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Al-Qur'an Surah Hud Verse 81

Hud [11]: 81 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

قَالُوْا يٰلُوْطُ اِنَّا رُسُلُ رَبِّكَ لَنْ يَّصِلُوْٓا اِلَيْكَ فَاَسْرِ بِاَهْلِكَ بِقِطْعٍ مِّنَ الَّيْلِ وَلَا يَلْتَفِتْ مِنْكُمْ اَحَدٌ اِلَّا امْرَاَتَكَۗ اِنَّهٗ مُصِيْبُهَا مَآ اَصَابَهُمْ ۗاِنَّ مَوْعِدَهُمُ الصُّبْحُ ۗ اَلَيْسَ الصُّبْحُ بِقَرِيْبٍ (هود : ١١)

They said
"O Lut!
Indeed, we
(are) messengers
(of) your Lord
they will reach
So travel
with your family
in a part
the night
and (let) not
look back
anyone of you
anyone of you
your wife
Indeed, it
will strike her
will strike them
their appointed time
(is) morning
Is not
the morning


Qaaloo yaa Lootu innaa Rusulu Rabbika lai yasiloo ilaika fa asri bi ahlika biqit 'im minal laili wa laa yaltafit minkum ahadun illam ra ataka innahoo museebuhaa maaa asaabahum; inna maw'i dahumus subh; alaisas subhu biqareeb (QS. Hūd:81)

English / Sahih Translation:

They [the angels] said, "O Lot, indeed we are messengers of your Lord; [therefore], they will never reach you. So set out with your family during a portion of the night and let not any among you look back – except your wife; indeed, she will be struck by that which strikes them. Indeed, their appointment is [for] the morning. Is not the morning near?" (QS. Hud, ayah 81)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

They (the angels) said, “O LūT, we are emissaries of your Lord. They shall never reach you. So, move with your family in a part of night, and none of you shall turn to look back; except your woman. There has to befall her whatever will befall them. Their deadline is the morning. Is it not that the morning is near?”

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

The angels said, “O Lot! We are the messengers of your Lord. They will never reach you. So travel with your family in the dark of night, and do not let any of you look back, except your wife. She will certainly suffer the fate of the others.[[ Lot’s wife disbelieved in his message. It is believed that she is the one who informed the people of Lot’s handsome guests. ]] Their appointed time is the morning. Is the morning not near?”

Ruwwad Translation Center

[The angels said], “O Lot, we are messengers of your Lord; they can never reach you. So set out with your family in the dark part of night, and none of you should look back, except your wife; she will suffer the same fate as the others. Their appointed time is the morning; is not the morning near?”

A. J. Arberry

They said, 'Lot, we are messengers of thy Lord. They shall not reach thee; so set forth, thou with thy family, in a watch of the night, and let not any one of you turn round, excepting thy wife; surely she shall be smitten by that which smites them. Their promised time is the morning; is the morning not nigh?'

Abdul Haleem

They [the messengers] said, ‘Lot, we are your Lord’s messengers. They will not reach you. Leave with your household in the dead of night, and let none of you turn back. Only your wife will suffer the fate that befalls the others. Their appointed time is the morning: is the morning not near?’

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

They said: O Lut! verily we are messengers of thy Lord; they shall by no means reach thee: go forth thou With thy household in a part of the night, and let none of you look back, save thy wife; verily that which befalleth them shall befall her; verily their appointment is for the morning; is not morning nigh?

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

(The Messengers) said; "O Lut! We are Messengers from thy Lord! By no means shall they reach thee! now travel with thy family while yet a part of the night remains, and let not any of you look back; but thy wife (will remain behind); To her will happen what happens to the people. Morning is their time appointed; Is not the morning nigh?"

Abul Ala Maududi

Thereupon the angels said: 'O Lot! We indeed are messengers of your Lord. And your people will in no way be able to hurt you. So depart with your family in a part of the night and let no one of you turn around excepting your wife (who shall not go); for what will befall them shall also befall her. In the morning their promised hour will come. Is not the morning near?'

