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Al-Qur'an Surah Yunus Verse 88

Yunus [10]: 88 ~ English Qur'an Word By Word and Multi Tafseer

وَقَالَ مُوْسٰى رَبَّنَآ اِنَّكَ اٰتَيْتَ فِرْعَوْنَ وَمَلَاَهٗ زِيْنَةً وَّاَمْوَالًا فِى الْحَيٰوةِ الدُّنْيَاۗ رَبَّنَا لِيُضِلُّوْا عَنْ سَبِيْلِكَ ۚرَبَّنَا اطْمِسْ عَلٰٓى اَمْوَالِهِمْ وَاشْدُدْ عَلٰى قُلُوْبِهِمْ فَلَا يُؤْمِنُوْا حَتّٰى يَرَوُا الْعَذَابَ الْاَلِيْمَ (يونس : ١٠)

And Musa said
And Musa said
"Our Lord!
Indeed, You
have given
and his chiefs
and wealth
the life
(of) the world
Our Lord!
That they may lead astray
Your way
Our Lord!
their wealth
and harden
their hearts
so (that) not
they believe
they see
the punishment
the painful"


Wa qaala Mosaa Rabbanaaa innaka aataita Fir'awna wa mala ahoo zeenatanw wa amwaalan fil hayaatid dunyaa Rabbanaa liyudillo 'ansabeelika Rabbanat mis 'alaaa amwaalihim washdud 'alaa quloobihim falaa yu'minoo hatta yarawul 'azaabal aleem (QS. al-Yūnus:88)

English / Sahih Translation:

And Moses said, "Our Lord, indeed You have given Pharaoh and his establishment splendor and wealth in the worldly life, our Lord, that they may lead [men] astray from Your way. Our Lord, obliterate their wealth and harden their hearts so that they will not believe until they see the painful punishment." (QS. Yunus, ayah 88)

Mufti Taqi Usmani

Mūsā said, “Our Lord, You have given Pharaoh and his group glamour and riches in the worldly life, so that, our Lord, they mislead (people) from Your path. Our Lord, obliterate their riches and harden their hearts, so that they may not come to believe until they witness the painful punishment.”

Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Moses prayed, “Our Lord! You have granted Pharaoh and his chiefs luxuries and riches in this worldly life, ˹which they abused˺ to lead people astray from Your Way! Our Lord, destroy their riches and harden their hearts so that they will not believe until they see the painful punishment.”

Ruwwad Translation Center

Moses said, “Our Lord, You have given Pharaoh and his chiefs splendor and wealth in the life of this world. Our Lord, they may lead people astray from Your way. Our Lord, destroy their wealth and harden their hearts, so that they will not believe until they see the painful punishment.”

A. J. Arberry

Moses said, 'Our Lord, Thou hast given to Pharaoh and his Council adornment and possessions in this present life. Our Lord, let them go astray from Thy way; Our Lord, obliterate their possessions, and harden their hearts so that they do not believe, till they see the painful chastisement.'

Abdul Haleem

And Moses said, ‘Our Lord, You have given Pharaoh and his chiefs splendour and wealth in this present life and here they are, Lord, leading others astray from Your path. Our Lord, obliterate their wealth and harden their hearts so that they do not believe until they see the agonizing torment.’

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

And Musa said: our Lord! verily Thou! Thou hast vouchsafed unto Fir'awn and his chiefs adornment and riches in the life of the world, Our Lord, that they may lead men astray from Thine way. Our Lord! wipe out their riches, and harden their hearts, so that they may not believe until they behold the torment afflictive.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali

Moses prayed; "Our Lord! Thou hast indeed bestowed on Pharaoh and his chiefs splendour and wealth in the life of the present, and so, Our Lord, they mislead (men) from Thy Path. Deface, our Lord, the features of their wealth, and send hardness to their hearts, so they will not believe until they see the grievous penalty."

Abul Ala Maududi

Moses prayed: 'Our Lord! You bestowed upon Pharaoh and his nobles splendour and riches in the world. Our Lord! Have You done this that they may lead people astray from Your path? Our Lord! Obliterate their riches and harden their hearts that they may not believe until they observe the painful chastisement.

