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Al-Qur'an Surah Yusuf Verse 111

Yusuf [12]: 111 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

لَقَدْ كَانَ فِيْ قَصَصِهِمْ عِبْرَةٌ لِّاُولِى الْاَلْبَابِۗ مَا كَانَ حَدِيْثًا يُّفْتَرٰى وَلٰكِنْ تَصْدِيْقَ الَّذِيْ بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَتَفْصِيْلَ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَّهُدًى وَّرَحْمَةً لِّقَوْمٍ يُّؤْمِنُوْنَ ࣖ (يوسف : ١٢)

(there) is
their stories
a lesson
for men
(of) understanding
(it) is
a narration
a confirmation
(of that) which
(was) before it
(was) before it
and a detailed explanation
(of) all
and a guidance
and mercy
for a people
who believe


Laqad kaana fee qasasihim 'ibratul li ulil albaa; maa kaana hadeesany yuftaraa wa laakin tasdeeqal lazee baina yadihi wa tafseela kulli shai'inw wa hudanw wa rahmatal liqawminy yu'minoon (QS. Yūsuf:111)

English / Sahih Translation:

There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding. Never was it [i.e., the Quran] a narration invented, but a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of all things and guidance and mercy for a people who believe. (QS. Yusuf, ayah 111)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

Surely, in the narratives of these, there is a lesson for the people of understanding. It is not an invented story, rather, a confirmation of what has been before it, and an elaboration of everything, and guidance and mercy for a people who believe.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

In their stories there is truly a lesson for people of reason. This message cannot be a fabrication, rather ˹it is˺ a confirmation of previous revelation, a detailed explanation of all things, a guide, and a mercy for people of faith.

Ruwwad Translation Center

In their stories there is truly a lesson for people of understanding. This [Qur’an] is not a fabricated tale, rather a confirmation of what came before it, a detailed explanation of everything, a guidance and mercy for people who believe.

A. J. Arberry

In their stories is surely a lesson to men possessed of minds; it is not a tale forged, but a confirmation of what is before it, and a distinguishing of every thing, and a guidance, and a mercy to a people who believe.

Abdul Haleem

There is a lesson in the stories of such people for those who understand. This revelation is no fabrication: it is a confirmation of the truth of what was sent before it; an explanation of everything; a guide and a blessing for those who believe.

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

Assuredly in their stories is a lesson for men of understanding. It is not a discourse fabricated, but a confirmation of that which went before it, and a detailing of everything, and a guidance and a mercy unto a people who believe.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

There is, in their stories, instruction for men endued with understanding. It is not a tale invented, but a confirmation of what went before it,- a detailed exposition of all things, and a guide and a mercy to any such as believe.

Abul Ala Maududi

Certainly in the stories of the bygone people there is a lesson for people of understanding. What is being narrated in the Qur'an is no fabrication; it is rather confirmation of the Books that preceded it, and a detailed exposition of everything, and a guidance and mercy for people of faith.

Ahmed Ali

Verily in their accounts is a lesson for men of wisdom. This is not a fictitious tale, but a verification of earlier Books, and a clear exposition of everything, and a guidance and grace for those who believe.

Ahmed Raza Khan

Indeed in their tidings is enlightenment for the men of understanding; this (the Qur’an) is not some made up story but a confirmation of the Books before it, and a detailed explanation of all things, and a guidance and a mercy for the Muslims.

Ali Quli Qarai

There is certainly a moral in their accounts for those who possess intellect. This [Quran] is not a fabricated discourse; rather, it is a confirmation of what was [revealed] before it, and an elaboration of all things, and a guidance and mercy for a people who have faith.

Ali Ünal

Indeed, in their exemplary life-stories there is a significant lesson for people of discernment. It (the Qur’an, which contains them) is not a discourse fabricated, but (a Divine Book revealed as) a confirmation of (the Divine authorship of and the truths still contained by) the Revelations prior to it, and an explanation of everything, and a guidance and mercy for people who will and do believe.

Amatul Rahman Omar

Most assuredly the narratives of the people (gone by) contain lessons for the people possessed of pure and clear understanding. This (Qur´ân) is no forged narrative. It is a fulfillment of those (prophecies contained in the Scriptures) which were before it and is a detailed exposition of all things, and a guide, and a mercy to a people who believe.

English Literal

In their narration/information (stories there) had been an example/warning to those of the pure minds/hearts (it) was not an information/speech to be fabricated and but confirmation (to) which (is) between his hands and detailing/explaining/clarifying every thing, and guidance, and mercy to (a) nation believing. 163

Faridul Haque

Indeed in their tidings is enlightenment for the men of understanding; this (the Qur’an) is not some made up story but a confirmation of the Books before it, and a detailed explanation of all things, and a guidance and a mercy for the Muslims.

