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Al-Qur'an Surah Ash-Shu'ara Verse 187

Ash-Shu'ara [26]: 187 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

فَاَسْقِطْ عَلَيْنَا كِسَفًا مِّنَ السَّمَاۤءِ اِنْ كُنْتَ مِنَ الصّٰدِقِيْنَ ۗ (الشعراء : ٢٦)

Then cause to fall
upon us
the sky
you are
the truthful"


Fa asqit 'alainaa kisafam minas samaaa'i in kunta minas saadiqeen (QS. aš-Šuʿarāʾ:187)

English / Sahih Translation:

So cause to fall upon us fragments of the sky, if you should be of the truthful." (QS. Ash-Shu'ara, ayah 187)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

So cause a piece from the sky to fall down upon us, if you are one of the truthful.”

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

So cause ˹deadly˺ pieces of the sky to fall upon us, if what you say is true.”

Ruwwad Translation Center

So cause pieces of the sky to fall upon us, if you are of the truthful.”

A. J. Arberry

Then drop down on us lumps from heaven, if thou art one of the truthful.'

Abdul Haleem

Make bits of the heavens fall down on us, if you are telling the truth.’

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

So cause thou a fragment of the heaven to fall upon us, if thou art of the truth-tellers.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

"Now cause a piece of the sky to fall on us, if thou art truthful!"

Abul Ala Maududi

So cause a piece of the sky to fall upon us if you are truthful."

Ahmed Ali

But in case you are speaking the truth, then make a segment of the sky to fall upon us."

Ahmed Raza Khan

“Therefore cause a part of the sky to fall upon us, if you are of the truthful.”

Ali Quli Qarai

Make a fragment of the sky falls upon us, should you be truthful.’

Ali Ünal

"So cause lumps from the sky to fall down upon us, if you are truthful in your claim (of Messengership)."

Amatul Rahman Omar

`So let a fragment of the cloud fall upon us (by way of punishment) if you are of the truthful.´

English Literal

So drop on us pieces from the sky/space if you were from the truthful.

Faridul Haque

“Therefore cause a part of the sky to fall upon us, if you are of the truthful.”

Hamid S. Aziz

"And you are only a mortal like ourselves; and, verily, we think that you are surely of the liars;

Hilali & Khan

"So cause a piece of the heaven to fall on us, if you are of the truthful!"

Maulana Mohammad Ali

They said: Thou art only a deluded person,

Mohammad Habib Shakir

Therefore cause a portion of the heaven to come down upon us, if you are one of the truthful.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

Then make fragments of the heaven fall upon us, if thou art of the truthful.

Muhammad Sarwar

Let a part of the sky fall on us if what you say is true".

Qaribullah & Darwish

Drop down on us lumps from heaven, if you are one of the truthful'

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

"So, cause a piece of the heaven to fall on us, if you are of the truthful!"

Wahiduddin Khan

So cause a fragment of the sky to fall on us, if you are truthful."

Talal Itani

So bring down on us pieces from the sky, if you are truthful.”

Tafsir jalalayn

Then make fragments (read kisfan or kisafan) of the heaven fall upon us, if you are of the truthful', in your Mission.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

فَأَسْقِطْ عَلَيْنَا كِسَفًا مِّنَ السَّمَاء

So cause a piece of the heaven to fall on us,

Ad-Dahhak said;

"One side of the heavens."

Qatadah said;

"A piece of the heaven."

As-Suddi said;

"A punishment from heaven."

This is like what the Quraysh said, as Allah tells us;

وَقَالُواْ لَن نُّوْمِنَ لَكَ حَتَّى تَفْجُرَ لَنَا مِنَ الاٌّرْضِ يَنْبُوعًا

And they say;"We shall not believe in you, until you cause a spring to gush forth from the earth for us, until;

أَوْ تُسْقِطَ السَّمَأءَ كَمَا زَعَمْتَ عَلَيْنَا كِسَفًا أَوْ تَأْتِىَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْمَلَـيِكَةِ قَبِيلً

Or you cause the heaven to fall upon us in pieces, as you have pretended, or you bring Allah and the angels before (us) face to face." (17;90-92)

وَإِذْ قَالُواْ اللَّهُمَّ إِن كَانَ هَـذَا هُوَ الْحَقَّ مِنْ عِندِكَ فَأَمْطِرْ عَلَيْنَا حِجَارَةً مِّنَ السَّمَأءِ

And (remember) when they said;"O Allah! If this is indeed the truth from You, then rain down stones on us from the sky...." (8;32)
Similarly, these ignorant disbelievers said;

فَأَسْقِطْ عَلَيْنَا كِسَفًا مِّنَ السَّمَاء إِن كُنتَ مِنَ الصَّادِقِينَ

So, cause a piece of the heaven to fall on us, if you are of the truthful!

قَالَ رَبِّي أَعْلَمُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