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Al-Qur'an Surah Hud Verse 74

Hud [11]: 74 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

فَلَمَّا ذَهَبَ عَنْ اِبْرٰهِيْمَ الرَّوْعُ وَجَاۤءَتْهُ الْبُشْرٰى يُجَادِلُنَا فِيْ قَوْمِ لُوْطٍ (هود : ١١)

And when
(had) gone away
the fright
and had reached him
the glad tidings
he argued with Us
the people
of Lut


Falammaa zahaba an Ibraaheemar raw'u wa jaaa'at hul bushraaa yujaadilunaa fee qawmi Loot (QS. Hūd:74)

English / Sahih Translation:

And when the fright had left Abraham and the good tidings had reached him, he began to argue [i.e., plead] with Us concerning the people of Lot. (QS. Hud, ayah 74)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

So, when fear left Ibrāhīm and the happy news came to him, he started disputing with Us for the people of LūT.

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Then after the fear had left Abraham, and the good news had reached him, he began to plead with Us for the people of Lot.

Ruwwad Translation Center

When shock of fear left Abraham and the glad tidings [of Isaac’s birth] came to him, he started pleading with Us concerning the people of Lot.

A. J. Arberry

So, when the awe departed from Abraham and the good tidings came to him, he was disputing with Us concerning the people of Lot;

Abdul Haleem

Then, when the fear left Abraham and the good news came to him, he pleaded with Us for Lot’s people,

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

Then when the alarm had departed from Ibrahim and the glad tidings had come home unto him, he took to disputing with us for the people of Lut

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

When fear had passed from (the mind of) Abraham and the glad tidings had reached him, he began to plead with us for Lut's people.

Abul Ala Maududi

Thus when fear had left Abraham and the good news had been conveyed to him, he began to dispute with Us concerning the people of Lot.

Ahmed Ali

When Abraham's fear was dispelled, and the good news had come to him, he pleaded for the people of Lot with Us.

Ahmed Raza Khan

And when Ibrahim’s fear abated and the glad tidings reached him, he argued with Us regarding the people of Lut.

Ali Quli Qarai

So when the awe had left Abraham and the good news had reached him, he pleaded with Us concerning the people of Lot.

Ali Ünal

So when the apprehension left Abraham and the glad tiding was conveyed to him, he began to argue with Our envoys to plead with Us on behalf of the people of Lot.

Amatul Rahman Omar

And when awe departed from Abraham and the good tidings came to him, he started pleading with Us for the people of Lot.

English Literal

So when the fear/fright went away from Abraham, and the good news came to him, (he) argues/disputes with Us in150Lot`s nation.

Faridul Haque

And when Ibrahim’s fear abated and the glad tidings reached him, he argued with Us regarding the people of Lut.

Hamid S. Aziz

They said, "Do you wonder at the commandment of Allah? The Mercy of Allah and His blessings upon you, O you people of the house! Verily, He is worthy of all Praise, worthy of all Glory."

Hilali & Khan

Then when the fear had gone away from (the mind of) Ibrahim (Abraham), and the glad tidings had reached him, he began to plead with Us (Our Messengers) for the people of Lout (Lot).

Maulana Mohammad Ali

They said: Wonderest thou at Allah’s commandment? The mercy of Allah and His blessings on you, O people of the house! Surely He is Praised, Glorious.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

So when fear had gone away from Ibrahim and good news came to him, he began to plead with Us for Lut's people.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

And when the awe departed from Abraham, and the glad news reached him, he pleaded with Us on behalf of the folk of Lot.

Muhammad Sarwar

When Abraham had controlled his fear and received the glad news, he started to plead with Us for the people of Lot;

Qaribullah & Darwish

And when the wonderment departed from Abraham and the glad tidings reached him, he pleaded with Us for the nation of Lot;

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

Then when the fear had gone away from (the mind of) Ibrahim, and the glad tidings had reached him, he began to plead with Us (Our messengers) for the people of Lut.

Wahiduddin Khan

When the fear had left Abraham, and the glad tidings had been conveyed to him, he began to plead with Us for Lot's people,

Talal Itani

When Abraham's fear subsided, and the good news had reached him, he started pleading with Us concerning the people of Lot.

Tafsir jalalayn

And when the awe, the fear, departed from Abraham and the good tiding came to him, of a child, he began to plead with Us, pleading with Our messengers, concerning the, matter of the, people of Lot.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

The Dispute of Ibrahim over the People of Lut

Allah tells;

فَلَمَّا ذَهَبَ عَنْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ الرَّوْعُ وَجَاءتْهُ الْبُشْرَى يُجَادِلُنَا فِي قَوْمِ لُوطٍ

11;74 Then when the fear had gone away from (the mind of) Ibrahim, and the glad tidings had reached him, he began to plead with Us (Our messengers) for the people of Lut.

Allah, the Exalted, informs of what happened after the fright of Ibrahim left him and he felt no more fear of the angels when they refused to eat. After this, they gave him the glad tidings of the birth of a son and the destruction of the people of Lut. When they told him of this, he spoke to them as Sa`id bin Jubayr narrated concerning this verse.

Sa`id said;

When Jibril and the other angels who were with him came to Ibrahim, they said,

إِنَّا مُهْلِكُو أَهْلِ هَـذِهِ الْقَرْيَةِ

Verily, we are going to destroy the people of this town. (29;31)

Ibrahim said to them, "Will you destroy a town that has three hundred believers in it?"

They said, "No."

He then said, "Will you destroy a town that has two hundred believers in it?"

They said, "No."

He said, "Will you destroy a town that has forty believers in it?"

They said, "No."

He then said, "Thirty!"

They still replied, "No."

This continued until he said, "Five."

They said, "No."

Then he said, "What do you think if there is one Muslim man in the town, would you destroy it?"

They said, "No."

With this, Ibrahim said,

إِنَّ فِيهَا لُوطاً قَالُواْ نَحْنُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَن فِيهَا لَنُنَجِّيَنَّهُ وَأَهْلَهُ إِلاَّ امْرَأَتَهُ

But there is Lut in it. They said;"We know better who is there. We will verily, save him and his family except his wife." (29;32)

Therefore, Ibrahim remained silent and his soul was at rest.

Concerning Allah's statement,

إِنَّ إِبْرَاهِيمَ لَحَلِيمٌ أَوَّاهٌ مُّنِيبٌ