Hamid S. Aziz

Until when the Messenger despaired and they thought that they were proved liars, then came Our help unto them, and whoever We pleased was saved; but Our wrath is not averted from the guilty.

Hilali & Khan

Indeed in their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding. It (the Quran) is not a forged statement but a confirmation of the Allah's existing Books [the Taurat (Torah), the Injeel (Gospel) and other Scriptures of Allah] and a detailed explanation of everything and a guide and a Mercy for the people who believe.

Maulana Mohammad Ali

Until, when the messengers despaired and (the people) thought that they were told a lie, Our help came to them, and whom We pleased was delivered. And Our punishment is not averted from the guilty people.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

In their histories there is certainly a lesson for men of understanding. It is not a narrative which could be forged, but a verification of what is before it and a distinct explanation of all things and a guide and a mercy to a people who believe.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

In their history verily there is a lesson for men of understanding. It is no invented story but a confirmation of the existing (Scripture) and a detailed explanation of everything, and a guidance and a mercy for folk who believe.

Muhammad Sarwar

In their story, there is a lesson for the people of understanding. It is not a legend but a confirmation of what exists (in the Torah). It (the Quran) has details about everything. It is a guide and mercy for those who have faith.

Qaribullah & Darwish

Indeed, in their stories is a lesson for those of understanding. This is no forged tale, rather, it is a confirmation of the previous, a distinguishing of all things, a guidance and a mercy to a nation who believe.

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

Indeed in their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding. It (the Qur'an) is not a forged statement but a confirmation of that which was before it and a detailed explanation of everything and a guide and a mercy for the people who believe.

Wahiduddin Khan

In their stories there is a lesson for men of understanding. This [Quran] is no invented tale, but a confirmation of the previous [scripture] and a detailed explanation of all things as well as guidance and mercy to true believers.

Talal Itani

In their stories is a lesson for those who possess intelligence. This is not a fabricated tale, but a confirmation of what came before it, and a detailed explanation of all things, and guidance, and mercy for people who believe.

Tafsir jalalayn

Verily there is in their stories, that is, the messengers' [stories], a lesson for people of pith, possessors of intellect. It, this Qur'n, is not a fabricated, an invented, discourse but, it is, a confirmation of what was [revealed] before it, of scriptures, and a detailing, an elucidation, of everything, that one needs for [the proper observance of] religion, and a guidance, from error, and a mercy for a folk who believe; such [folk] are singled out for mention because they are the ones to benefit from it, to the exclusion of others. Meccan, except for the verse [beginning with] `Those who disbelieve will continue to ...' [second half of 31], and the verse `And those who disbelieve will say, `You are not sent [by God]'. Alternatively, it is Medinese, except for the two verses [sc. verse 31], `If only it were a Qur'n ...'; it consists of 43, 44, 45 or 46 verses.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

A Lesson for Men Who have Understanding

Allah says;

لَقَدْ كَانَ فِي قَصَصِهِمْ عِبْرَةٌ لاُِّوْلِي الَالْبَابِ

Indeed in their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding.

Allah states here that the stories of the Messengers and their nations and how we saved the believers and destroyed the disbelievers are,
عِبْرَةٌ لاُِّوْلِي الَالْبَابِ
(a lesson for men of understanding), who have sound minds.

مَا كَانَ حَدِيثًا يُفْتَرَى

It is not a forged statement.

Allah says here that this Qur'an could not have been forged; it truly came from Allah,

وَلَـكِن تَصْدِيقَ الَّذِي بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ

but a confirmation of that which was before it,

in reference to the previously revealed Divine Books, by which this Qur'an testifies to the true parts that remain in them and denies and refutes the forged parts that were added, changed and falsified by people.

The Qur'an accepts or abrogates whatever Allah wills of these Books

وَتَفْصِيلَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ

and a detailed explanation of everything,

Meaning the allowed, the prohibited, the preferred and the disliked matters.

The Qur'an deals with the acts of worship, the obligatory and recommended matters, forbids the unlawful and discourages from the disliked.

The Qur'an contains major facts regarding the existence and about matters of the future in general terms or in detail.

The Qur'an tells us about the Lord, the Exalted and Most Honored, and about His Names and Attributes and teaches us that Allah is glorified from being similar in any way to the creation.

Hence, the Qur'an is,

وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةً لِّقَوْمٍ يُوْمِنُونَ

a guide and a mercy for the people who believe.

with which their hearts are directed from misguidance to guidance and from deviation to conformance, and with which they seek the mercy of the Lord of all creation in this life and on the Day of Return.

We ask Allah the Most Great to make us among this group in the life of the present world and in the Hereafter, on the Day when those who are successful will have faces that radiate with light, while those whose faces are dark will end up with the losing deal.

This is the end of the Tafsir of Surah Yusuf; and all the thanks and praises are due to Allah, and all our trust and reliance are on Him Alone