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Al-Qur'an Surah Hud Verse 95

Hud [11]: 95 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

كَاَنْ لَّمْ يَغْنَوْا فِيْهَا ۗ اَلَا بُعْدًا لِّمَدْيَنَ كَمَا بَعِدَتْ ثَمُوْدُ ࣖ (هود : ١١)

As if
they (had) prospered
with Madyan
was taken away
the Thamud


Ka-al-lam yaghnaw feehaaa; alaa bu'dal li Madyana Kamaa ba'idat Samood (QS. Hūd:95)

English / Sahih Translation:

As if they had never prospered therein. Then, away with Madyan as Thamud was taken away. (QS. Hud, ayah 95)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

as though they never lived there. Lo! Ruined were Madyan, like Thamūd were ruined.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

as if they had never lived there. So away with Midian as it was with Thamûd!

Ruwwad Translation Center

as if they had never dwelt there. Behold, away with Midian just as it was with Thamūd!

A. J. Arberry

as if they had never dwelt there: 'So away with Midian, even as Thamood was done away!'

Abdul Haleem

as if they had never lived and flourished there. Yes, away with the people of Midian, just like the Thamud!

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

As though they had never lived at ease therein. Lo! a far removal for Madyan, even as Thamud were removed afar!

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

As if they had never dwelt and flourished there! Ah! Behold! How the Madyan were removed (from sight) as were removed the Thamud!

Abul Ala Maududi

as though they had never dwelt in them before. Lo! Away with (the people of) Midian, even as the Thamud were done away with!

Ahmed Ali

As though they had not dwelt there at all. Beware! Condemmed were the people of Midian as those of Thamud had been before them!

Ahmed Raza Khan

As if they had never lived there; away with the Madyan, just as the Thamud were removed afar!

Ali Quli Qarai

as if they had never lived there. Behold, away with Midian!—just as Thamud was done away with!

Ali Ünal

As though they had never lived there in affluence. So, away with the (people of) Midian, just as the Thamud have been done away with!

Amatul Rahman Omar

(They were so destroyed and desolated) as if they had never dwelt there. So away with Midian; even as Thamûd were done away.

English Literal

As though they did no inhabit/enrich in it, is not (a) destruction/death/curse to Madyan, as Thamud was destroyed/dead/cursed?

Faridul Haque

As if they had never lived there; away with the Madyan, just as the Thamud were removed afar!

Hamid S. Aziz

And when Our commandment came, We saved Shu´eyb, and those who believed with him, by Our Mercy; and the great noise seized those who had done wrong, and on the morrow they were found prostrate in their houses

Hilali & Khan

As if they had never lived there! So away with Madyan (Midian)! As away with Thamud! (All these nations were destroyed).

Maulana Mohammad Ali

And when Our decree came to pass, We delivered Shu’aib and those who believed with him by mercy from Us. And the cry overtook those who were iniquitous, so they were motionless bodies in their abodes,

Mohammad Habib Shakir

As though they had never dwelt in them; now surely perdition overtook Madyan as had perished Samood.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

As though they had not dwelt there. A far removal for Midian, even as Thamud had been removed afar!

Muhammad Sarwar

as though they had never existed. How far from (the mercy of God) had the people of Midian gone, just as those of Thamud?

Qaribullah & Darwish

as if they had never have lived there. Begone, the nation of Midian, just as Thamood are gone.

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

As if they had never lived there! So away with Madyan just as Thamud went away!

Wahiduddin Khan

as though they had never dwelt therein. Oh, away with the people of Midian, just as happened with the Thamud!

Talal Itani

As though they never flourished therein. Away with Median, as was done away with Thamood.

Tafsir jalalayn

as if (ka-an is softened, in other words [understand it as] ka-annahum) they had never dwelt there; `Lo! Away with Midian, just as Thamd was done away with!'

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

كَأَن لَّمْ يَغْنَوْاْ فِيهَا

As if they had never lived there!

This means it was as if they had not lived in their homes before that.

أَلَا بُعْدًا لِّمَدْيَنَ كَمَا بَعِدَتْ ثَمُودُ

So away with Madyan as just as Thamud went away!

They (Thamud) were their neighbors and they did not live far from the homes of the people of Madyan. They were similar in their disbelief and their highway robbery. They were also both Arabs