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Al-Qur'an Surah Hud Verse 42

Hud [11]: 42 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

وَهِيَ تَجْرِيْ بِهِمْ فِيْ مَوْجٍ كَالْجِبَالِۗ وَنَادٰى نُوْحُ ِۨابْنَهٗ وَكَانَ فِيْ مَعْزِلٍ يّٰبُنَيَّ ارْكَبْ مَّعَنَا وَلَا تَكُنْ مَّعَ الْكٰفِرِيْنَ (هود : ١١)

And it
with them
the waves
like mountains
and Nuh called out
and Nuh called out
(to) his son
and he was
"O my son!
with us
and (do) not
the disbelievers"


Wa hiya tajree bihim fee mawjin kaljibaali wa naadaa Noohunib nahoo wa kaana fee ma'ziliny yaa bunai yarkam ma'anaa wa laa takum ma'al kaafireen (QS. Hūd:42)

English / Sahih Translation:

And it sailed with them through waves like mountains, and Noah called to his son who was apart [from them], "O my son, come aboard with us and be not with the disbelievers." (QS. Hud, ayah 42)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

And it was sailing with them amidst the waves like mountains. And NūH called out to his son, who was at an isolated place, “O my child, come on board with us, and do not be in the company of the disbelievers.”

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And ˹so˺ the Ark sailed with them through waves like mountains. Noah called out to his son, who stood apart, “O my dear son! Come aboard with us and do not be with the disbelievers.”

Ruwwad Translation Center

As it sailed with them through waves like mountains, Noah called out to his son, who had kept himself apart, “O my son, come aboard with us, and do not be with the disbelievers.”

A. J. Arberry

So it ran with them amid waves like mountains; and Noah called to his son, who was standing apart, 'Embark with us, my son, and be thou not with the unbelievers!'

Abdul Haleem

It sailed with them on waves like mountains, and Noah called out to his son, who stayed behind, ‘Come aboard with us, my son, do not stay with the disbelievers.’

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

And it moved on with them amidst waves like mountains. And Nuh called out his son, and he was apart: O my son! embark with us, and be not with the infidels.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

So the Ark floated with them on the waves (towering) like mountains, and Noah called out to his son, who had separated himself (from the rest); "O my son! embark with us, and be not with the unbelievers!"

Abul Ala Maududi

The Ark sailed along with them amid mountain-like waves. Noah, spotting his son at a distance, called out to him: 'My son. embark with us. and do not be with the unbelievers.'

Ahmed Ali

It sailed on waves like mountains (high), and Noah called to his son who was separated from him: "Embark with us, O my son, and be not one of those who do not believe."

Ahmed Raza Khan

And the same carries them amid waves like mountains; and Nooh called out to his son whereas he was standing apart, “O my son! Embark along with us*, and do not be with the disbelievers.” (* As a Muslim.)

Ali Quli Qarai

And it sailed along with them amid waves [rising] like mountains. Noah called out to his son, who stood aloof, ‘O my son! ‘Board with us, and do not be with the faithless!’

Ali Ünal

So the Ark floated with them amid waves like mountains, and Noah cried out to a son of his who was standing apart: "Embark with us, my son, and do not be with the unbelievers!"

Amatul Rahman Omar

Now this (Ark) moved carrying them amidst waves as (high as) mountains. And Noah called out to his son who was (standing) aloof, `My dear son, embark with us and do not be with the disbelievers.´

English Literal

And it flows/orbits with them in waves/surges as the mountains and Noah called/cried (to) his son, and (while his son) he was in a separation/isolation : "You my son, ride/embark/board with us, and do not be with the disbelievers."

Faridul Haque

And the same carries them amid waves like mountains; and Nooh called out to his son whereas he was standing apart, "O my son! Embark along with us *, and do not be with the disbelievers." (* As a Muslim.)

Hamid S. Aziz

And he said, "Ride you therein. In the name of Allah is its course, and its mooring. Verily, my Lord is Forgiving and Merciful."