Ahmed Ali

(The angels) said: "O Lot, we have verily been sent by your Lord. They will never be able to harm you. So, leave late at night with your family, and none of you should turn back to look; but your wife will suffer (the fate) they are going to suffer. Their hour of doom is in the morning: Is not the morning nigh?"

Ahmed Raza Khan

The angels said, “O Lut! We are the sent ones of your Lord – they cannot get to you, therefore during the night take your entire household with you – and not one of you may turn around and see – except your wife*; she too will be afflicted with the same as they will be; indeed their promise is at morn; is not the morning imminent?” (* She was a disbeliever and sided with the culprits.)

Ali Quli Qarai

They said, ‘O Lot, we are messengers of your Lord. They will never get at you. Set out with your family in a watch of the night; and none of you shall turn round, except your wife; indeed she will be struck by what strikes them. Indeed their tryst is the dawn. Is not the dawn [already] near?’

Ali Ünal

They (the envoys) said: "O Lot! We are envoys of your Lord. They will not reach you. So, set out with your family in a part of the night, and let no one among you turn round – all save your wife, for that which is to befall them will befall her as well. Their appointed time is the morning. Is the morning not near?"

Amatul Rahman Omar

(The messengers) said, `Lot! we are messengers of your Lord. They shall not at all reach you, so set forth (from here) with your family in the latter part of the night and let not anyone of you look about, but your wife (will not obey). Surely, she shall be smitten by that calamity which is going to smite the rest of them; the appointed time of theirs is the morning. Is not the morning nigh?´

English Literal

They said: "You Lot that we (are) your Lord`s messengers, they will never/not reach to you, so move/travel with your family/relation/people with parts/portions from the night, and no one of you turns around except your woman (wife), that it what struck/hit/marked them is striking/hitting/marking her, that their appointment (is) the morning/day break, is not the morning/daybreak with near/close?"

Faridul Haque

The angels said, "O Lut! We are the sent ones of your Lord - they cannot get to you, therefore during the night take your entire household with you - and not one of you may turn around and see - except your wife *; she too will be afflicted with the same as they will be; indeed their promise is at morn; is not the morning imminent?" (* She was a disbeliever and sided with the culprits.)

Hamid S. Aziz

He said, "Would that I had strength to resist you or could betake myself of some powerful support!"

Hilali & Khan

They (Messengers) said: "O Lout (Lot)! Verily, we are the Messengers from your Lord! They shall not reach you! So travel with your family in a part of the night, and let not any of you look back, but your wife (will remain behind), verily, the punishment which will afflict them, will afflict her. Indeed, morning is their appointed time. Is not the morning near?"

Maulana Mohammad Ali

He said: Would that I had the power to repel you! -- rather I shall have recourse to a strong support.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

They said: O Lut! we are the apostles of your Lord; they shall by no means reach you; so remove your followers in a part of the night-- and let none of you turn back-- except your wife, for surely whatsoever befalls them shall befall her; surely their appointed time is the morning; is not the morning nigh?

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

(The messengers) said: O Lot! Lo! we are messengers of thy Lord; they shall not reach thee. So travel with thy people in a part of the night, and let not one of you turn round - (all) save thy wife. Lo! that which smiteth them will smite her (also). Lo! their tryst is (for) the morning. Is not the morning nigh?

Muhammad Sarwar

Our Messengers said, "Lot, we are the Messengers of your Lord. They will never harm you. Leave the town with your family in the darkness of night and do not let any of you turn back. As for your wife, she will suffer what they (unbelievers) will suffer. Their appointed time will come at dawn. Surely dawn is not far away!

