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Al-Qur'an Surah Taha Verse 134

Taha [20]: 134 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

وَلَوْ اَنَّآ اَهْلَكْنٰهُمْ بِعَذَابٍ مِّنْ قَبْلِهٖ لَقَالُوْا رَبَّنَا لَوْلَآ اَرْسَلْتَ اِلَيْنَا رَسُوْلًا فَنَتَّبِعَ اٰيٰتِكَ مِنْ قَبْلِ اَنْ نَّذِلَّ وَنَخْزٰى (طه : ٢٠)

And if
(had) destroyed them
with a punishment
before him
before him
surely they (would) have said
"Our Lord
why not
You sent
to us
a Messenger
so we (could) have followed
Your signs
we were humiliated
and disgraced"


Wa law annaaa ahlaknaahum bi'azaabim min qablihee laqaaloo Rabbanaa law laaa arsalta ilainaa Rasoolan fanattabi's Aayaatika min qabli an nazilla wa nakhzaa (QS. Ṭāʾ Hāʾ:134)

English / Sahih Translation:

And if We had destroyed them with a punishment before him, they would have said, "Our Lord, why did You not send to us a messenger so we could have followed Your verses [i.e., teachings] before we were humiliated and disgraced?" (QS. Taha, ayah 134)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

And if We had destroyed them with a punishment before it, they would have said, “Our Lord, why did you not send a messenger to us, so that we might have followed Your signs before we were humiliated and put to disgrace?”

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Had We destroyed them with a torment before this ˹Prophet came˺, they would have surely argued, “Our Lord! If only You had sent us a messenger, we would have followed Your revelations before being humiliated and put to shame.”

Ruwwad Translation Center

If We had destroyed them with a punishment before this, they would have said, “Our Lord, if only You had sent us a messenger so that we would have followed Your verses before being humiliated and disgraced.”

A. J. Arberry

Had We destroyed them with a chastisement aforetime, they would have said, 'Our Lord, why didst Thou not send us a Messenger, so that we might have followed Thy signs before that we were humiliated and degraded?'

Abdul Haleem

If We had destroyed them through punishment before this Messenger came, they would have said, ‘Lord, if only You had sent us a messenger, we could have followed Your revelations before we suffered humiliation and disgrace!’

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

And had We destroyed them With a torment before it, surely they would have said: O our Lord why sent not Thou Unto us an apostle that we might have followed Thy signs before we were disgraced and humiliated.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

And if We had inflicted on them a penalty before this, they would have said; "Our Lord! If only Thou hadst sent us a messenger, we should certainly have followed Thy Signs before we were humbled and put to shame."

Abul Ala Maududi

Had We destroyed them through some calamity before his coming, they would have said: "Our Lord! Why did You not send any Messenger to us that we might have followed Your signs before being humbled and disgraced?"

Ahmed Ali

If We had destroyed them by some calamity sooner than this, they would have surely said: "O Lord, if You had sent to us a messenger we would have followed Your command before being humbled and disgraced."

Ahmed Raza Khan

And had We destroyed them with some punishment before the advent of a Noble Messenger, they would have certainly said, “Our Lord, why did You not send a Noble Messenger to us, so we would have followed Your signs, before being humiliated and disgraced?”

Ali Quli Qarai

Had We destroyed them with a punishment before it, they would have surely said, ‘Our Lord! Why did You not send us an apostle so that we might have followed Your signs before we were abased and disgraced?’

Ali Ünal

Had We destroyed them with a punishment before it (before the Evidence came to them), they would surely have said: "Our Lord! If only You had sent us a Messenger, we would have followed Your Revelations before we were humiliated and disgraced."

Amatul Rahman Omar

Had We punished and destroyed them with a calamity before (the advent of) this (Prophet), they would have certainly said, `Our Lord! why did you not send a Messenger to us so that we might have followed your commandments before we were humiliated and disgraced?´

English Literal

And if that (E) We destroyed/made them die with torture from before it, they would have said: "Our Lord, if only you sent to us a messenger, so we follow your signs/verses/evidences, from before that we humiliate/disgrace, and we shame/scandalize (ourselves)."

Faridul Haque

And had We destroyed them with some punishment before the advent of a Noble Messenger, they would have certainly said, "Our Lord, why did You not send a Noble Messenger to us, so we would have followed Your signs, before being humiliated and disgraced?"

Hamid S. Aziz

They say, "Unless he brings us a sign from his Lord.....". What! Has there not come to them the proof of what was in the former scriptures?

