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Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Qasas Verse 27

Al-Qasas [28]: 27 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

قَالَ اِنِّيْٓ اُرِيْدُ اَنْ اُنْكِحَكَ اِحْدَى ابْنَتَيَّ هٰتَيْنِ عَلٰٓى اَنْ تَأْجُرَنِيْ ثَمٰنِيَ حِجَجٍۚ فَاِنْ اَتْمَمْتَ عَشْرًا فَمِنْ عِنْدِكَۚ وَمَآ اُرِيْدُ اَنْ اَشُقَّ عَلَيْكَۗ سَتَجِدُنِيْٓ اِنْ شَاۤءَ اللّٰهُ مِنَ الصّٰلِحِيْنَ (القصص : ٢٨)

He said
"Indeed, I
[I] wish
marry you to
(of) my daughters
(of) these two
you serve me
(for) eight
but if
you complete
then from
And not
I wish
make it difficult
for you
You will find me
Allah wills
Allah wills
the righteous"


Qaala innee ureedu an unkihaka ihdab nataiya haataini 'alaaa an taajuranee samaaniya hijaj; fa in atmamta 'ashran famin 'indika wa maaa ureedu an ashuqqa 'alaik; satajiduneee in shaaa'al laahu minas saaliheen (QS. al-Q̈aṣaṣ:27)

English / Sahih Translation:

He said, "Indeed, I wish to wed you one of these, my two daughters, on [the condition] that you serve me for eight years; but if you complete ten, it will be [as a favor] from you. And I do not wish to put you in difficulty. You will find me, if Allah wills, from among the righteous." (QS. Al-Qasas, ayah 27)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

He (the father) said (to Mūsā), “I wish to marry to you one of these two daughters of mine on condition that you act as my employee for eight years. Then if you complete ten (years) it will be of your own accord. And I do not want to put you in any trouble; you will find me, Inshā’allah (God-willing) one of the righteous.”

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

The old man proposed, “I wish to marry one of these two daughters of mine to you, provided that you stay in my service for eight years. If you complete ten, it will be ˹a favour˺ from you, but I do not wish to make it difficult for you. Allah willing, you will find me an agreeable man.”

Ruwwad Translation Center

He said, “I would like to give you one of these two daughters of mine in marriage, provided that you serve me for eight years; if you complete ten, it will be of your own free will. I do not want to make things difficult for you. You will find me, if Allah wills, from among the righteous.”

A. J. Arberry

He said, 'I desire to marry thee to one of these my two daughters, on condition that thou hirest thyself to me for eight years. If thou completest ten, that shall be of thy own accord; I do not desire to' press hard 'upon thee. Thou shalt assuredly find me, if God wills, one of the righteous.'

Abdul Haleem

The father said, ‘I would like to marry you to one of these daughters of mine, on condition that you serve me for eight years: if you complete ten, it will be of your own free will. I do not intend to make things difficult for you: God willing, you will find I am a fair man.’

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

He said: verily I wish I would marry thee to one of these two daughters of mine provided that thou hirest thyself to me for eight years. then if thou completest ten it will de of thine own accord, and I would not make it hard for thee; thou Shalt find me, Allah willing, of the righteous.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

He said; "I intend to wed one of these my daughters to thee, on condition that thou serve me for eight years; but if thou complete ten years, it will be (grace) from thee. But I intend not to place thee under a difficulty; thou wilt find me, indeed, if Allah wills, one of the righteous."

Abul Ala Maududi

Her father said to Moses: "I want to marry one of these two daughters of mine to you if you serve me for eight years. But if you complete ten years, that will be of your own accord (but not an obligation). I do not intend to treat you harshly. If Allah wills, you will find me an upright man."

Ahmed Ali

He said: "I would like to marry one of these two daughters of mine to you if you agree to work for me on hire for eight years. And if you stay on for ten, it is up to you. I do not wish to impose any hardship on you. God willing you will find me a man of honour."

Ahmed Raza Khan

He said, “I wish to give you one of these two daughters of mine in marriage, the bridal money being that you work for me for eight years; then if you complete ten years, it will be from you; and I do not wish to put you in hardship; Allah willing, you will probably find me of the righteous.”

Ali Quli Qarai

He said, ‘Indeed I desire to marry you to one of these two daughters of mine, on condition that you hire yourself to me for eight years. And if you complete ten, that will be up to you, and I do not want to be hard on you. God willing, you will find me to a righteous person.’

Ali Ünal

(The father) said to Moses: "I want to marry one of these two daughters of mine to you if you serve me for eight years (according to the lunar calendar). But if you should complete ten years, that would be an act of grace from you. I do not mean to impose any hardship on you. You will find me, God willing, one of the righteous."