Qaribullah & Darwish

They (the angels) said: 'Lot, we are the Messengers of your Lord, they shall not touch you. Depart with your family in the watch of the night and let none of you turn round, except your wife. She shall be struck by that which strikes them. Their appointed time is the morning. Is it not that the morning is near'

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

They (messengers) said: "O Lut! Verily, we are the messengers from your Lord! They shall not reach you! So travel with your family in a part of the night, and let not any of you look back; but your wife (will remain behind), verily, the punishment which will afflict them, will afflict her. Indeed, morning is their appointed time. Is not the morning near"

Wahiduddin Khan

They said, "Lot, we are your Lord's messengers. By no means shall they reach you! So depart with your family while it is yet night and let none of you look back. But your wife will suffer the fate that befalls the others. Their appointed time is the morning: is the morning not near?"

Talal Itani

They said, “O Lot, we are the envoys of your Lord; they will not reach you. So set out with your family during the cover of the night, and let none of you look back, except for your wife. She will be struck by what will strike them. Their appointed time is the morning. Is not the morning near?”

Tafsir jalalayn

they said, `O Lot, truly we are messengers of your Lord. They shall not reach you, with any harm, so travel with your family during a part of the night, and let not one of you turn round, lest they see the terrible predicament that will befall them, except for your wife; (read ill imra'atuka, in the nominative, as a substitute for ahadun; a variant reading has ill imra'ataka, in the accusative, as [her being] an exception among [his] `family', in other words, do no take her along when you travel) lo! she shall be smitten by that which smites them; it is said that he did not take her along with him; it is also said that she did set out [with them] and turned round, and so exclaimed, `Woe is my people!', at which point a stone struck her and killed her. When he [Lot] asked them about the time of their destruction, they replied; Truly their tryst is [for] the morning, and when he said, `I want it to be sooner', they said; is the morning not nigh [enough]?'

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

قَالُواْ يَا لُوطُ إِنَّا رُسُلُ رَبِّكَ لَن يَصِلُواْ إِلَيْكَ

They (messengers said);"O Lut! Verily, we are the messengers from your Lord! They shall not reach you!

فَأَسْرِ بِأَهْلِكَ بِقِطْعٍ مِّنَ اللَّيْلِ

So travel with your family in a part of the night,

They commanded him to travel with his family during the last part of night and that he should follow them from behind. In this way it would be as though he were driving his family (as a cattle herder).

وَلَا يَلْتَفِتْ مِنكُمْ أَحَدٌ

and let not any of you look back;

This means, "If you hear the sound of what (torment) befalls them (the people of the village), do not rush towards that disturbing noise. Rather, continue leaving."

إِلاَّ امْرَأَتَكَ

but your wife,

Most of the scholars said that;

this means that she would not travel at night and she did not go with Lut. Rather, she stayed in her house and was destroyed.

Others said that;

it means that she looked back (during the travel).

This later group says that;

she left with them and when she heard the inevitable destruction, she turned and looked back. When she looked she said, "O my people!" Thus, a stone came down from the sky and killed her.

Then they (the angels) brought close to him the destruction of his people as good news for him, because he said to them, "Destroy them in this very hour."

إِنَّهُ مُصِيبُهَا مَا أَصَابَهُمْ

verily, the punishment which will afflict them, will afflict her.

They replied,

إِنَّ مَوْعِدَهُمُ الصُّبْحُ

أَلَيْسَ الصُّبْحُ بِقَرِيبٍ

Indeed, morning is their appointed time. Is not the morning near!

They were saying this while Luts people were standing at his door. They tried to rush his door from all sides and Lut was standing at the door repelling them, deterring them and trying to prevent them from what they were doing. Yet, they would not listen to him. Instead, they threatened him and sought to intimidate him. At this point, Jibril came out to them and struck them in their faces with his wing. This blow blinded their eyes and they retreated, unable to see their way.

This is as Allah said,

وَلَقَدْ رَاوَدُوهُ عَن ضَيْفِهِ فَطَمَسْنَأ أَعْيُنَهُمْ فَذُوقُواْ عَذَابِى وَنُذُرِ

And they indeed sought to shame his guest (asking to commit sodomy with them). So We blinded their eyes (saying), "Then taste you My torment and My warnings." (54;37