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Al-Qur'an Surah Taha Verse 129

Taha [20]: 129 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

وَلَوْلَا كَلِمَةٌ سَبَقَتْ مِنْ رَّبِّكَ لَكَانَ لِزَامًا وَّاَجَلٌ مُّسَمًّى ۗ (طه : ٢٠)

And if not
(for) a Word
(that) preceded
your Lord
surely (would) have been
an obligation
and a term


Wa law laa Kalimatun sabaqat mir Rabbika lakaana lizaamanw wa ajalum musammaa (QS. Ṭāʾ Hāʾ:129)

English / Sahih Translation:

And if not for a word that preceded from your Lord, it [i.e., punishment] would have been an obligation [due immediately], and [if not for] a specified term [decreed]. (QS. Taha, ayah 129)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

But for a word from your Lord that had passed earlier, and an appointed time that had been fixed, it (the punishment) would have been inevitable (for them).

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Had it not been for a prior decree from your Lord[[ That He will delay their judgment until the Hereafter. ]] ˹O Prophet˺ and a term already set, their ˹instant˺ doom would have been inevitable.

Ruwwad Translation Center

Were it not for a prior decree from your Lord [O Prophet] and a time already set, they would have already been punishment.

A. J. Arberry

And but for a word that preceded from thy Lord, and a stated term, it had been fastened.

Abdul Haleem

If it were not for a preordained Word from your Lord [Prophet], they would already have been destroyed. Their time has been set,

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

And had not a word from thy Lord gone forth, and a term determined, it must necessarily have come.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

Had it not been for a Word that went forth before from thy Lord, (their punishment) must necessarily have come; but there is a Term appointed (for respite).

Abul Ala Maududi

Were it not for a word already gone from your Lord, the decree (of their destruction) would have come to pass.

Ahmed Ali

If the decree (of respite) had not been pronounced by your Lord, (the inevitable judgement would have ensued); but a term is fixed (for everything).

Ahmed Raza Khan

And had not a command of your Lord been passed, then the punishment would have gripped them – and had a term not been appointed.

Ali Quli Qarai

Were it not for a prior decree of your Lord and a specified time, [their doom] would have attended [their guilt].

Ali Ünal

Had it not been for a decree already issued by your Lord, and for a term already appointed (by Him), the judgment (against them) would certainly have been given and executed.

Amatul Rahman Omar

But for a word (of promise) already made by your Lord and the term (already) fixed (for them), the inevitable would surely have befallen them by now.

English Literal

And was it not for a word/sermon preceded from your Lord, (it) would have been necessity/obligation and (a) named/identified term/time.

Faridul Haque

And had not a command of your Lord been passed, then the punishment would have gripped them - and had a term not been appointed.

Hamid S. Aziz

Is it not guidance for them to know how many generations We have destroyed before them, amidst whose dwelling-places they walk? Verily, in that are signs to men of thought (or intelligence).

Hilali & Khan

And had it not been for a Word that went forth before from your Lord, and a term determined, (their punishment) must necessarily have come (in this world).

Maulana Mohammad Ali

Does it not manifest to them how many of the generations, in whose dwellings they go about, We destroyed before them? Surely there are signs in this for men of understanding.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And had there not been a word (that had) already gone forth from your Lord and an appointed term, it would surely have been made to cleave (to them).

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

And but for a decree that had already gone forth from thy Lord, and a term already fixed, the judgment would have been inevitable (in this world).

Muhammad Sarwar

Had not the word of your Lord been decreed (otherwise), the unbelievers deserved immediate punishment. The appointed time for their punishment will inevitably come.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Except for a Word that preceded from your Lord, and a stated term, it had been fastened.

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

And had it not been for a Word that went forth before from your Lord, and a term determined, (their punishment) must necessarily have come (in this world).

Wahiduddin Khan

But for a pre-ordained Word from your Lord, and a term [of respite] already fixed, immediate punishment would inevitably have taken place.

Talal Itani

Were it not for a word that issued from your Lord, the inevitable would have happened, but there is an appointed term.

Tafsir jalalayn

And but for a decree that had already preceded from your Lord, that their chastisement be deferred to the Hereafter, it, destruction, would have been an inevitability, [their destruction] would have been necessary in this world, and a specified term, fixed for them (ajalun musamman, a supplement to the pronoun concealed in kna, `it would have been', the separation [of both subjects] by the predicate of both serves as an emphasis).

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

And had it not been for a Word that went forth before from your Lord, and a term determined (their punishment), must necessarily have come (in this world).

This means that if it were not for the Word that had already preceded from Allah -- that He would not punish anyone until the proof had been established against him and the punishment would take place at an appointed time that He has already determined for these rejecters -- then the punishment would certainly seize them immediately.
The Command to be patient and perform the Five daily Prayers

Allah comforts His Prophet by saying to him