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Al-Qur'an Surah Ibrahim Verse 5

Ibrahim [14]: 5 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

وَلَقَدْ اَرْسَلْنَا مُوْسٰى بِاٰيٰتِنَآ اَنْ اَخْرِجْ قَوْمَكَ مِنَ الظُّلُمٰتِ اِلَى النُّوْرِ ەۙ وَذَكِّرْهُمْ بِاَيّٰىمِ اللّٰهِ ۗاِنَّ فِيْ ذٰلِكَ لَاٰيٰتٍ لِّكُلِّ صَبَّارٍ شَكُوْرٍ (ابراهيم : ١٤)

And verily
We sent
with Our Signs
"Bring out
your people
the darkness[es]
the light
And remind them
of the days
(of) Allah"
surely (are) the signs
for everyone
and thankful


Wa laqad arsalnaa Moosaa bi Aayaatinaa an akhrij qawmaka minaz zulumaati ilan noori wa zak kirhum bi ayyaamil laah; inna fee zaalika la aayaatil likulli sabbaarin shakoor (QS. ʾIbrāhīm:5)

English / Sahih Translation:

And We certainly sent Moses with Our signs, [saying], "Bring out your people from darknesses into the light and remind them of the days of Allah." Indeed in that are signs for everyone patient and grateful. (QS. Ibrahim, ayah 5)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

Surely, We sent Mūsā with Our signs saying to him, “Bring your people out of (all sorts of) darkness into the light, and remind them of the Days of Allah. Surely, there are signs therein for every one who observes patience and gratitude.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Indeed, We sent Moses with Our signs, ˹ordering him,˺ “Lead your people out of darkness and into light, and remind them of Allah’s days ˹of favour˺.” Surely in this are signs for whoever is steadfast, grateful.

Ruwwad Translation Center

We sent Moses with Our signs [saying], “Bring your people out of the depths of darkness into the light, and remind them of Allah’s days [of favor]. Indeed, there are signs in this for every patient and grateful person.

A. J. Arberry

And We sent Moses with Our signs -- 'Bring forth thy people from the shadows to the light and remind thou them of the Days of God.' Surely in that are signs for every man enduring, thankful!

Abdul Haleem

We sent Moses with Our signs: ‘Bring out your people from the depths of darkness into light. Remind them of the Days of God:there truly are signs in this for every steadfast, thankful person.’

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

And assuredly We sent Musa with our signs saying: bring thy people forth from the darknesses unto the light, and remind them of the annals of Allah. Verily therein are signs for everyone patient, and thankful.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

We sent Moses with Our signs (and the command). "Bring out thy people from the depths of darkness into light, and teach them to remember the Days of Allah." Verily in this there are Signs for such as are firmly patient and constant,- grateful and appreciative.

Abul Ala Maududi

We indeed sent Moses with Our Signs, saying: "Lead your people out of all kinds of darkness into light, and admonish them by narrating to them anecdotes from the Days of Allah." Verily in it there are great Signs for everyone who is patient and gives thanks (to Allah).

Ahmed Ali

Remember when We sent Moses with Our signs (We said): "Bring your people out of darkness into light, and remind them of the visitations of God. Indeed there are signs in this for every steadfast, thankful soul"

Ahmed Raza Khan

And indeed We sent Moosa along with Our signs that, “Bring your people from the realms of darkness into light – and remind them of the days of Allah*; indeed in them are signs for every greatly enduring, grateful person.” (* When various favours were bestowed – in order to give thanks and be patient.)

Ali Quli Qarai

Certainly We sent Moses with Our signs: ‘Bring your people out from darkness into light and remind them of Allah’s [holy] days. There are indeed signs in that for every patient and grateful [servant].’

Ali Ünal

And, certainly, We sent Moses as Messenger with Our Revelations and signs (miracles to support him), saying: "Lead your people from all kinds of darkness into the light, and remind them (thereby preaching Our Message) of the Days of God. Surely in that are signs for all who are greatly patient and persevering (in God’s cause) and greatly thankful (to God).

Amatul Rahman Omar

And We sent Moses with Our signs saying, `Bring forth your people from different kinds of darkness into light and remind them of Allâh´s favours and punishments. Behold! there are signs in these (narratives) for every patiently persevering and grateful person.´

English Literal

And We had sent Moses with Our signs/evidences/verses: "That bring out your nation from the darknesses to the light, and remind them with God`s days/times that in that (are) evidences/verses to every patient/endurer, thankful/grateful."

Faridul Haque

And indeed We sent Moosa along with Our signs that, "Bring your people from the realms of darkness into light - and remind them of the days of Allah *; indeed in them are signs for every greatly enduring, grateful person." (* When various favours were bestowed - in order to give thanks and be patient.)

