are granted your request, O Musa! (20;36)

وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُ مِن رَّحْمَتِنَأ أَخَاهُ هَـرُونَ نَبِيّاً

And We granted him his brother Harun, (also) a Prophet, out of Our mercy. (19;53)

One of the Salaf said,

"There is no one who has ever done a greater favor to his brother than Musa did for Harun, may peace be upon them both, for he interceded for him until Allah made him a Prophet and Messenger with him to Fir`awn and his chiefs."

Allah said concerning Musa;

وَكَانَ عِندَ اللَّهِ وَجِيهاً

he was honorable before Allah. (33;69)

وَنَجْعَلُ لَكُمَا سُلْطَانًا

and (We will) give you both power,

means, overwhelming evidence.

فَلَ يَصِلُونَ إِلَيْكُمَا بِأيَاتِنَا

so they shall not be able to harm you, with Our Ayat;

means, `they will have no way or means of harming you because you are conveying the signs of Allah.'

This is like the Ayat;

يَا أَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ مِن رَّبِّكَ وَإِن لَّمْ تَفْعَلْ فَمَا بَلَّغْتَ رِسَالَتَهُ وَاللّهُ يَعْصِمُكَ مِنَ النَّاسِ

O Messenger! Convey what has been sent down to you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message. Allah will protect you from mankind. (5;67)

الَّذِينَ يُبَلِّغُونَ رِسَالَاتِ اللَّهِ وَيَخْشَوْنَهُ وَلَا يَخْشَوْنَ أَحَدًا إِلاَّ اللَّهَ وَكَفَى بِاللَّهِ حَسِيبًا

Those who convey the Message of Allah and fear Him, and fear none save Allah. And sufficient is Allah as a Reckoner. (33;39)

And sufficient is Allah as a Helper and Supporter. And Allah told them the consequences in this world and the next, for them and for those who followed them,

أَنتُمَا وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَكُمَا الْغَالِبُونَ

you two as well as those who follow you will be the victors.

This is like the Ayat;

كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لاّغْلِبَنَّ أَنَاْ وَرُسُلِى إِنَّ اللَّهَ قَوِىٌّ عَزِيزٌ

Allah has decreed;"Verily, it is I and My Messengers who shall be the victorious."

Verily, Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty. (58;21)

إِنَّا لَنَنصُرُ رُسُلَنَا وَالَّذِينَ امَنُوا فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَيَوْمَ يَقُومُ الاَْشْهَادُ

Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe in this world's life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth, -- (40;51