Ahmed Ali

And Moses said: "O Lord, have You bestowed on the Pharaoh and his nobles pomp and plenty in the life of this world that they might mislead people from Your path? Destroy their possessions, O Lord, and harden their hearts that they may not believe until they face the painful punishment."

Ahmed Raza Khan

And Moosa prayed, “Our Lord! You have given Firaun and his chiefs adornment and wealth in the life of this world, our Lord, that they may lead astray from Your path; our Lord! Destroy their riches and harden their hearts so that they may not accept faith until they witness the painful punishment.”

Ali Quli Qarai

Moses said, ‘Our Lord! You have given Pharaoh and his elite glamour and wealth in the life of this world, our Lord, that they may lead [people] astray from Your way! Our Lord! Blot out their wealth and harden their hearts so that they do not believe until they sight the painful punishment.’

Ali Ünal

Moses prayed to God: "Our Lord! Surely You have granted the Pharaoh and his chiefs splendor and riches in the life of this world, and so, our Lord, they lead people astray from Your way. Our Lord! Destroy their riches, and press upon their hearts, for they do not believe until they see the painful punishment."

Amatul Rahman Omar

And Moses said (praying and Aaron joined him in prayer), `Our Lord! You have given Pharaoh and his chiefs pomp and wealth in the present life with the result, Our Lord! that they lead people astray from Your path. Our Lord! destroy their wealth and attack their hearts, so that they believe not until they see the grievous punishment.´

English Literal

And Moses said: "Our Lord, that You, You gave/brought Pharaoh and his nobles/assembly decoration/beauty/ornament and properties/possessions/wealth in the present world/worldly life, our Lord, to misguide (E) from Your way/path , our Lord wipe out/destroy on their properties/possessions/wealths and stamp/hit on their hearts/minds so they do not believe until they see the torture the painful."

Faridul Haque

And Moosa prayed, "Our Lord! You have given Firaun and his chiefs adornment and wealth in the life of this world, our Lord, that they may lead astray from Your path; our Lord! Destroy their riches and harden their hearts so that they may not accept faith until they witness the painful punishment."

Hamid S. Aziz

And We inspired Moses and his brother thus, "Establish, you twain, houses for your people in Egypt; and make you your houses a qiblah (the centre of worship); and be you steadfast in prayer, and give Glad Tidings to those who believe."

Hilali & Khan

And Musa (Moses) said: "Our Lord! You have indeed bestowed on Fir'aun (Pharaoh) and his chiefs splendour and wealth in the life of this world, our Lord! That they may lead men astray from Your Path. Our Lord! Destroy their wealth, and harden their hearts, so that they will not believe until they see the painful torment."

Maulana Mohammad Ali

And We revealed to Moses and His brother: Take for your people houses to abide in Egypt and make your houses places of worship and keep up prayer. And give good news to the believers.

Mohammad Habib Shakir

And Musa said: Our Lord! surely Thou hast given to Firon and his chiefs finery and riches in this world's life, to this end, our Lord, that they lead (people) astray from Thy way: Our Lord! destroy their riches and harden their hearts so that they believe not until they see the painful punishment.

Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall

And Moses said: Our Lord! Lo! Thou hast given Pharaoh and his chiefs splendour and riches in the life of the world, Our Lord! that they may lead men astray from Thy way. Our Lord! Destroy their riches and harden their hearts so that they believe not till they see the painful doom.

Muhammad Sarwar

Moses said, "Lord, You have given the Pharaoh and his people great riches and splendor in this life and this makes them stray from Your path. Lord, destroy their wealth and harden their hearts in disbelief so that they will suffer the most painful torment".

Qaribullah & Darwish

'Our Lord' supplicated Moses. 'You have given Pharaoh and his Council adornments and possessions in this life. Our Lord, let them go astray from YourPath. Our Lord, destroy their possessions and harden their hearts so that they shall not believe until they see the painful punishment.

