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Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Isra Verse 105

Al-Isra [17]: 105 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

وَبِالْحَقِّ اَنْزَلْنٰهُ وَبِالْحَقِّ نَزَلَۗ وَمَآ اَرْسَلْنٰكَ اِلَّا مُبَشِّرًا وَّنَذِيْرًاۘ (الإسراء : ١٧)

And with the truth
We sent it down
and with the truth
it descended
And not
We sent you
(as) a bearer of glad tidings
and a warner


Wa bilhaqqi anzalnaahu wa bilhaqqi nazal; wa maaa arsalnaaka illaa mubash shiranw wa nazeeraa (QS. al-ʾIsrāʾ:105)

English / Sahih Translation:

And with the truth We have sent it [i.e., the Quran] down, and with the truth it has descended. And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a bringer of good tidings and a warner. (QS. Al-Isra, ayah 105)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

With truth We have sent it (the Qur’ān) down and with truth it descended, and We did not send you but as a bearer of good tidings and as a warner.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

We have sent down the Quran in truth, and with the truth it has come down. We have sent you ˹O Prophet˺ only as a deliverer of good news and a warner.

Ruwwad Translation Center

With the truth We have sent down this [Qur’an] and with the truth it has descended, and We have not sent you [O Prophet] except as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner.

A. J. Arberry

With the truth We have sent it down, and with the truth it has come down; and We have sent thee not, except good tidings to bear, and warning;

Abdul Haleem

We sent down the Quran with the truth, and with the truth it has come down- [Prophet], We sent you only to give good news and warning-

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

And with truth We have sent it down and with truth it hath come down; and We have not sent thee but as a bringer of glad tidings and a warner.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

We sent down the (Qur'an) in Truth, and in Truth has it descended; and We sent thee but to give Glad Tidings and to warn (sinners).

Abul Ala Maududi

We have sent down the Qur'an with the Truth, and it is with the Truth that it has descended. And We have not sent you but to proclaim good news and to warn.

Ahmed Ali

We have sent it down with truth, and with truth has (the Qur'an) come down. And We have sent you only to give good news and to warn.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And We sent down the Qur’an with the truth, and it has come down only for the truth; and We did not send you except as a Herald of glad tidings and warnings.

Ali Quli Qarai

With the truth did We send it down, and with the truth did it descend, and We did not send you except as a bearer of good news and as a warner.

Ali Ünal

It is with the truth that We have sent it down (this Qur’an, embodying the truth and for ever invulnerable to falsehood), and it is with the truth that it has come down. We have not sent you but as a bearer of glad tidings (of prosperity in return for faith and righteousness) and a warner (against the evil consequences of misguidance).

Amatul Rahman Omar

We revealed it (- the Qur´ân) to suit all the requirement of truth and wisdom and it has come down (to you) with truth and wisdom. (Prophet!) We have sent you (on one hand) as a Bearer of good tidings and as a Warner (on the other).

English Literal

And by the truth We descended it, and by the truth it descended, and We did not send you except (as an) announcer of good news and (a) warner/giver of notice .

Faridul Haque

And We sent down the Qur’an with the truth, and it has come down only for the truth; and We did not send you except as a Herald of glad tidings and warnings.

Hamid S. Aziz

With truth have We sent it (the Quran) down, and with truth has it descended; and We have not sent you as ought but a herald of glad tidings and a Warner.

Hilali & Khan

And with truth We have sent it down (i.e. the Quran), and with truth it has descended. And We have sent you (O Muhammad SAW) as nothing but a bearer of glad tidings (of Paradise, for those who follow your Message of Islamic Monotheism), and a warner (of Hell-fire for those who refuse to follow your Message of Islamic Monotheism).

Maulana Mohammad Ali

And We said to the Children of Israel after him: Abide in the land. But when the latter promise came, We brought you all rolled up.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And with truth have We revealed it, and with truth did it come; and We have not sent you but as the giver of good news and as a warner.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

With truth have We sent it down, and with truth hath it descended. And We have sent thee as naught else save a bearer of good tidings and a warner.

Muhammad Sarwar

We sent it (the Quran) in all Truth and in all Truth it came. (Muhammad), We have sent you for no other reason than to be a bearer of glad news and a warner.

Qaribullah & Darwish

We have sent it down with the truth, and with the truth it has come down. We have not sent you except a bearer of glad tidings and a warner,

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

And with truth We have sent it down, and with truth it has descended. And We have sent you as nothing but a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner.

Wahiduddin Khan

We have revealed the Quran with the truth, and with the truth it has come down. We have sent you forth only to give good news and to give warning --

Talal Itani

With the truth We sent it down, and with the truth it descended. We sent you only as a bearer of good news and a warner.

Tafsir jalalayn

With the truth have We revealed it, that is, the Qur'n, and with the truth, it comprises, has it been revealed, in the way it has, unaffected by any alterations; and We have not sent you, O Muhammad (s), except as a bearer of good tidings, of Paradise, for those who believe, and as a warner, of the Fire, for those who disbelieve.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

The Revelation of the Qur'an in Stages

Allah tells;

وَبِالْحَقِّ أَنزَلْنَاهُ

And with truth We have sent it down,

Allah tells us that His Book, the Glorious Qur'an, has been sent with truth, i.e., it contains the truth, as Allah says;

لَّـكِنِ اللَّهُ يَشْهَدُ بِمَأ أَنزَلَ إِلَيْكَ أَنزَلَهُ بِعِلْمِهِ وَالْمَلَـيِكَةُ يَشْهَدُونَ

But Allah bears witness to that which He has sent down unto you; He has sent it down with His knowledge, and the angels bear witness. (4;166)

meaning, it contains the knowledge which Allah wanted to teach to you, with His rulings, commands and prohibitions.

وَبِالْحَقِّ نَزَلَ

and with truth it has descended.

means, "It has been sent down to you, O Muhammad, preserved and protected, not contaminated or mixed with anything else, with nothing added or taken away. It has come to you with the truth, brought down by one mighty in power, trustworthy and strong, one who is obeyed by the higher group (angels).'

وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ

And We have sent you, (O Muhammad),

إِلاَّ مُبَشِّرًا وَنَذِيرًا

as nothing but a bearer of glad tidings and a warner.

a bearer of glad tidings for the believers who obey you and a warner to the disbelievers who disobey you