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Al-Qur'an Surah Yusuf Verse 68

Yusuf [12]: 68 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

وَلَمَّا دَخَلُوْا مِنْ حَيْثُ اَمَرَهُمْ اَبُوْهُمْۗ مَا كَانَ يُغْنِيْ عَنْهُمْ مِّنَ اللّٰهِ مِنْ شَيْءٍ اِلَّا حَاجَةً فِيْ نَفْسِ يَعْقُوْبَ قَضٰىهَاۗ وَاِنَّهٗ لَذُوْ عِلْمٍ لِّمَا عَلَّمْنٰهُ وَلٰكِنَّ اَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لَا يَعْلَمُوْنَ ࣖ (يوسف : ١٢)

And when
they entered
ordered them
their father
(it was) a need
Yaqub's soul
Yaqub's soul
which he carried out
And indeed, he
(was) a possessor
(of) knowledge
We had taught him
(of) the people
(do) not


Wa lammaa dakhaloo min haisu amarahum aboohum maa kaana yughnee 'anhum minal laahi min shai'in illaa haajatan fee nafsi Ya'qooba qadaahaa; wa innahoo lazoo 'ilmil limaa 'allamnaahu wa laakinna aksaran naasi laa ya'lamoon (QS. Yūsuf:68)

English / Sahih Translation:

And when they entered from where their father had ordered them, it did not avail them against Allah at all except [it was] a need [i.e., concern] within the soul of Jacob, which he satisfied. And indeed, he was a possessor of knowledge because of what We had taught him, but most of the people do not know. (QS. Yusuf, ayah 68)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

And (recall) when they entered (the city) in the manner their father had advised them. He could not help them in any way against (the will of) Allah, but it was just an urge in the heart of Ya‘qūb which he satisfied; he was a man of knowledge, because We had taught him, but most of the people do not know.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Then when they entered as their father had instructed them, this did not help them against ˹the Will of˺ Allah whatsoever. It was just a desire in Jacob’s heart which he satisfied. He was truly blessed with ˹great˺ knowledge because of what We had taught him, but most people have no knowledge.

Ruwwad Translation Center

When they entered as their father had instructed them, it could not avail them against [the decree of] Allah whatsoever, yet a need in Jacob’s heart was satisfied. He was indeed a man of knowledge because of what We had taught him, but most people do not know.

A. J. Arberry

And when they entered after the manner their father commanded them, it availed them nothing against God; but it was a need in Jacob's soul that he so satisfied. Verily he was possessed of a knowledge for that We had taught him; but most men know not.

Abdul Haleem

and, when they entered as their father had told them, it did not help them against the will of God, it merely satisfied a wish of Jacob’s. He knew well what We had taught him, though most people do not.

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

And when they entered as their father had enjoined them, it availed them not against Allah at all; it was only a craving in the soul of Ya qub that he satisfied; verily he was endued with knowledge, for We had taught him; but most of the people know not.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

And when they entered in the manner their father had enjoined, it did not profit them in the least against (the plan of) Allah; It was but a necessity of Jacob's soul, which he discharged. For he was, by our instruction, full of knowledge (and experience); but most men know not.

Abul Ala Maududi

And it so happened that when they entered the city (by many gates) as their father had directed them, this precautionary measure proved ineffective against Allah's will. There was an uneasiness in Jacob's soul which he so tried to remove. Surely he was possessed of knowledge owing to the knowledge that We bestowed upon him. But most people do not know the truth of the matter.

Ahmed Ali

When they entered as their father had advised them, nothing could avail them against (the will of) God, yet it confirmed a premonition Jacob had, for verily he had knowledge as We had taught him, though most men do not know.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And when they entered from the place where their father had commanded them to; that would not at all have saved them against Allah – except that it was Yaqub’s secret wish, which he fulfilled; and indeed he is a possessor of knowledge, due to Our teaching, but most people do not know.

Ali Quli Qarai

When they entered whence their father had bidden them, it did not avail them anything against Allah, but only fulfilled a wish in Jacob’s heart. Indeed, he had the knowledge of what We had taught him, but most people do not know.

Ali Ünal

They entered the city in the manner their father had enjoined on them, although this would have proved of no avail whatever to them against anything God had willed; it was but a need in Jacob’s soul, which he thus satisfied. For he was possessed of knowledge because We had taught it to him, but most people do not know (nor do they act according to the knowledge from God).