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

And Musa said: "Our Lord! You have indeed bestowed on Fir`awn and his chiefs splendor and wealth in the life of this world, our Lord! That they may lead men astray from Your path. Our Lord! Destroy their wealth, and harden their hearts, so that they will not believe until they see the painful torment."

Wahiduddin Khan

Moses prayed, "Our Lord, You have bestowed upon Pharaoh and his nobles pomp and wealth in the present life, whereby they lead people astray from Your path. Our Lord, destroy their riches and harden their hearts, so that they shall not believe until they are faced with grievous punishment."

Talal Itani

Moses said, “Our Lord, you have given Pharaoh and his chiefs splendor and wealth in the worldly life. Our Lord, for them to lead away from Your path. Our Lord, obliterate their wealth, and harden their hearts, they will not believe until they see the painful torment.”

Tafsir jalalayn

And Moses said, `Our Lord, You have indeed given Pharaoh and his council splendour and riches in the life of this world. Our Lord, You have given them this, that they may lead [people] astray, as a consequence thereof, from Your way, [from] Your religion. Our Lord, obliterate, transform, their riches and harden their hearts, stamp upon them and shackle [them], so that they do not believe until they see the painful chastisement'; he [Moses] invoked God against them and Aaron said `Amen' at the end of his invocation.

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

Musa supplicated against Fir`awn and His Chiefs

Allah mentioned what Musa said when he prayed against Fir`awn and his chiefs after they refused to accept the truth. They continued to go astray and be haughty and arrogant.

وَقَالَ مُوسَى رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ اتَيْتَ فِرْعَوْنَ وَمَلهُ زِينَةً

And Musa said;"Our Lord! You have indeed bestowed on Fir`awn and his chiefs splendor (and pleasure of this worldly life).


and wealth, (plentiful and abundant).

Allah's statement,

فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا رَبَّنَا لِيُضِلُّواْ عَن سَبِيلِكَ

in the life of this world, Our Lord! That they may lead men astray from Your path.

was read with the word "Liyadillu" and "Liyudillu."

The first is with a Fathah over the Ya, meaning that;

"You have given them that while You know they would not believe in what You have sent me with to them. You did that so they would gradually be drawn away from the truth."

As Allah said;

لِنَفْتِنَهُمْ فِيهِ

that We may test them thereby. (20;131) and (72;17)

Others read the word with a Dammah over the Ya. (i.e. Liyudillu) This makes the Ayah mean;

"You have given them that so whoever You willed from among Your creatures will be tried. Those whom You wish to misguide would think that You have given them that because You loved them and You cared about them."

رَبَّنَا اطْمِسْ عَلَى أَمْوَالِهِمْ

"Our Lord! Destroy their wealth,"

Ibn Abbas and Mujahid said;

"They asked Allah to destroy their wealth."

Ad-Dahhak, Abu Al-Aliyah and Ar-Rabi`a bin Anas said;

"Allah made their wealth into engraved stones as it was before."

About Allah's statement,

وَاشْدُدْ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ

and harden their hearts.

Ibn Abbas said,

"Harden their hearts means put a seal on them."

فَلَ يُوْمِنُواْ حَتَّى يَرَوُاْ الْعَذَابَ الَالِيمَ

so that they will not believe until they see the painful torment.

This prayer was from Musa because he was angry for the sake of Allah and His religion. He prayed against Fir`awn and his chiefs when he was certain that there was no good in them.

Similarly, Nuh prayed and said;

وَقَالَ نُوحٌ رَّبِّ لَا تَذَرْ عَلَى الاٌّرْضِ مِنَ الْكَـفِرِينَ دَيَّاراً

إِنَّكَ إِن تَذَرْهُمْ يُضِلُّواْ عِبَادَكَ وَلَا يَلِدُواْ إِلاَّ فَاجِراً كَفَّاراً

My Lord! Leave not one of the disbelievers on the earth! If You leave them, they will mislead Your servants, and they will beget none but wicked disbelievers. (71;26-27)

Harun said "Amin" to his brother's prayer.

And Allah answered Musa's prayer