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Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Qasas Verse 12

Al-Qasas [28]: 12 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

۞ وَحَرَّمْنَا عَلَيْهِ الْمَرَاضِعَ مِنْ قَبْلُ فَقَالَتْ هَلْ اَدُلُّكُمْ عَلٰٓى اَهْلِ بَيْتٍ يَّكْفُلُوْنَهٗ لَكُمْ وَهُمْ لَهٗ نَاصِحُوْنَ (القصص : ٢٨)

And We had forbidden
for him
the wet nurses
so she said
"Shall I
direct you
(the) people
(of) a house
who will rear him
for you
while they
to him
(will be) sincere?"


Wa harramnaa 'alaihil maraadi'a min qablu faqaalat hal adullukum 'alaaa ahli baitiny yakfuloonahoo lakum wa hum lahoo naasihoon (QS. al-Q̈aṣaṣ:12)

English / Sahih Translation:

And We had prevented from him [all] wet nurses before, so she said, "Shall I direct you to a household that will be responsible for him for you while they are to him [for his upbringing] sincere?" (QS. Al-Qasas, ayah 12)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

And We had already barred him (Mūsā) from (accepting) any suckling women, so she (his sister) said (to Pharaoh’s people), “Shall I point out to you a family who will nurse him for you, and they will be his well-wishers?”

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And We had caused him to refuse all wet-nurses at first, so his sister suggested, “Shall I direct you to a family who will bring him up for you and take good care of him?”

Ruwwad Translation Center

We had already forbidden for him all wet-nurses, then she said, “Shall I direct you to a household who will nurse him for you and take good care of him?”

A. J. Arberry

Now We had forbidden to him aforetime to be suckled by any foster-mother; therefore she said, 'Shall I direct you to the people of a household who will take charge of him for you and look after him?'

Abdul Haleem

We had ordained that he would refuse to feed from wet nurses. His sister approached them and said, ‘Shall I tell you about a household which could bring him up for you and take good care of him?’

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

And We had aforetime forbidden foster-mothers for him; so she said: shall direct you unto a household who will rear him for you and who will be unto him good counsellors.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

And we ordained that he refused suck at first, until (His sister came up and) said; "Shall I point out to you the people of a house that will nourish and bring him up for you and be sincerely attached to him?"...

Abul Ala Maududi

And We had already forbidden the breasts of the nurses for the child. (So seeing the girl) said: "Shall I direct you to the people of a household that will rear him with utter sincerity?"

Ahmed Ali

We made (Moses) refuse a wet nurse. So his sister said: "Should I tell you of a household that could bring him up for you and take care of him?"

Ahmed Raza Khan

And We had already forbidden suckle-nurses for him, so she said, “Shall I show you a household that will nurse this child of yours, and they are his well-wishers?”

Ali Quli Qarai

Since before We had forbidden him to be suckled by any nurse. So she said, ‘Shall I show you a household that will take care of him for you and they will be his well-wishers?’

Ali Ünal

We had forbidden wet-nurses for him from before (so that he refused the milk of the nurses called by the Queen to suckle him). Then his sister (who was able to get into the palace) said: "Shall I guide you to a family that will nurse him for you and they will take care of him?"

Amatul Rahman Omar

And We had already (ordained and) made him refuse the wet nurses (to be suckled). So (when the question of his suckling arose after Moses was picked up from the river,) she (- Moses sister) said, `Shall I point out to you the people of a household who will bring him up for you and will be his sincere well-wishers?´

English Literal

And We forbade/prohibited on him the wet nurses/breast feeders from before, so she said: "Do I guide/lead you on a house`s/home`s people they sponsor/maintain him for you, and they are for him faithful/sincere?"

Faridul Haque

And We had already forbidden suckle-nurses for him, so she said, “Shall I show you a household that will nurse this child of yours, and they are his well-wishers?”

Hamid S. Aziz

And she said to his (Moses´) sister, "Follow him up." And she (his sister) watched him from afar (or as a stranger), and they perceive not.

Hilali & Khan

And We had already forbidden (other) foster suckling mothers for him, until she (his sister came up and) said: "Shall I direct you to a household who will rear him for you, and sincerely they will look after him in a good manner?"