Hilali & Khan

So it (the ship) sailed with them amidst the waves like mountains, and Nuh (Noah) called out to his son, who had separated himself (apart), "O my son! Embark with us and be not with the disbelievers."

Maulana Mohammad Ali

And he said: Embark in it, in the name of Allah be its sailing and its anchoring. Surely my Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And it moved on with them amid waves like mountains; and Nuh called out to his son, and he was aloof: O my son! embark with us and be not with the unbelievers.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

And it sailed with them amid waves like mountains, and Noah cried unto his son - and he was standing aloof - O my son! Come ride with us, and be not with the disbelievers.

Muhammad Sarwar

When the Ark sailed on with them amid the mountainous waves, Noah called out to his son who kept away from them, "My son, embark with us. Do not stay with the unbelievers."

Qaribullah & Darwish

And so it (the Ark) ran with them amidst the mountainous waves, and Noah cried out to his son, who was standing apart, 'Embark with us, my son, do not be with the unbelievers'

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

So it (the ship) sailed with them amidst waves like mountains, and Nuh called out to his son, who had separated himself (apart): "O my son! Embark with us and be not with the disbelievers."

Wahiduddin Khan

The Ark sailed along with them through mountainous waves. Noah called out to his son who stood apart, "O my son! Embark with us and do not be among the deniers!"

Talal Itani

And so it sailed with them amidst waves like hills. And Noah called to his son, who had kept away, “On my son! Embark with us, and do not be with the disbelievers.”

Tafsir jalalayn

And it sailed with them amid waves like mountains, in terms of their height and size, and Noah called out to his son, Canaan, who was standing away, from the ship, `O my son, embark with us and do not be with the disbelievers!'

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

وَهِيَ تَجْرِي بِهِمْ فِي مَوْجٍ كَالْجِبَالِ

So it sailed with them amidst waves like mountains,

This means that the ship sailed with them upon the surface of the water, which had completely covered the earth until it encompassed the tops of the mountains and even rose over them by a height of fifteen cubits.

It was also said that the waves rose over the mountains by a height of eighty miles. Yet, this ship continued to move upon the water, sailing by the permission of Allah. It moved under His shade, His help, His protection and His blessing.

This is as Allah, the Exalted, said,

إِنَّا لَمَّا طَغَا الْمَأءُ حَمَلْنَـكُمْ فِى الْجَارِيَةِ

لِنَجْعَلَهَا لَكُمْ تَذْكِرَةً وَتَعِيَهَأ أُذُنٌ وَعِيَةٌ

Verily, when the water rose beyond its limits, We carried you in the ship. That We might make it an admonition for you and it might be retained by the retaining ears. (69;11-12)

Allah also said,

وَحَمَلْنَاهُ عَلَى ذَاتِ أَلْوَحٍ وَدُسُرٍ

تَجْرِى بِأَعْيُنِنَا جَزَاءً لِّمَن كَانَ كُفِرَ

وَلَقَدْ تَّرَكْنَـهَا ءايَةً فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ

And We carried him on a (ship) made of planks and nails, floating under Our Eyes;a reward for him who had been rejected! And indeed, We have left this as a sign. Then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)! (54;13-15)
The Story of the drowning of Nuh's Disbelieving Son

Allah continues the story, saying,

وَنَادَى نُوحٌ ابْنَهُ

and Nuh called out to his son,

This was the fourth son of Nuh. His name was Yam and he was a disbeliever. His father, Nuh, called him at the time of boarding the ship, that he might believe and embark with them. If he did so, he would be saved from drowning like the other disbelievers.

وَكَانَ فِي مَعْزِلٍ

يَا بُنَيَّ ارْكَب مَّعَنَا وَلَا تَكُن مَّعَ الْكَافِرِينَ

who had separated himself (apart);"O my son! Embark with us and be not with the disbelievers."