Amatul Rahman Omar

He (their father) said (to Moses), `I intend to marry one of these two daughters of mine to you, provided you stay in my service for eight years. But if you extend (your stay) making it complete ten (years) it will be an act of grace on your part. I have no desire to be hard on you by laying any more burden (of responsibility) on you. Allâh willing, you will find me an upright person.´

English Literal

He said: "That I, I want , that I marry you to one (of) my two daughters, those two, on that you hire to me (yourself for) eight pilgrimages (years), so if you completed ten, so (it) is from at you, and I do not want that I make hardship/difficulty on you, you will find me, if God willed/wanted from the correct/righteous."275

Faridul Haque

He said, “I wish to give you one of these two daughters of mine in marriage, the bridal money being that you work for me for eight years; then if you complete ten years, it will be from you; and I do not wish to put you in hardship; Allah willing, you will probably find me of the righteous.”

Hamid S. Aziz

One of the two women said, "O my father! Hire him; verily, the best of those whom you can hire is the strong and faithful."

Hilali & Khan

He said: "I intend to wed one of these two daughters of mine to you, on condition that you serve me for eight years, but if you complete ten years, it will be (a favour) from you. But I intend not to place you under a difficulty. If Allah will, you will find me one of the righteous."

Maulana Mohammad Ali

Then one of the two women came to him walking bashfully. She said: My father invites thee that he may reward thee for having watered for us. So when he came to him and related to him the story, he said: Fear not, thou art secure from the iniquitous people.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

He said: I desire to marry one of these two daughters of mine to you on condition that you should serve me for eight years; but if you complete ten, it will be of your own free will, and I do not wish to be hard to you; if Allah please, you will find me one of the good.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

He said: Lo! I fain would marry thee to one of these two daughters of mine on condition that thou hirest thyself to me for (the term of) eight pilgrimages. Then if thou completest ten it will be of thine own accord, for I would not make it hard for thee. Allah willing, thou wilt find me of the righteous.

Muhammad Sarwar

He (Shu'ayb) said to (Moses), "I want to give one of my daughters to you in marriage on the condition that you will work for me for eight years, but you may continue for two more years only out of your own accord. I do not want it to become a burden for you. God willing, you will find me a righteous person".

Qaribullah & Darwish

He said: 'I will let you marry one of these two daughters of mine on condition that you hire yourself to me for eight years. If you complete ten that is of your own accord; I shall not press you. Surely, you will find me, if Allah wills, among the good'

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

He said: "I intend to wed one of these two daughters of mine to you, on condition that you serve me for eight years; but if you complete ten years, it will be (a favor) from you. But I intend not to place you under a difficulty. If Allah wills, you will find me one of the righteous."

Wahiduddin Khan

The father said, "I would like to marry you to one of these two daughters of mine on the condition that you stay eight years in my service. But if you wish it, you may stay ten. I do not want to impose any hardship on you. God willing, you will find me a fair person."

Talal Itani

He said, “I want to marry you to one of these two daughters of mine, provided you work for me for eight years. But if you complete ten, that is up to you. I do not intend to impose any hardship on you. You will find me, God willing, one of the righteous.”

Tafsir jalalayn

He said, `I desire to marry you to one of these two daughters of mine, either the elder or the younger one, on condition that you hire yourself to me, that you are employed by me to tend my flock, for eight years. And if you complete ten, that is, the tending of ten years, that, completion, shall be of your own accord. I do not want to be hard on you, by making it [the marriage] conditional on ten [years service]. God willing -- [expressed] to seek [God's] blessing -- you shall find me to be one of the righteous', of those who fulfil their covenants.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

قَالَ إِنِّي أُرِيدُ أَنْ أُنكِحَكَ إِحْدَى ابْنَتَيَّ هَاتَيْنِ

He said;"I intend to wed one of these two daughters of mine to you,

means, this old man asked him to take care of his flocks, then he would marry one of his two daughters to him.

عَلَى أَن تَأْجُرَنِي ثَمَانِيَ حِجَجٍ فَإِنْ أَتْمَمْتَ عَشْرًا فَمِنْ عِندِكَ

on condition that you serve me for eight years; but if you complete ten years, it will be (a favor) from you.

meaning, `on the condition that you tend my flocks for eight years, and if you want to give me two extra years, that is up to you, but if you do not want to, then eight years is enough.'

وَمَا أُرِيدُ أَنْ أَشُقَّ عَلَيْكَ سَتَجِدُنِي إِن شَاء اللَّهُ مِنَ الصَّالِحِينَ

But I intend not to place you under a difficulty. If Allah wills, you will find me one of the righteous.

means, `I do not want to put pressure on you or cause you any inconvenience or argue with you.'

Ibn Abi Hatim recorded that Ali bin Rabah Al-Lakhmi said,

"I heard Utbah bin An-Nadar As-Sulami, the Companion of the Messenger of Allah narrating that the Messenger of Allah said;

إِنَّ مُوسَى عَلَيْهِ السَّلَمُ اجَرَ نَفْسَهُ بِعِفَّةِ فَرْجِهِ وَطُعْمَةِ بَطْنِه

Musa, peace be upon him, hired himself out for the purpose of keeping chaste and to feed himself.

And Allah tells us about Musa, peace be upon him;

قَالَ ذَلِكَ بَيْنِي وَبَيْنَكَ أَيَّمَا الاْاَجَلَيْنِ قَضَيْتُ فَلَا عُدْوَانَ عَلَيَّ وَاللَّهُ عَلَى مَا نَقُولُ وَكِيلٌ