Amatul Rahman Omar

And when they entered the city after the manner their father had bidden them (Jacob´s object was achieved but) it could not at all help them against the decree of Allâh. All that it came to was that Jacob´s desire he had in his mind was (thus) satisfied (and his purpose achieved) and he was surely possessed of knowledge because We had imparted full knowledge to him. But most people do not know (these things).

English Literal

And when they entered from where their father ordered/commanded them, and (it) was not to suffice/enrich from them from God from a thing, except a need/necessity in Jacob`s self he accomplished it, and that truly he is (an owner) of knowledge to what We taught/instructed him , and but most of the people do not know.

Faridul Haque

And when they entered from the place where their father had commanded them to; that would not at all have saved them against Allah - except that it was Yaqub’s secret wish, which he fulfilled; and indeed he is a possessor of knowledge, due to Our teaching, but most people do not know.

Hamid S. Aziz

And he said further, "O my sons! Enter not by one gate, but enter by several gates. Not that I can avail you aught against Allah. Lo! Judgment (decision, command) rests only with Allah. In Him do I put my trust, and on Him do the trusting rely."

Hilali & Khan

And when they entered according to their father's advice, it did not avail them in the least against (the Will of) Allah, it was but a need of Ya'qub's (Jacob) inner-self which he discharged. And verily, he was endowed with knowledge because We had taught him, but most men know not.

Maulana Mohammad Ali

And he said: O my sons, enter not by one gate but enter by different gates. And I can avail you naught against Allah. Judgment is only Allah’s. On Him I rely, and on Him let the reliant rely.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And when they had entered as their father had bidden them, it did not avail them aught against Allah, but (it was only) a desire in the soul of Yaqoub which he satisfied; and surely he was possessed of knowledge because We had given him knowledge, but most people do not know.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

And when they entered in the manner which their father had enjoined, it would have naught availed them as against Allah; it was but a need of Jacob's soul which he thus satisfied; and lo! he was a lord of knowledge because We had taught him; but most of mankind know not.

Muhammad Sarwar

Even though they entered the town as their father had told them, it would not have been of any avail to them against the decree of God. It only served to satisfy Jacob's desire and judgment. He was certainly well versed by Our instruction, but most people do not know.

Qaribullah & Darwish

And when they entered from where their father had instructed them, nothing helped them against (the decree of) Allah. It was but a need in Jacob's soul which he had fulfilled. He possessed knowledge because of what We had taught him, though most people do not know.

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

And when they entered according to their father's advice, it did not avail them in the least against (the will of) Allah; it was but a need of Ya`qub's inner self which he discharged. And verily, he was endowed with knowledge because We had taught him, but most men know not.

Wahiduddin Khan

They entered [safely] as their father had told them. However, he had no power to guard them against God's decree. It was only a wish in Jacob's soul which he had thus fulfilled. He was possessed of knowledge which We had given him. But most people have no knowledge.

Talal Itani

And when they entered as their father had instructed them, it did not avail them anything against God; it was just a need in the soul of Jacob, which he carried out. He was a person of knowledge inasmuch as We had taught him, but most people do not know.

Tafsir jalalayn

God, exalted be He, says; And when they entered in the manner which their father had bidden them, that is, separately, it did not avail them anything (min shay'in; min is extra) against God, that is, [against] His decree; it was but a need in Jacob's soul which he [thus] satisfied, and this [need] was his desire to fend off the evil eye [from them], out of affection [for them]. And verily he was possessed of knowledge, because We had taught him; but most of mankind -- and they are the disbelievers -- do not know, [about] God's inspiring His elect.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

وَلَمَّا دَخَلُواْ مِنْ حَيْثُ أَمَرَهُمْ أَبُوهُم مَّا كَانَ يُغْنِي عَنْهُم مِّنَ اللّهِ مِن شَيْءٍ إِلاَّ حَاجَةً فِي نَفْسِ يَعْقُوبَ قَضَاهَا

"Verily, the decision rests only with Allah. In Him, I put my trust and let all those that trust, put their trust in Him."

And when they entered according to their father's advice, it did not avail them in the least against (the will of) Allah; it was but a need of Yaqub's inner self which he discharged,

as a precaution against the evil eye,

وَإِنَّهُ لَذُو عِلْمٍ لِّمَا عَلَّمْنَاهُ

And verily, he was endowed with knowledge because We had taught him,

According to Qatadah and Ath-Thawri,

he had knowledge that he implemented.

Ibn Jarir said that this part of the Ayah means,

he has knowledge that We taught him,

وَلَـكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ

but most men know not