Hilali & Khan

And if We had destroyed them with a torment before this (i.e. Messenger Muhammad SAW and the Quran), they would surely have said: "Our Lord! If only You had sent us a Messenger, we should certainly have followed Your Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), before we were humiliated and disgraced."

Maulana Mohammad Ali

And they say: Why does he not bring us a sign from his Lord? Has not there come to them a clear evidence of what is in the previous Books?

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And had We destroyed them with chastisement before this, they would certainly have said: O our Lord! why didst Thou not send to us an apostle, for then we should have followed Thy communications before that we met disgrace and shame.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

And if we had destroyed them with some punishment before it, they would assuredly have said: Our Lord! If only Thou hadst sent unto us a messenger, so that we might have followed Thy revelations before we were (thus) humbled and disgraced!

Muhammad Sarwar

Had We destroyed them with a torment before the coming of Muhammad they would have said, "Lord, would that you had sent us a Messengers so that we could have followed Your revelations before being humiliated and disgraced."

Qaribullah & Darwish

Had We destroyed them with a punishment before this, they would have said: 'Our Lord, why did You not send us a Messenger so that we could have followed Your verses before we were humiliated and degraded'

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

And if We had destroyed them with a torment before this, they would surely have said: "Our Lord! If only You had sent us a Messenger we should certainly have followed Your Ayat, before we were humiliated and disgraced."

Wahiduddin Khan

If We had destroyed them with a punishment before this, they would have surely said, "Our Lord, why did you not send to us a messenger so that we might have followed Your commandment before we were humiliated and disgraced?"

Talal Itani

Had We destroyed them with a punishment before him, they would have said, “Our Lord, if only You had sent us a messenger, we would have followed Your revelations before we were humiliated and disgraced.”

Tafsir jalalayn

Had We destroyed them with a chastisement before him, before [the coming of] Muhammad (s) the Messenger, they would have said, on the Day of Resurrection; `Our Lord, if only You had sent us a messenger, so that we might have followed those signs of Yours, given to the messengers [to convey], before we were [thus] abased, at the Resurrection, and disgraced?', in Hell.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

وَلَوْ أَنَّا أَهْلَكْنَاهُم بِعَذَابٍ مِّن قَبْلِهِ لَقَالُوا رَبَّنَا لَوْلَا أَرْسَلْتَ إِلَيْنَا رَسُولاً

And if We had destroyed them with a torment before this, they would surely have said;"Our Lord! If only You had sent us a Messenger..."

This means, "If We had destroyed these rejecting people before We sent this Noble Messenger to them and revealed the Mighty Book to them, they would have said,
رَبَّنَا لَوْلَا أَرْسَلْتَ إِلَيْنَا رَسُولاً
(Our Lord! If only You had sent us a Messenger), meaning, `before you destroyed us, so we could have believed in him and followed him.'

This is like Allah said,

فَنَتَّبِعَ ايَاتِكَ مِن قَبْلِ أَن نَّذِلَّ وَنَخْزَى

we should certainly have followed Your Ayat, before we were humiliated and disgraced.

Allah, the Exalted, explains that these rejecters are stubborn and obstinate and they will not believe.

وَلَوْ جَأءَتْهُمْ كُلُّ ءايَةٍ حَتَّى يَرَوُاْ الْعَذَابَ الاٌّلِيمَ

Even if every sign should come them, until they see the painful torment. (10;97)

This is as Allah says,

وَهَـذَا كِتَـبٌ أَنزَلْنَـهُ مُبَارَكٌ فَاتَّبِعُوهُ وَاتَّقُواْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ

And this is a blessed Book which We have sent down, so follow it and have Taqwa (of Allah), that you may receive mercy. Until His statement,
بِمَا كَانُواْ يَصْدِفُونَ
(because of their turning away). (6;155-157)

Allah also says,

وَأَقْسَمُواْ بِاللَّهِ جَهْدَ أَيْمَـنِهِمْ لَيِن جَأءَهُمْ نَذِيرٌ لَّيَكُونُنَّ أَهْدَى مِنْ إِحْدَى الاٍّمَمِ

And they swore by Allah their most binding oath that if a warner came to them, they would be more guided than any of the nations (before them). (35;42)

وَأَقْسَمُواْ بِاللَّهِ جَهْدَ أَيْمَـنِهِمْ لَيِن جَأءَتْهُمْ ءَايَةٌ لَّيُوْمِنُنَّ بِهَا

And they swear their strongest oaths by Allah, that if there came to them a sign, they would surely believe therein. (6;109) to the completion of those Ayat.

Then, Allah says