Hamid S. Aziz

We did send Moses with our signs, saying, "Bring forth your people from the darkness into the light, and remind them of the Days of Allah!" Verily, in that are signs to every patient, grateful one.

Hilali & Khan

And indeed We sent Musa (Moses) with Our Ayat (signs, proofs, and evidences) (saying): "Bring out your people from darkness into light, and make them remember the annals of Allah. Truly, therein are evidences, proofs and signs for every patient, thankful (person)."

Maulana Mohammad Ali

And We sent no messenger but with the language of his people, so that he might explain to them clearly. Then Allah leaves in error whom He pleases and He guides whom He pleases. And He is the Mighty, the Wise.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And certainly We sent Musa with Our communications, saying: Bring forth your people from utter darkness into light and remind them of the days of Allah; most surely there are signs in this for every patient, grateful one.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

We verily sent Moses with Our revelations, saying: Bring thy people forth from darkness unto light. And remind them of the days of Allah. Lo! therein are revelations for each steadfast, thankful (heart).

Muhammad Sarwar

We sent Moses and gave him miracles in order to lead his people from darkness into light and to remind them of the days of God. In this there is evidence (of the truth) for those who exercise patience and give thanks.

Qaribullah & Darwish

We sent Moses with Our signs, 'Bring your nation out of darkness into the light, and remind them of the Days of Allah' Surely, in that are signs for every patient, thankful (person).

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

And indeed We sent Musa with Our Ayat (saying): "Bring out your people from darkness into light, and remind them of the annals (or days) of Allah. Truly, therein are Ayat for every patient, thankful (person)."

Wahiduddin Khan

We sent Moses with Our signs, saying, "Lead your people out of the darkness into the light, and remind them of God's Days. In that there are signs for every patient, grateful person."

Talal Itani

We sent Moses with Our signs: “Bring your people out of darkness into light, and remind them of the Days of God.” In that are signs for every patient and thankful person.”

Tafsir jalalayn

And verily We sent Moses with Our signs, the nine [signs], and We said to him; `Bring forth your people, the Children of Israel, out of darkness, [out of] unbelief, into light, [into] faith, and remind them of the Days of God', of His graces. Surely in that, reminder, are signs for every man enduring, in obedience [to God], thankful, for [His] graces.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

Story of Musa and His People

Allah says;

وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا مُوسَى بِأيَاتِنَا

And indeed We sent Musa with Our Ayat (saying);

Allah says here, `Just as We sent you (O, Muhammad) and sent down to you the Book, in order that you might guide and call all people out of darkness into the light, We also sent Musa to the Children of Israel with Our Ayat (signs, or miracles).'

Mujahid said that this part of the Ayah refers to the nine miracles.

أَنْ أَخْرِجْ قَوْمَكَ

Bring out your people,

he is being commanded;

أَنْ أَخْرِجْ قَوْمَكَ

مِنَ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ

Bring out your people from darkness into light,

call them to all that is good and righteous, in order that they might turn away from the darkness of ignorance and misguidance they indulged in, to the light of guidance and the enlightenment of faith,

وَذَكِّرْهُمْ بِأَيَّامِ اللّهِ

and remind them of the annals (or days) of Allah,

remind them (O Musa) of Allah's days, meaning, favors and bounties which He bestowed on them when He delivered them from the grip of Fir`awn and his injustice, tyranny and brutality. This is when Allah delivered them from their enemy, made a passage for them through the sea, shaded them with clouds, sent down manna and quails for them, and other favors and bounties.

Mujahid, Qatadah and several others said this.

Allah said next,

إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لايَاتٍ لِّكُلِّ صَبَّارٍ شَكُورٍ

Truly, therein are Ayat for every patient, thankful (person).

Allah says, `Our delivering of Our loyal supporters among the Children of Israel from the grasp of Fir`awn and saving them from the disgraceful torment, provides a lesson to draw from for those who are patient in the face of affliction, and thankful in times of prosperity.

Qatadah said,

"Excellent is the servant who if he is tested, he observes patience, and if he is granted prosperity, he is thankful for it."

It is recorded in the Sahih that the Messenger of Allah said,

إِنَّ أَمْرَ الْمُوْمِنِ كُلَّهُ عَجَبٌ لَا يَقْضِي اللهُ لَهُ قَضَاءً إِلاَّ كَانَ خَيْرًا لَهُ

إِنْ أَصَابَتْهُ ضَرَّاءُ صَبَرَ فَكَانَ خَيْرًا لَهُ

وَإِنْ أَصَابَتْهُ سَرَّاءُ شَكَرَ فَكَانَ خَيْرًا لَه

Verily, all of the matter of the believer is amazing, for every decision that Allah decrees for him is good for him.

If an affliction strikes him, he is patient and this is good for him;

if a bounty is give to him, he is thankful and this is good for him.