Maulana Mohammad Ali

And the heart of Moses’ mother was free (from anxiety). She would almost have disclosed it, had We not strengthened her heart, so that she might be of the believers.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And We ordained that he refused to suck any foster mother before, so she said: Shall I point out to you the people of a house who will take care of him for you, and they will be benevolent to him?

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

And We had before forbidden foster-mothers for him, so she said: Shall I show you a household who will rear him for you and take care of him?

Muhammad Sarwar

We had decreed that the infant must not be breast-fed by any nurse besides his mother. His sister said to the people of the Pharaoh, "May I show you a family who can nurse him for you with kindness?"

Qaribullah & Darwish

We had forbidden to him before that he should be suckled by foster mothers, therefore she (Moses' sister) said (to them): 'Shall I direct you to a people of a household who will take charge of him for you and advise him'

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

And We had already forbidden foster suckling mothers for him, until she said: "Shall I direct you to a household who will rear him for you, and look after him in a good manner"

Wahiduddin Khan

We had already made him refuse all wet nurses. So his sister said to them, "Shall I tell you of a family who will bring him up for you and take good care of him?"

Talal Itani

We forbade him breastfeeding at first. So she said, “Shall I tell you about a family that can raise him for you, and will look after him?”

Tafsir jalalayn

And We had forbidden him to [take to the breasts of] fostermothers from before, that is to say, we prevented him from taking to the breasts of any suckling mother other than his own mother. Therefore he would not accept the breasts of any of the foster-mothers brought for him. So she, his sister, said, `Shall I show you a household -- having seen their affection for him -- who will take care of him for you, by having him suckled and so on, and who will act in good faith towards him?' (the [suffixed] pronoun in lahu has been interpreted as referring to the king, as a response to them [when they asked Mary how she could be sure]). Her suggestion was accepted. So she brought his mother and he took to her breast. She explained to them that he had taken to her [breast] because of her pleasant scent and the wholesome taste of her milk. Permission was given to her to breast-feed him in her own house and so she returned with him, just as God, exalted be He, says;

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

وَحَرَّمْنَا عَلَيْهِ الْمَرَاضِعَ مِن قَبْلُ

And We had already forbidden foster suckling mothers for him,

Because of his honored status with Allah, it was forbidden by divine decree. It was decreed that no one should nurse him except his own mother, and Allah caused this to be the means reuniting him with his mother so that she could nurse him and feel safe after having felt such fear. When (his sister) saw that they were confused over who should nurse the child,

فَقَالَتْ هَلْ أَدُلُّكُمْ عَلَى أَهْلِ بَيْتٍ يَكْفُلُونَهُ لَكُمْ وَهُمْ لَهُ نَاصِحُونَ

she said;"Shall I direct you to a household who will rear him for you, and look after him in a good manner'!'

Ibn Abbas said;

When she said that, they had some doubts about her, so they seized her and asked her, How do you know these people will be sincere and will care for him?"

She said to them, "They will be sincere and will care for him because they want the king to be happy and because they hope for some reward."

So they let her go. After what she said, being safe from their harm, they took her to their house and brought the baby to his mother. She gave him her breast and he accepted it, so they rejoiced and sent the glad tidings to the wife of Fir`awn.

She called for Musa's mother, treating her kindly and rewarding her generously. She did not realize that she was his real mother, but she saw that the baby accepted her breast. Then Asiyah asked her to stay with her and nurse the baby, but she refused, saying, "I have a husband and children, and I cannot stay with you, but if you would like me to nurse him in my own home, I will do that."

The wife of Fir`awn agreed to that, and paid her a regular salary and gave her extra gifts and clothing and treated her kindly. The mother of Musa came back with her child, happy that after a time of fear Allah granted her security, prestige, and ongoing provision.

There was only a short time between the distress and the way out, a day and night, or thereabouts -- and Allah knows best.

Glory be to the One in Whose hands are all things; what He wills happens and what He does not will does not happen. He is the One Who grants those who fear Him, a way out from every worry and distress,

Allah said